Home Columns & Editorials Make Healthy Humidity a Priority

Make Healthy Humidity a Priority


Winter is quickly approaching. While many homeowners want to prepare by keeping their homes warm and comfortable, they may not think so much about humidity.  We all know how harsh winter air can be.  While you may think your indoor air is ready to keep you safe in the coming season, do you know if your humidity is properly taken care of?

 Keeping year-round balanced humidity in your home is key to both your health and your home’s health. As the season transitions to winter, our customers start to run their furnaces. As they do this, it starts to dry the house out. This is why we love the Aprilaire whole-house humidifier. The automatic control allows the homeowner to ‘set it and forget it.’ Once it’s set to the desired relative humidity, the humidifier keeps both the customer and the home healthy.

From a measurable sense, Healthy Humidity is between 40% and 60%. If your humidity is too low, you’ll be more prone to sickness, your skin will be dry, and your house’s wood flooring and furniture will be more likely to crack from drying out. On the other hand, if your home has too much humidity you might start to see bacteria grow and condensation build up on your windows.

Proper upkeep really starts at the installation. You want to make sure your furnace, air conditioner, and Indoor Air Quality products are installed correctly. After that, manufacturers recommend having your HVAC system checked annually. At DeBord’s One Hour, we offer a membership plan where we come out twice a year and maintain our customers’ furnace and air conditioning system. 

Maintenance is about inspecting the equipment to make sure it’s working correctly, performing preventative repairs and cleanings, and most importantly making sure the filters are changed. A lot of our customers upgrade to the Aprilaire 1210 Air Filter which is great because it’s low maintenance and has a longer lifespan than a 1” filter. The investment in your equipment and the air you breathe is significant, which is why it’s important to stay on top of it.

Most customers try to get 20+ years out of their equipment. Is it possible? Sometimes. However, it’s all the hidden costs they’re missing. Heating, cooling, and air quality products have come a long way in the last 10 years. By not upgrading your equipment you start to see recurring high repair bills, increase in energy consumption, and a lack of proper Indoor Air Quality.

Nowadays, when you upgrade, you are both dodging increasing repair bills and saving money on monthly energy costs. Also, there are some amazing add-on products out there to make your home more comfortable. You have everything from ultraviolet systems for bacteria and mold, humidification products, and air filtration solutions. There are a lot of great new innovations to make your home cozier.

Healthy Humidity plays a key role in overall air quality, personal wellness, and the protection of your home. Making sure your HVAC system is in good shape is the first step in maintaining a healthy indoor environment. Take it from the experts and get the facts. Are you ready to take the next step and learn more about the benefits of Healthy Humidity with Aprilaire humidifiers in your home this winter? 

Call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing at (330) 527-4259 or (440) 286-6002 to schedule your appointment.

Visit us online at debordinc.com or BenjaminFranklinPlumbingNEOhio.com to learn more and for special offers.  See our display ad for more offers! 

Ohio License # 12292


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