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We’re All Invited


Food Donations Wanted


First Church of God in Windham is collecting canned good and non-perishable foods for inclusion in food baskets for local families for this Thanksgiving.  If you would like to help with this project to help local families in need this Thanksgiving,  donations may be brought to 9016 N Main St, Windham or by calling 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426.

 Balloon A-Fair Christmas Parade Seeking Participants

Want to get in the holiday spirit? The Ravenna Balloon A-Fair Christmas Parade Committee is seeking people, groups, business or organizations wanting to participate in the Christmas Parade on Dec. 1. Parade units must have lights and fit with this year’s parade theme, “Candy Canes & Carols”.  Line-up begins at 6:00 p.m. across from the old Ravenna High School at East Main and Myrtle Street. The Christmas parade steps-off at 7:00 p.m. and continues down Main Street. For information and applications call the Ravenna Balloon A-Fair Hot-line at 330-296-3247 or Mark Short, Parade Chairperson, at 330-297-1586.


Musical Gifts & Abilities Wanted

Sunday Mornings

If you have musical gifts and abilities and would like to apply those more regularly, First Church of God would like to consider adding you to their worship experience.  They will work with your gifts in the fashion the fits you best.  You can contact the church at 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426.  Worship is held Sundays at 11 am and is general a blended style.


Praise and Worship Service


Southington U.M.C. Praise and Worship Service (Located at the town center on S.R. 305) Saturdays at 7pm. Casual dress and refreshments afterwards. Can’t make Sunday morning? Try us


Bible Study

Sunday Mornings

Are you looking for an open Bible study with the freedom to ask questions and get real life answers?  There is one happening regularly in the Windham area Sundays at 9:30 am.  Call 330-671-1426 for information and schedule


Free Exercise!

Sunday Evenings 

Please come to adult co-ed volleyball in the Garfield Middle School Gym 6 pm on Sundays. Questions? (330) 527-5195 Rich


Junior Ravens Basketball Registration

Thru Dec. 7

Junior Ravens Basketball for boys and girls 4 and 5 years old and kindergarteners to learn the fundamentals and skills of basketball.  Registration is Nov. 19 to Dec. 7th.  Junior Ravens will meet for 5 weeks on Sundays, Jan. 6 to Feb. 3 from 3:45 to 5:00 pm at Ravenna High School Gym Field House on N. Chestnut St.  Instructor is RHS Girls Varsity Basketball Coach, Sonny Tilden.  Volunteer adult leaders are needed and parents are asked to stay during the program.  Fee for city taxpayers is $20, non-city taxpayers pay $25.00.  Minimum 20 – maximum 60.  A $10 late fee after December 7, if openings remain. Stop in at 530 North Freedom St. weekdays 8 to 12 and 1 to 4:15 or call (330) 296-2864 for more info.


Loaves and Fishes at Lunch

3rd Weds each Month

Hilltop Christian Church Fellowship Hall – Side Door Entrance, 4572 W Prospect St Mantua  OH  44255. 330-274-2771 (Hilltop)// 330-274-3585 (Liz Meeker) Join us for a homemade soup lunch the third Wednesday of each month 12:30 to 2:00. Open to all – no charge (donations gratefully accepted)


“From the Collections of Area Art Lovers”

Now-Dec. 22

“From the Collections of Area Art Lovers” will be at the Trumbull Art Gallery until Dec. 22nd.  It will feature art from artists such as Richard Avedon, John Cage, Salvador Dali, Ted Gall, Claes Oldenburg, and Mark Tobey, among others.  There is also work representing the art of Africa, India, and a fifteenth century French illuminated manuscript page.  The purpose of the exhibit is to showcase art from a variety of private collections in our community while demonstrating that collecting art is both possible and enjoyable.


“Art to Go’

Now- Jan. 6

“Art to Go’ will feature art work by members of the Trumbull Area Artists.  This exhibit offers artwork in a variety of mediums that viewers may purchase as a gift, or the start or add to their own personal collections.  All works are priced below $250, and many are under $100.  Most of these are by artists who have exhibited previously at the Trumbull Art Gallery, such as Kip Minnick, Judy Waid, Gary Taneri, Lynn Parry, Shirley Wolanzyk, Virginia Rhinerson, and Elaine Green.  Now is your chance to start your own art collection.


Portage County Library Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday

Nov. 22

All branches and offices of Portage County District Library will close at 5:00 pm on Nov. 21 and will be closed on Nov. 22 for the Thanksgiving holiday. They will resume regular hours on Nov. 23.  Visit the Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org for additional information on library programs and services, including downloadable audiobooks.  Bestsellers, the classics, popular children’s titles- all available for download, free of charge. Find us on Facebook.


FREE Thanksgiving Dinner

Nov. 22

Thanksgiving day from 11:30-12:30 PM, the Newton Falls American Legion is hosting a free Thanksgiving Dinner. Everyone is welcome. The dinner will be at, 2025 East River Rd., in Newton Falls. Sponsored by: St. Nicholas Outreach, Warren, OH in co-operation with Newton Falls American Legion


Ravenna Midnight Madness

Nov. 23

Traditionally, many Ravenna merchants will be open very late on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Festivities, including Elves’ Workshop, will be open for children’s activities at the Chamber Office (135 E Main) from 6-8. Free horse and buggy rides from 7-9. Ice Carver on the courthouse lawn starting at 8. Carolers will be singing throughout the evening. Merchants will be having their own inside sales to help you with your Christmas shopping list.  For more info call Susie K’s Café & Tea Room (330) 296-3779 or House of Holiday Ornaments (330) 297-6684


Breakfast with Santa

Nov. 24 & 25

Burton American Legion Auxiliary, Post 459 (Goodwin St.  Burton OH) is hosting Breakfast with Santa on Nov 24 & 25 from 9am-1pm. Admission adults: $6, children 6-12 $3, children 5 & under are free. 




Portage Christian Business Network

Nov. 28

On Nov.28, 12:30pm-1:30pm, the Portage Christian Business Network will meet at The Salvation Army in Ravenna, located at 268 W. Main St. The purpose of this group is to connect Christian business professionals to network, equip, and encourage one another in the faith. RSVP’S are not required but appreciated and participants are welcome to bring their lunch. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of every month except December. For more information, call or text Mike at (330)285-1937 or call the Salvation Army at (330)296-7371.


Blood Drive

Nov. 28

It is time for our bi-monthly American Red Cross drive at our church and you are all invited to come and help us make it a real success, it is the last one for us, this year, so we want it to be a good one. We will have it on Nov. 28, at the Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Rd. in Newton Falls. It will from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM. in our fellowship hall and the Red Cross is giving Perkins pie coupons for a delicious pie, free, for coming out and helping save lives. It will be a big help with your holiday preparations. So we hope to see you there and thank you for thinking of others in this busy season and have a blessed Christmas, Deanie Simpson, coordinator for the Am. Red Cross and our Church


Women’s Breakfast

Register By Nov. 28

First Church of God in Windham is sponsoring a breakfast for all women who would like to attend on Dec. 1 @ 9:00 am.  Please call 330-326-2293 by Nov. 28 to register and receiver more information.  This is planned to be a relaxed time of fellowship and fun for all women who join us.


Urban Drilling Pros & Cons

Nov. 29

United Methodist Church of Garrettsville, 8223 Park Avenue. Nov. 29, 7 p.m. Urban Drilling:  Pros & Cons of Signing a Lease for  High Volume Horizontal Shale Drilling Under Homes


Saint Andrew’s Dinner

Nov. 30

From 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. at the S.Y.B. Party Center, 4157 Hudson Drive Stow, OH. Featuring entertainment by: Tigh na Creige Highland Dancers, Dreama Powell on the Celtic Harp, Members of the Celtic Eagle Pipe Band, Silent Auction (including many neat items for Christmas Gift-giving), and music by Bob Morehead of J and C Entertainment.  It is rumored that Santa Claus will also be making an appearance. $25 per person donation, $20 children under 12, $15 seniors over 90. Price includes buffet dinner, dessert, gratuities, non-alcoholic beverages. Cash bar Reservations to:  Frances Acar, 234 Lowell Drive, Kent, OH 44240. Make checks payable to:  Celtic Beltane Festival

Senior Citizens’ Luncheon

Dec. 1

First Baptist Church, 2640 South Canal Street, Newton Falls will be hosting a Senior Citizens’ Luncheon on, Dec. 1.  The program will begin at 11:30 AM with the luncheon to follow at noon.  The event is open to any area senior citizen.  For additional information please contact the church office at (330) 872-7055.


Breakfast with Santa

Dec. 1

Parkman Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring Breakfast with Santa on Dec. 1 from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Parkman Community House (16295 St. Rt. 422).  Bring a camera and take your child’s picture with Santa Claus.  You can then enjoy a delicious breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage & pancakes.  Kids eat for only $2.50 each and $3.50 each for accompanying adults.  Call to make your reservation – Patty @ (440) 548-2242 or Denise @ (440) 548-2939. 


Geauga County Master Gardeners

Dec. 1

Join Master Gardener Phyllis Mihalik in this popular class from 9am-noon and create a beautiful table top Christmas tree made from nature’s bounty. You’ll learn how to use professional floral materials and prepare dried materials from the garden, and then make your own table top Christmas tree complete with decorations. Dried flowers, seeds, ribbons, ornaments, feathers, let your imagination blossom. You will be amazed at how beautiful your creation will be. Keep it for your home or give as a special gift to a friend. You can’t go wrong. So invite a friend and have a fun time with us. All materials and light refreshments provided. $35 fee. Class held at Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Bldg., 14269 Claridon-Troy Road, Burton, OH 44021 on the Burton Fairgrounds. Call 440-834-4656 with questions or to preregister. Make check payable to OSU Extension and mail to PO Box 387, Burton, OH 44021. www.geauga.osu.edu


Ravenna Balloon A-Fair Lighted Christmas Parade

Dec. 1 

Ravenna Balloon A-Fair’s annual lighted Christmas Parade “Candy Canes & Carols” will take place downtown Ravenna on Main Street at 7 p.m. on Dec. 1. The parade includes themed floats, dancing and marching groups. Leading off the parade will be the Ravenna High School Band under the direction of Drew Adametz. Santa Claus straight from the North Pole will arrive in his magical horse-drawn carriage. Local youngsters will have a chance to share their Christmas wishes with Santa following the parade at the Buckeye Mini Mall, located at 250 E. Main St. For information call the Mark Short at 330-297-1586 or Ravenna Balloon A-Fair at (330) 296-3247.


Windham Athletic Boosters Fundraiser

Dec. 1

Casino Trip to Presque Isle in Erie, PA. Dec 1 bus leaves at 4 pm from Windham High School. We will be at the casino from 6-11pm. The bus will return around 1 am. $40 per person, each person receives $35 free game play upon registration at the casino. Additional prizes and 50/50 raffle on bus. Proceeds benefit the new baseball/ softball complex. Contact Dawn Kilgore (216) 406-0019 Denise Dean (330) 717-1029 Missy Pozsgai (330) 389-0659 or Diana Knight (330) 571-3532


First Sunday Fellowship

Dec. 2

First Sunday Fellowship – First Church of God in Windham, 9016 N Main St, Will have the monthly fellowship time following the morning service on Dec. 2.  Worship begins at 11:00 am and all are invited to attend our fellowship time after our service.  The fellowship includes coffee, tea and always a surprise sweet treat.


“Tea at TAG”

Dec. 2 

A special program called “Tea at TAG” will be held on Dec. 2, from 2-4 pm, to give the audience the opportunity to talk to some of the collectors who have loaned works to “From the Collections of Area Art Lovers.”  They will discuss how they started collecting art, what attracts them to the work that they collect, and possibly inspire others to do the same.  This is open to all.


Antique Tractor Club Christmas Party

Dec. 7

Dinner @ $13.50 (27.00  per couple) at the Gardenbrook Banquet Hall, State Route 5, North of Cortland. Dinner @ 7:00 pm ~ Doors open @ 6:00 pm. Gift exchange after dinner if desired. Man bring Man’s gift, Ladies bring Lady’s. Questions contact Donna Shelar @ dlshelar@gmail.com or Phone: 330-544-6890. Cell: 330-974-6450

Pearl Harbor Day Memorial Service

Dec. 7

Pearl Harbor Day Memorial Service held Dec. 7 at the Burton Village Gazebo at 11 AM. Call Bo (440) 834-8764 for details


Pizza with Santa

Dec. 8

The Kiwanis Club of the Western Reserve will be hosting Pizza with Santa on Dec. 8 from  10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in (*new location)  the Fellowship Hall at the Hiram Christian Church located at the intersection of Rt. 82 & 700 in Hiram, OH.  Free parking is available at the church.  $3.00 per person, kids 2 and under FREE!  Games, crafts, a Secret Santa Shop, and of course, SANTA!  Tickets available at: the Middlefield Bank in Garrettsville, Cortland Bank, and at the door.  All proceeds go to the mission of supporting children in our community & around the world.


Community Support at Mary Yoder’s

Dec. 8

Mary Yoder’s Amish Kitchen is reaching out to help those who may struggle to enjoy the holiday season.  On Dec. 8, beginning at 3:00 pm, Mary Yoder’s will be hosting a Chinese Auction Benefit, with all proceeds from the auction going to support Shop With a Cop and the food pantry in Middlefield.   Along with the auction, guests will enjoy a boxed lunch which includes a choice of a chicken salad sandwich or a ham sandwich, chips, and a cookie.  Coffee and punch will be provided also. Bidding is from 3:00 to 5:00 pm; the drawing begins at 5:00. Admission tickets, which include the boxed lunch and 10 complimentary auction tickets, are on sale for $15.00 at Mary Yoder’s or online at www.maryyodersamishkitchen.com.   Everyone is invited to come, enjoy the afternoon, cross some items off your Christmas list, and most importantly, help your neighbor


Girl Scouts Food Drive

Dec. 8 & 9

Girl Scouts of Garrettsville/Windham 9 am to 9 am. Dec. 8 & 9 Isaac Mills, Nelson Circle Collecting for Nelson – Garrettsville Community Cupboard. Please help us. Fill the Panty for the Holidays! Accepting unwrapped gifts, Perishable and Non-Perishable Food items, Gift Cards and Monetary Donations


Towner’s (lost) Woods: the Mound, the Kettle, the Canal

Dec 9

Explore natural and historic Towner’s Woods on Sunday, December 9. It has many stories and many mysteries.  The distinctive arching trees hint at a past landscape. Lake Pippen’s ice age beginnings, the Mound, and a search for landscape artifacts of the P & O Canal’s lost channel are all to be discovered. Join us for this naturalist led bio-geo-cultural adventure from 1:00-3:00pm. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (hiking fee: $10 non-members, $7 members). To register, phone 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu.


Mary and St. Joseph’s Ladies Guild Bake Kolache

Dec. 11 & 12

St. Mary and St. Joseph’s Ladies Guild of Newton Falls will be baking homemade Kolache for the Christmas Holiday and you may purchase this taste of Eastern Europe at the low cost of $9.00 each.    The Ladies offer the following fillings:  Apricot, Nut and Poppy Seed.    To order your taste of Europe, contact Barbara Wolff at 330-872-1951.   Pick up times and days will be Dec. 11 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Dec. 12 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.  Brighten your Christmas Holiday with the flavors and traditions of this tasty pastry native to Czechoslovakia and Poland.  If you would like more information about this event, please contact Barbara Wolff at 330-872-1951 or Joanne at 330-872-5742.


Santa Letter Fundraiser

Deadline Dec. 14

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre is sponsoring their personal Santa Letter Fundraiser again this year. Order your letters early, to secure your letters. Each letter includes a personalized letter to the child and also an ornament for their tree. The cost is only $9.00 per letter. Cut off for letters is Dec. 14th; all request and monies must be received by midnight on Dec. 14 to be mailed on Dec. 19.No late request will be honored.All letters will be mailed during the week of December 17, 2012.Send a check made payable to Curtains up Theatre to: P.O. Box 541 Garrettsville, Ohio 44231. Include the child’s name, address, age and sex


Breakfast with Santa

Dec. 15

The Palmyra Fireflies, along with the Palmyra Fire Department. Present the 6th Annual Breakfast with SANTA! Santa will be arriving at 8:30 A.M. on a FIRE TRUCK Date: Dec. 15. Time: 8:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M. Location: The Palmyra Fire Station on St. Rt. 225 (just south of Tallmadge Road in Diamond) Meal: Pancakes, Sausage, and Beverages. Cost: $5.00 for Adults, $3.00 for kids 4-10, 3 and under – FREE. Along with Breakfast with SANTA, you’ll receive one (1) 4×6 PICTURE and FRAME per family. Addition pictures available for $2 and Santa will have a little gift for all kids. Bring in a non-perishable item to help our adopted family!


Gospel Music Concert

Dec. 17

The Cole Family Singers from Doylestown, OH will present a gospel music concert on Dec. 17 at 6 pm at the Newbury Full Gospel Church in Kiwanis Lake. The public is invited and the concert is free. The church is located at 14156 View Dr. 


People Tree Adopt a Family

Dec. 20

People Tree is getting ready for the 2012 Christmas Season. We will be doing the adopt a family again and each family will receive a food basket. For more information call Hallie (330) 527-4097 or Liz (330) 527-2408. Donations can be dropped off at the Library, Middlefield Bank, Huntington Bank, Art N Flowers and Rite Aid.  Each family will receive a turkey, dressing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, rolls, noodles, sweet potatoes, green beans, toilet paper, laundry soap, bath soap, dish soap, shampoo and toothpaste. Distribution will be Dec. 20 and appointments are a must.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography