Home Other Areas The Game’s Afoot, Watson!

The Game’s Afoot, Watson!


Garrettsville – After the very well-executed refurbishing of  the façade on Garrettsville’s Main St., other projects and proposals may be coming to life.  Watch the space between  the Windham St. bridge and Water St.   The upright portion–once-upon-a-time the Foote Carriage Company, most recently Pauls’ Feed Mill–is apparently, basically, sound and of historical interest.  The rear part–the part that is falling down–has issues and asbestos and not much else.

What to do?

A recent meeting of the board of directors of the James A. Garfield Historical Society, attended by the board, Mayor Rick Patrick, Councilperson Jeff Kaiser, County Commissioner Kathleen Chandler and property owner Martin Paul, Jim Mayer and Gwendolyn Mayer as well as other Society members and–by phone–David Vaughn, Director of Neighborhood Development Services in Portage County, began exploring questions and possible answers concerning the future disposition of the property.

Stay tuned.


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography