Home Garrettsville G-H Rotary News

G-H Rotary News


The February 26, 2024 meeting of the Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary saw the induction of new member Renee Walker by District 630 Governor Julie Brandle. The new member and all in attendance were charged with upholding Rotary goals and values as well as seeking to invite new members and connect with the district as a whole. New ideas on fund-raising and promotion were also presented and discussed (“Rotary meets here” signs, for instance).

Other business included new bids for work on the TCMRT (Tom Collins Memorial Rotary Trail); the district governor, owner of a construction business, will do some checking on comparisons for the project. The Road Apple Roubaix is coming up on Saturday; Rotary contributions include the bike wash–with help from InterAct students–local information and promotion materials, and access to restrooms. It is a great event to showcase the area. That same evening, the TCMRT fund-raiser bowling event at SkyLanes is set to go, with additional baskets still being sought. A design for new Rotary pins is being contemplated…still thinking about that one.. The meeting concluded with the D.G. defining her focus for the year as : Women & Girls Empowerment, Mental Health–worldwide, and Environment. It’s all good.


Anton Albert Photography