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Rotary Report


Garrettsville-Hiram Rotarians hit the trail last Saturday for their semi-annual roadside clean-up between–where else–Garrettsville and Hiram.  Interact members from James A. Garfield High School–Laura Wilburn, Brittany Sisson, Abigail Hahn, Laura Curby, and Annie Sheller–assisted in completing the project then joined Rotarians at McDonald’s for a pick-me-up after the effort.  Many thanks to Mike Payne and the always-cheerful crew at McD’s…and to the Carlisle family for furnishing the starting point for the effort each year.

This didn’t all just happen on the fly; the 4/22/13 meeting continued the sorting and planning of regular community projects such as this that the club undertakes.  Contacts, recruiting, locations, deadlines, up-grades all have to be investigated and worked into the grand scheme of things ahead of time to make everything work.  Rotary is always looking for new faces and big thinkers to get involved.

One of the new thoughts to surface at the most recent meeting concerned the Headwaters Trail and how the club could be involved in making this be the kind of community asset that it could be.  Tom Collins is likely to be the point man on this, seeking input from Hiram College and the Portage County Park District as well as interested local users of the Trail.

Caitlin Ellerhorst Lawless will be pursuing the possibility of getting a Facebook page up and running for the G-H Rotarians.  Twenty-first Century, here they come!

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography