Home Schools CHS All-District Band Picnic and Dodge Drive Event

CHS All-District Band Picnic and Dodge Drive Event


Mantua – Crestwood band members from 5th grade up to graduating seniors enjoyed an afternoon of food and fun during the All-District Band Picnic held on Saturday, June 1.  This was the second event of the year that involved all the band members in the school district.  The first event was an all-district band concert held earlier in the spring.  Both events were wonderful opportunities for young band members to see what their future holds and veteran band members to remember where they have been.

The Crestwood Band Patrons would like to thank all the community members who came out and supported the Scarlet Guard during the Dodge Drive fundraising event held during the picnic.  The goal of 250 drivers equaling a total of $5,000 was met and will be used to help with expenses on the Guard’s trip to Grand Nationals in November.  Your support is greatly appreciated.


Anton Albert Photography