Home Aurora Cultivating Winter Beauty: Inaugural Meeting of The Plot Thickens Gardening Group at...

Cultivating Winter Beauty: Inaugural Meeting of The Plot Thickens Gardening Group at Aurora Library


The Aurora Memorial Library will host Lynn Vogel from the Portage County Soil and Water Conservation District to speak about re-imagining your ornamental landscape to have showy winter interest.

This will be the inaugural meeting of The Plot Thickens Gardening Group at Aurora Memorial Library. The group will meet one Thursday a month, with speakers from many NE Ohio organizations, covering a variety of topics. There will be seed and plant swaps, group discussions and an opportunity for hands-on gardening. Join and help us grow!

This event is intended for adults. Limited to 25 participants. Register at: https://events.portagelibrary.org/event/9442435.


Anton Albert Photography