Home Other Areas David Haas to Perform January 18th

David Haas to Perform January 18th


David Haas, nationally renowned composer of liturgical music, has composed a song entitled “In the Love of Christ” for the people of St. Ambrose Church in Garrettsville, OH. The song will premier during a concert/workshop presented by David Haas and Lori True January 18 & 19, 2013 in Hiram Ohio at Hayden Auditorium. This event is funded in part by the Hiram Community Trust and St. Ambrose Church. The concert will be held Friday, January 18, 2013 at 7:30pm in Hayden Auditorium, Hiram, OH. The workshop is scheduled for Saturday, January 19, 2013 from 9:30am -2:30pm, also in Hayden Auditorium. Registration forms for the concert and/or workshop may be found at www.stambroseonline.com  Tickets purchased prior to January 14th will be sold at discounted rate. David-HaasDavid Haas is the director of The Emmaus Center for Music, Prayer and Ministry, and serves as a member of the Campus Ministry team at Cretin-Derham Hall High School in St. Paul, Minnesota.  A composer of over 40 collections of liturgical music with GIA Publications, he has been active for many years as a conference and workshop speaker, consultant, concert performer, recording artist and an author of over 14 books in the areas of music, liturgy, religious education, youth ministry, prayer and spirituality.  He is the founder and executive director of “Music Ministry Alive!” (a national liturgical music formation program for youth), and is a monthly columnist for Ministry and Liturgy magazine.

Lori True lives in Hopkins, Minnesota, and is Campus Minister for Music and Liturgy at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minnesota.  A former parish music and liturgy director in New Hampshire and Minnesota, she is a composer of several collections of liturgical music with GIA Publications, most recently, “There Is Room for Us All”.  She is active as a master cantor, workshop and retreat leader, recording artist, and author.  A mother of two daughters, Elizabeth and Katherine, she serves as the Associate Director of “Music Ministry Alive!” (a national liturgical music formation program for youth).

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography