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Legal Notices


Notice is hereby given that copies of the proposed tax budget of the Crestwood Local School District, Portage County, Ohio for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025 are on file in the office of the Treasurer of the Board of Education and open for public inspection during regular business hours, pursuant to the Ohio Revised Code. A public meeting will be held at 6:30 PM, Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at the Crestwood Board of Education.

A detailed General Purpose Financial Statement covering all revenues and expenses of the Crestwood Local School District, by fund, is prepared under the requirements of the Bureau of Inspection and Supervision of Public Offices, (Auditor of State) and is available for public inspection.  The report can be viewed at the offices of the Crestwood Board of Education, Office of the Treasurer, 10880 John Edward Dr, Mantua, Ohio.


Anton Albert Photography