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Miscellaneous Factoids



Check out the possibilities of playing in the Hiram Chamber Orchestra.  Rehearsals are held on Mondays from 7:00 to 8:30 in Frohring Recital Hall.  Lockers are available in the Frohring Music Building; instruments are available if your old  sackbut or bassoon is in traction for a while.  This can be a credit course or purely for enjoyment.  If you’re yearning to get back into your own music scene, give it a shot.

Start now, the spring concert will be on April 17 at the Hiram Christian Church.[hr]


Rotarians, bust your buttons, take a bow, last week’s Time Magazine prominently mentioned the role of Rotary International in their feature story about the global initiative to eradicate polio.  The Rotary Foundation has been pivotal in virtually wiping out what was once a worldwide scourge, especially of children.  There are now only three countries–Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria–where the disease remains endemic.  And the fight goes on.

Garrettsville-Hiram Rotary meets on Mondays at 5:30 in the Hiram College Dining Hall; membership is always open.[hr]

AND…just in case you missed the END of the WORLD, there IS a comet heading for our solar system.  The newly-discovered Comet ISON, currently passing between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn, could be one of the brightest ones ever observed in history(That is, since anybody was able to write about it).  If it escapes a close encounter with the sun, it could show up in our night sky as luminous as a full moon sometime around December, 2013.  Watch for it.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography