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Letters to the Editor


Thank you from the Garrettsville People Tree

Your 2023 donations provided toys and food for 195 Families 

We would like to THANK everyone in our amazing community for coming together to help provide over 275 children something to open Christmas morning.  We had so much help to make this season so successful. 

 A BIG THANK YOU TO IGA and Save  A Lot for allowing our bell ringers and collection trees at their stores.  IGA orders and stores all of our food and supplies. IGA also collects money at the register all year and splits the money between People Tree and the NGCC food pantry.  Deluxe Cleaners  cleaned 169 coats for us to give away.  Slim & Jumbo’s houses our Friends of the People Tree Night Out,  Monroe Farms donated 200 half pecks of delicious apples.  Huntington Bank, The Garrettsville Eagles, NAPA, YMCA, Bonner Farms & Meats, Snap Fitness, JC Electric/Vivid Boutique  and Middlefield Bank allowed us to put our toy collection barrels at their facilities.  The Villager places our articles in the paper.  Garfield Interact Club, Student Council and Beta Clubs provided bell ringers.  JAG Academy Class, Body Mind Fusion class provided all the muscle to unload the 2, completely full PODS donated by PODS of Streetsboro. 

Garrettsville Eagles, Daystar FORD and Bins to Bargains of Twinsburg had huge toy drives. Lisa Irwin of Homesmart Integrity Group featured us in her “Living Local w Lisa” video series. The Village Bookstore provided last minute books of interest for the kids and Charm Salon in Aurora collected items for 30 teenagers ages 15 to 17. The Energizer Company donated a large number of batteries. 

We couldn’t do this without the generosity of the Faith Evangelical Free Church, on Windham Parkman Rd.  They donate a room to house our stuff all year.  They allow us to take over their space for 3 days.  A big thank you to all of the volunteers who came on the days of sorting and distribution,

Annually, the People Tree offers medical care products, wheelchairs, canes, crutches, hospital beds, and Depends upon availability.   Each fall, People Tree works with the schools to provide necessary school supplies for students. Our big project is the Christmas food baskets and personal care products to almost 200 families from Garrettsville, Nelson and Windham.   

Our NEW 2024 People Tree Birthday program will provide a gift for eligible kids along with a birthday bundle (cake mix/frosting or brownies to bake, a pan and candles).

   Donations accepted all year! Cash, Checks and Paypal to Judy at address below. We accept paypal at garrettsvillepeopletree@gmail.com.


Anton Albert Photography