Home Freedom Local 4H Club Car Wash Raises Money for Portage APL

Local 4H Club Car Wash Raises Money for Portage APL

Pictured from left to right are Jayden Lee, Joshua Lee, Kendra Lee, Brooklyn Lee, Blake Pyeritz, Dasiee Cleavenger, Raena Hopper, and Liam Fenshaw.
Pictured from left to right are Jayden Lee, Joshua Lee, Kendra Lee, Brooklyn Lee, Blake Pyeritz, Dasiee Cleavenger, Raena Hopper, and Liam Fenshaw.

Over the summer, the Backyard Critters 4H Club held a car wash to raise money for the Portage APL. The club raised $553.00 and took extra donations along with them. With the help of Hand Wash and Detail Plus, who supplied the water, the club was able to give back to the community.

The club members would like to thank everyone who supported their car wash. Their donation will help the Portage APL to continue providing care and shelter for animals in need.


Anton Albert Photography