Home Other Areas Garrettsville–Hiram Rotary Report

Garrettsville–Hiram Rotary Report


Garrettsville – The Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary Club celebrated another successful Family Week by beginning to plan for another…and by extending thanks to all who contributed to that success–donors, contributors and sponsors, entrants, participants and winners (Everybody was a winner, really), directors, planners and members…the whole shootin’ match of  ‘em.  Back next year, bigger and better.

The meeting, on March 11, 2013, also heard from Tom Collins about a movie–“Carbon Nation”– to be presented by the local chapter of the Sierra Club at Hiram College in Gerstacker Hall on Tuesday, March 26 from 6:60 to 9:00 p.m., with discussion to follow; free admission, open to the public.  Information will be pursued concerning working on a joint water project in Laos, with Roger Cram as a possible source.

The Four-Way Speech Contest is still looking for local participants.

Featured for the evening was Karen Lyons, whose daughter, Jessica, is currently in Norway as a Rotary Exchange student.  Karen has just returned from a trip to Norway to get a glimpse of her daughter’s experience….  Amazing!  Would she like to return someday?  You betcha!

She found that the exchange students in the area pursued a number of activities, including travel experiences, that provided enjoyment and challenges to be faced and learned from with the adaptability of youth.  She got to attend Rotary meetings, see much of the pristine countryside, observe the rhythms of everyday living, take part in some of the commonplace outdoor activities (Skiing and skating are big), enjoy some of the hearty fare that leaned toward fish, bread and cheese.  She shared her daughter’s position as the only brunettes in a sea of blue-eyed blondes.  The Norwegians have malls; they are fashion-forward, reserved, immaculate in public spaces.  Goods tend to be expensive, views tend to be feminist, life tends to be non-sedentary.  A tipple or two is not uncommon.  Wonderful trip.

Jessica will return in June in time to graduate with her class at James A. Garfield High School.


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography