Home Other Areas Winter and Spring Class Registration Open at Geauga Lyric Theater Guild and...

Winter and Spring Class Registration Open at Geauga Lyric Theater Guild and Arts Center


The Geauga Lyric Theater Guild will be offering a wide array of classes for the upcoming winter and spring session.  There are many favorite performing arts classes which will return along with a few new surprises.  Perhaps you’ve always wanted to test your skills with Shakespeare.  Adults and children will be offered the opportunity to experience the humor and challenge of Shakespeare.  There will be an adult scene study with Mark Cipra offered in March and a class for ages ten to seventeen starting in April.  Whether interested in home-school classes, comedy or myths and legends, there is a class for you!  Angela Miloro-Hansen, Julie Douglass, Patty Osredkar and Sarah Wyatt look forward to shining the spotlight on their students.

New to the GLTG is an offering to spend the day exploring performing, visual arts and dance all in one day.  Spend the day off from school learning about each area, enjoy lunch and fun with friends.  Performance, Puppets and Pizza is offered February 15th and Theater, Thumbprints and Tacos on February 18th – both days from 8:45 to 4.

The GLTG is happy to announce a unique class which will pair children, parents and grandparents in a production designed to create memories shared by different generations.  Madelon Horvath will welcome all ages for the opportunity to learn connections through drama.

The visual arts are a growing and dynamic addition to the GLTG.  Katie Arnold will teach classes in printmaking, clay, drawing and also offer a chance to make beautiful valentines for loved ones in her Valentine’s Workshop.  Sandy D’Amico continues to share her talent with colored pencils with all ages. Jessica Gaines gives students the opportunity to create stunning jewelry or photo tiles.  If you have ever wanted to improve your photos, Rick DeVan will offer an introduction to photography in May.

If dance “moves” you, enjoy a night out with Stephen and Rose Mastery as they instruct adults in swing, ballroom and nightclub styles of dance on Friday nights starting in January.

There is something for everyone!  For more information there is a full listing of classes with descriptions online at www.geaugatheater.org, or call 440-285-7701.



Anton Albert Photography