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We’re All Invited


Food Donations Wanted


First Church of God in Windham is collecting canned good and non-perishable foods for inclusion in food baskets for local families for this Thanksgiving.  If you would like to help with this project to help locate families in need this Thanksgiving,  donations may be brought to 9016 N Main St, Windham or by calling 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426.


Start Something! Big Brothers Needed

What if every child fulfills their potential? Think how amazing that would be. Start something. Big Brothers & Sisters of Portage County is currently in need of Big Brother volunteers. We have boys waiting in all parts of the county for someone who wants to spend time with them. Big Brothers & Sisters is not your typical organization, we help children realize their potential & build their futures. Call us today (330) 296-6655 or visit www.bbsportage.org. All it takes is 12 hours a month and the willingness to Start Something. You’ll be glad you did


Musical Gifts & Abilities Wanted

Sunday Mornings

If you have musical gifts and abilities and would like to apply those more regularly, First Church of God would like to consider adding you to their worship experience.  They will work with your gifts in the fashion the fits you best.  You can contact the church at 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426.  Worship is held Sundays at 11 am and is general a blended style.


Praise and Worship Service


Southington U.M.C. Praise and Worship Service (Located at the town center on S.R. 305) Saturdays at 7pm. Casual dress and refreshments afterwards. Cant make Sunday morning? Try us


“A Muddy Road Taken”

Now-Nov. 10

The Trumbull Art Gallery is proud to present two new exhibits at our gallery in downtown Warren.  The first is “A Muddy Road Taken” by Carolyn Roble.  Roble’s display is a retrospective journey of fourteen years of thought as expressed in ceramic sculptures.  Admission is free.  The Gallery is open Tue-Sat from noon to 4.


Tae Kwon Do

Now-Nov. 29

New session of Tae Kwon Do will be held from Nov. 1 to 29 (no class 11/22) at Brown Middle School Cafeteria in Ravenna for ages 7 years to adults, male or female.  Tae Kwon Do emphasizes self-discipline, exercise, and martial art skills.  Instructors work with students individually and as a group on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  Participants must have a mouth piece on first night.  Male students are required to wear protective gear after the second week. Cost is $40 and is paid the first night to the instructors. To register, call Ravenna Parks and Recreation Department at 330-296-2864.  Check out their web site www.martialartsravenna.com.


Youth Basketball Sign-ups

Register Today

It’s not too late to sign up for Garfield Youth Boy’s Basketall Grades 4-6th. The cost is $40 and you can sign up by emailing Garfield

Head Coach Andy Olesky at: aolesky@jagschools.org or by calling Aaron King at 330-524-2646.


GUMC Raffle

During Christmas Walk

At the Craft Shop during the Christmas Walk, the Garrettsville United Methodist Church will be auctioning off gift baskets with such themes as car care, soups, hot beverages, kitchen, golf, and games. Tickets cost $1 for 1, $5 for 6, and $20 for 30 and will be available at the shop as will the baskets for viewing.  You can then put all of your tickets on one basket or spread them over several baskets.  Drawings will take place at 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 11th at the Craft Shop.


Fish Fry


American Legion Post 674 will be having fish fry, Friday Time : 4 P.M. until 8 P.M. $8. Choice of fish, shrimp or chicken, or combo plate, choice of potato (French fries or baked), and 2 sides (coleslaw, apple sauce, green beans, mac and cheese) roll and butter. Carryouts available, 330 326 3188. 9960 east center St (St.Rt. 303) (by the tank) Windham    Public Welcome


Stop in and Enjoy

Nov 2-4 & 8-10

Stop by for some fresh homemade Donut Holes,Hot coffee or Hot Chocolate while you are out enjoying the Garrettsville Christmas Walk, Nov. 2,3,4 and 8,9,10.Troop 62 will be located at 8098 Main Street,Garrettsville (next to Subway).We look forward to seeing you!


“You Can’t Take It With You”

Nov. 2-4

Crestwood High School Drama Club presents You Can’t Take It with You. The play will take place November 2 and 3, beginning at 7:30, and November 4th beginning at 2:00. The play will be performed on stage at Crestwood High School in the Gymnasium.


Lions Club Sandwich Sale

Nov. 2-3

The Windham Lions will hold their next sandwich sale of 2012 in the Sparkle Market parking lotin Windham, November 2nd and 3rd.  As always the menu consists of Italian sausage or steak sandwiches and soft drinks. Sandwiches are only $ 4.00. They are hot, juicy and fresh off the grill. Hours are 9am to 7pm on Friday, 9am to 2pm on Saturday. All profits will be used for sight related causes and local community needs. Please stop by and support the dedicated, hard working Windham Lions.


Evening of Hope

Nov. 3

Bethel Springs Fellowship will host an Evening of Hope at 6 p.m, Nov. 3. At the Freedom Community Center, 8940 state Route 700, Freedom Township. The evening will feature real people who have found true hope and change in Jesus Christ. Anyone who needs a miracle, prayer or encouragement is invited to attend.For more, visit www.bethelspringsfellowship.org


Chinese Auction

Nov 3

The Kayla Irene Daniels Cure for Cancer Foundation will be holding its 4th annual Chinese Auction on Nov 3, at the Parkman Community Center located just East of the Parkman Center on State Route 422. Doors open at 3:00pm and the auction starts at 6:00pm. This year we “bundled” and the value of our items is huge. Last year the building was totally jammed, so reservations for this year’s auction are highly recommended. Call (330) 889-9600 and give us your name to guarantee your place at the auction.


19th Annual Labrae Craft Show

Nov. 3

From 10 am-4 pm at Bascom Elementary School; 1015 N. Leavitt Rd, Leavittsburg Ohio, 44430. Email BDantelope@aol.com for more info. Free admission and parking. Over 100 vendors. Homemade food being served all day.



Newton Falls Library Book Sale

Nov. 3

Friends of the Newton Falls Public Library will be having a Book Sale on Nov. 3 from 9am – 4 pm.  Please bring your donations of gently used books, DVDs, and CDs to the library during the week prior to the sale. Proceeds from the sale are used by the Friends to support library programs and activities.


Annual Turkey Dinner

Nov. 3

Pricetown United Methodist Church is holding their annual turkey dinner on Nov. 3. All you can eat buffet. Newton Falls High School (907 Milton Blvd. South) 4-7 pm. Adults $9, Children (5-12) $4, 4 & under free.


Annual Bazaar

Nov. 3

The Women’s group at Portage Faith UMC at 9922 St. Rt. 44 in Mantua invite you to their annual bazaar and country store on Nov. 3 from 9am-3pm. Come purchase homemade crafts, baked goods, vegetable beef soup, quilts and much more. Admission is free. Continental breakfast & light lunch available.


Quilt & Craft Auction

Nov. 3

Experience the excitement of an old-fashioned Amish Quilt and Craft Auction on, Nov. 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Metzenbaum Center, located at 8200 Cedar Road, in Chesterland.  Early risers may also enjoy a hearty all-you-can-eat pancake breakfast, complete with Geauga County’s rich maple syrup from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. in the school gymnasium.  Admission and parking for the auction are FREE.  The pancake breakfast will cost $7 for adults, $4 for children 3 to 12, and children 2 and under are free, payable at the door. For more information or to purchase raffle tickets, please contact Patti Gallagher at (440) 834-9658.


WomenSafe Clam Bake

Nov. 3

On Nov. 3 WomenSafe will be holding its First Annual Clambake at the Ramble Inn, located at 10311 Kinsman Road in Newbury.  Tickets are $35 per person and will consist of one dozen clams, ½ a chicken, sweet potato, corn on the cob, clam chowder, rolls, butter and two drink tickets per person.  Doors open at 4:00 pm and dinner will be served at 5:30 pm.  Side boards, a 50/50 raffle and door prizes will also be part of the day’s event. Only 100 tickets will be sold so reserve your space today.  Tickets for the event can be purchased by calling Annette Phillips at WomenSafe at 440-286-7154 x248. All proceeds generated this day will be to WomenSafe, an emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence in Northeastern Ohio.   For more information on WomenSafe, contact Annette Phillips at aphillips@womensafe.org


Chicken & Duck Dinner

Nov. 4

DTJ Taborville is having a Chicken & Duck Dinner on Nov. 4 from 12-2pm. Cost is $11 for adult dinner, $6 for a child’s dinner, ½ duck dinner is $16. Dinner includes dumplings, sauerkraut, a homemade doughnut and coffee. Czech beer is available at the bar. Music from 12:30-3:33 pm. DTJ Taborville is located at 9850 N. Blvd in Chagrin Falls. Reservations are necessary, call (440) 543-8494


Special Service

Nov. 4

You are invited to visit First Church of God in Windham, 9016 N Main St, on Nov. 4 at 11 am for a special service focusing on the upcoming elections.  The worship will be followed by a monthly fellowship time for everyone in attendance, to include a variety of refreshments.


Chinese Auction

Nov 4

The Windham Athletic Boosters Chinese Auction on, Nov. 4th. Doors open at Noon. Drawing at 2:00pm. Held in the Windham High School Gymnasium. Well over 100 items to view! Tickets 4 for $1. Concessions and 50/50 Raffle.


Pilates Class

Nov 4-28

Ravenna Recreation offers Pilates on Sundays and Wednesdays.  Classes will be held from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. from Nov 4 – 28  at Tower Lodge in John Tontimonia City Park.  Participants should bring a water bottle and a mat.  Class fee is $32 for city taxpayers and $37 for non-city taxpayers or an $8.00 drop in fee. This four week program will strengthen your abdominal muscles, increase your flexibility and improve your overall muscle tone and posture.Pre-registration required by calling Ravenna Recreation (330) 296-2864 or stop in at 530 North Freedom Street, weekdays 8 a.m. to 12 noon or 1p.m. to 4:15 p.m.


Roast Beef Dinner

Nov. 6

Election day roast beef dinner, Nov. 6 from 4:30-7 pm at the Garrettsville U.M.C. (8223 Park Ave) succulent meatballs and all the trimmings. $8.50 for adults, $4.50 for children 6-12, free for preschool children. Carry out available.




Election Day Soup & Bread Meal

Nov. 6

Hiram Christian Church will host the second annual soup, bread and dessert meal on Nov. 6. The meal will be served from 11:30 and 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. It is free, with donations accepted. All members of the community are welcome.  Please join us for a delicious meal, along with a chance to visit with your friends and neighbors


Election Day Turkey Dinner

Nov. 6

On Tuesday, November 6th, get out and vote and then head to the Parkman Community House (16295 Main Market/St. Rt. 422 – 1/4 mile east of St. Rt. 528 in Parkman) for a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings from 4:30 until 7:00 p.m.  We will be serving turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, squash, green beans, slaw, cranberry sauce, rolls, beverages and pie for dessert.  Adult dinners are $10.00; children (ages 5-11) are $5.00; pre-schoolers are free.  Take-outs are available (adult-size only).  Prepared and served by the Women’s Fellowship of Parkman Congregational Church.  We look forward to seeing you on Election Day!


Lions Club Election Day Soup Sale

Nov. 6

The Windham Lions Club will be holding their popular bean soup sale this election day November 6, 2012 at The Windham United Methodist Church on North Main Street in Windham. Serving hours will be from 11:00 am till 6:00 pm. The menu will feature home made bean soup, cornbread and a variety desserts including home made pies. Prices are $ 6.00 for adults, $ 4.00 for children and $ 10.00 for a quart of soup, 2 desserts and 2

cornbreads for take out. Be sure to vote your choice and then come and have either lunch or dinner with the Lions


Go Loony

Nov. 8 & 10

Attend “Loons in Lore & Legend on our Lakes” on Nov. 8, from 7 to 8 p.m. to hear Dan share the loon’s life, lore and legend. The West Woods Nature Center is located at 9465 Kinsman Road (Route 87) in Russell Township. Dan will also reveal where and when to see the loon on our local lakes during migration. However, just two days later, he is also taking the community on a field trip during the Loon and Big Bird Lookout on Nov. 10, from 9 to 11:30 a.m., in search of Common Loon, Bald Eagle, Sandhill Crane, Tundra Swans and other waterfowl on the water – a Nature’s Not to Be Missed program this season! For that program, meet up at the boathouse parking area of LaDue Reservoir, east of the intersection of Route 44 and Washington Street (Auburn Corners), then join the carpool to LaDue’s west shore to search. Participants may attend one or both of these programs without registration. Call 440-286-9516 with questions.


NGCC Scotch Doubles

Nov 10

SCOTCH DOUBLES  BOWLING!!!!!! Come join us at SKY LANES for an evening of fun.  The cost is $40.00 per couple and this will include bowling, shoes, pizza, soft drinks and beer.  There will be a 50/50 raffle.  ALL proceeds go directly to the Nelson-Garrettsville Community Cupboard. The fun begins at 9 pm.


St. Michael’s Day Dinner

Nov. 10

ST. MICHAEL’S DAY DINNER at St. Michael’s Byzantine Catholic Church, 737 Ridge Road, Newton Falls. Nov. 10, from 4 – 7 p.m.  Adults $12.


Craft/ Vendor Show

Nov. 10

Come join us for a craft/vendor show to benefit the Church Mouse & Programs Nov. 10 at the Newton Falls Community Center. 52 E. Quarry St from 10am-4pm. Will also have a Chinese auction, 50/50 raffle. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. Proceeds donated to the Church Mouse.


Crafters & Vendors Needed

Nov. 10

Claridon Girl Scout Troop 1324 is looking for crafters and vendors for its 7th annual Santa Shoppe to be held on Nov 10 from 9a.m. to 3p.m. at the Claridon Town Hall at the corner of Rt. 322 and Claridon-Troy Rd. Tables are $20.00 each. For more information and or reservations please call Dolly at 440-635-1173.


Annual 2 Grand Dinner

Nov 10

Mark your calendars for Nov 10 and support your Garfield Marching Pride at our annual 2 Grand Dinner. This year’s event will be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Mantua on State Rt 44 just north of RT 82. Dinner will be provided by Guido’s of Ravenna and there will be a cash bar to quench your thirst.  Tickets are only $40.00 each and can be purchased from any band student or by contacting Judy Huehner @ 330-687-0630. With only 300 tickets available don’t miss out on your chance to win the $2000.00 dollar grand prize or any of the many silent auction items. Help our Pride keep marching!


Dine To Donate

Nov. 10

On Nov.10th from 11:00 am to close Applebee’s is hosting a “Dine to Donate” event at its Niles location (904 Great East Plaza, Eastwood Mall) for the Crescendo Club (Newton Falls Band Boosters). Just dine at Applebee’s and 10% of your bill will be donated to the Club if you present your server with a “Dine to Donate” flyer. Ask any band member or Crescendo Club member for a flyer, or you can find them on bulletin boards around town. You can also receive one by calling Laura at (330) 872-1647 or Kim at (330) 984-9061. Our last club meeting of the year will be Tuesday November 13th, 6:00 pm at the Band Room. See you there!”


Feast Day Dinner

Nov. 10

St. Michaels Byzantine  Catholic Church in Newton Falls, Ohio, is having a feast day dinner on Nov. 10 from 4 to 7 p.m. The dinner will feature traditional Slavonic and American cuisine with 4 courses and side dishes. Tickets are $12 per person And are available by calling the church at 330.872.5216. Tickets will also be sold at the door.


Annual Holiday Sale

Nov. 10

Christmas ornaments, holiday crafts, soup mixes, jar cookie mixes, beer, bread mix, jellies and jam, and much more. Held from 10-4 at the Hiram Farm Living and Learning Center, 11543 Garfield Rd. Hiram. (330) 569-3441


Art Auction & Wine Tasting

Nov. 10

The Western Reserve Kiwanis Art Auction & Wine Tasting is Nov. 10th in the Gelbke Fine Art Center (on Winrock Road) at Hiram College. Admission is $ 15.00. Preview at 5pm, live auction 6:30 pm. Come early, browse, & mingle while enjoying delicious hors d’oeuvres by On the Spot Gourmet and wine tasting by Candelight Winery & Auburn Twin Oaks. A stunning collection of incredible art for every taste & budget will be available for viewing. Cash, checks, & all major credit cards accepted This is an opportunity to purchase beautifully framed art for the home or office while being educated and entertained by a live auctioneer. (The Western Reserve Kiwanis needs a minimum of 100 people to qualify for a donation match from the art auction.) For more information or tickets call Steve Schuller 330-801-2436 or email schullersc@my.hiram.edu


Local Author Series

Nov. 10

Newton Falls Public Library Local Author Series: National speaker and author Patrick Hartory will be discussing his new book Your Ageless Mind. Join us at 2 pm as he presents a free brain fitness program, followed by your questions and a book signing.  Learn simple exercises that can help fight Alzheimer’s disease, improve your natural ability to remember names and details, discover the super brain foods that will help slow mental aging, and get easy-to-use tips on keeping your mind healthy and strong.


St. Anselm Christmas Boutique


9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., St. Anselm’s Women’s Guild will hold its Annual Christmas Boutique at St. Anselm Church, 13013 Chillicothe Rd., Chesterland.  There will be over 80 vendors from the area who will be displaying their specialties. Take a break from shopping and stop at the snack bar or the bake sale for delicious homemade goodies.  Your $1.00 donation for admission entitles you to a chance to win a door prize throughout the day. At the end of the day there will be a Raffle for 11 great prizes including a ceramic holy family, a $100 gift certificate from Great Day Tours, and many other handmade prizes. Winners need not be present. Nancy Battenfield, Publicity Chairperson 440-729-9684


Guest Minister

Nov. 11

Russ Nottingham a Christian singer, songwriter and musician will be ministering at the First Congregational Church of Freedom on Nov. 11 at 10:30 am. The church is located at St. Rt. 88 & St. Rt. 303 in Freedom Township.


Special Bingo

Nov. 11

St. Michael’s Church, 9736 E. Center St. in Windham. Gift  & bakery raffles. Refreshments available. Sponsored by the Ladies Guild and the Knights of Columbus. Starts at 1:30. No one under 18 permitted.


Presenting of Colors

Nov. 11

Post 459 Color-Guard will present the colors at the Geauga County Veterans Memorial Site, located on Ravenwood Pkwy., across from UHHS hospital at 2 pm. Call Bo (440) 834-8764 for details.


Christmas Boutique

Nov. 11

St. Joseph’s Garden Club cordially invites you to their 28th Annual Christmas Boutique on Sunday, November 11, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Held at St. Joseph’s Hughes Hall, 11045 St. Joseph Blvd. in Mantua, the event features hand-crafted items, breakfast and lunch items, door prizes, and free admission & parking. Please call Marlene Hornyak (330-274-8145) or St. Joseph’s (330-274-2253) with any questions.


Chili & Soup Dinner

Nov. 11

A.U.C.E. Chili and Soup dinner, free to all veterans on Nov. 11 from 4:30-7:30 pm. Call Bo (440) 834—8764 for details.


Chinese Auction

Drawing Nov. 11

Tickets will be sold at the craft shop (former Irwin’s Hardware) during Christmas Walk hours, also at Garrettsville UMC Roast Beef Dinner on Nov. 6. Hosted by the Garrettsville UMC. There is a basket for everyone, some may be considered early Christmas shopping. Winners will receive a phone call Nov 11 or 12. You may also check at www.jamesagarfieldhistoricalsociety.com or Garfield Historical on Facebook.


All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner

Nov. 11

Knights of Columbus Council #3350 is hosting an all you can eat spaghetti dinner from 12:00pm-3:00pm At Saint Mary & Joseph’s Social Hall 120 Maple Drive. Newton Falls. Dinner Includes: Spaghetti & meatballs, Salad, Italian bread, coffee or punch, and Dessert (Carry out available)

Adults:$7.00, Children: $3.00 (6-11), Children: (5 & under) FREE. For any additional information

Tom Fetock (330) 872-5886, Matt Stimac (330)872-7865 or Jim Burns (330)883-0575


East Ohio Volleyball Club Tryouts

Nov. 11 & 18

We teach volleyball! Our 20th season. Join a club that plays everyone. Bring your 6th grader to get ready for 7th grade volleyball. We train teams or coaches at your school. Tryouts at the Warren YMCA on Nov 11 & 18.  6th-8th from 1-3, 9th-12th from 3-5, any grade from 5-6. Call (330) 219-1368


PCDL Closed

Nov. 12

All offices and branches of Portage County District Library will be closed on Nov. 12, in observance of Veterans Day. They will resume normal operating hours on Nov. 13. Visit www.portagelibrary.org for more information





Senior Bingo

Nov. 12

Senior Bingo will be on Nov. 12 at the Newton Falls Community Center. Free to all seniors. We have 50/50 raffle prize. From 5-7 pm. Come join us and have some fun


Online Shopping Class

Nov. 14

If you are tired of wasting your time and money while driving all over town searching for the perfect gift, enter the world of online shopping at the Burton Public Library.  Online Deals and Steals, a free class for adults, will be held at the library on Nov. 14 at 7 p.m.  The class will explore discounted retail sites, auctions, online coupon sites, and free shipping offers.  Please call the Burton Public Library to register:  440-834-4466.



Entries Due Nov. 15

For over 20 years, the Burton Public Library has had a Gingerbread House-making contest.  The gingerbread creations are on display in the library from Thanksgiving weekend until Christmas.  The contest has four categories:  Adult, Teen, Child and Special with cash prizes for first and second place in each category.  All of the contest rules and entry forms are available on the library’s website:  www.burton.lib.oh.us   Contest rules and entry forms are also available in the library.  Gingerbread houses are due at the library on, Nov. 15 and will be on display until Dec. 21.  For more information, call the Burton Public Library at 440-834-4466.


Decorate a Thanksgiving Cornucopia

Nov 15, 16, 19 & 20

Stop in and decorate a Thanksgiving cornucopia, available Nov. 15, 16, 19 and 20 during library hours.  This craft is appropriate for all ages. Bring your snacks and join us black Friday for a free showing of a just released movie and crafts.  For more information, call the Windham Library at 330-326-3145.  The library, located at 9005 Wilverne Drive, is open Monday and Friday, 10:00 am-4:00 pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00 pm-6:30 pm; and closed on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. For additional information about library programs and services, please visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org.


Comedian Night

Nov 17

Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre presents their 4th Amateur Comedian Night on Nov 17 at 7:30 pm at Slim and Jumbo’s on Main Street in Garrettsville. The doors open at 7:00 pm. and the audience will pick the winners. Tickets at the door -$10.00.  Includes ticket for raffle. Amateur comedians wishing to participate contact Jackie (rinearson05@frontier.com) for entry instructions. No fee to enter. $175.00 Grand Prize, $75.00 Second Place, $50.00 Third Place.



Elk Foundation Annual Banquet

Nov 17

The Lake Erie Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation (RMEF) is holding its annual fundraising banquet on Nov. 17at St. Denis Party Center, Chardon. The RMEF is a non-profit organization whose mission is to ensure the future if wildlife and their habitat. Please contact Ed Jackson (440) 567-0847 or (440) 834-8728 or Eric West (440) 667-6287


Amvets Post 112 Ladies Auxiliary Fundraiser Breakfast

Nov. 18

9 am to 12:pm at the Amvets Post #112. 37 W Broad St.-Newton Falls. Menu includes: Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Pancakes, French Toast, Biscuits & Gravy,Coffee, Tea & Juice. Cost: Adults $6.00, Children 4-9 $5.00 and Under 4 FREE. Money raised helps support our Veterans and Military programs


Story Time

Nov. 19

Windham Library invites kids of all ages to a special holiday series story time, starting Nov.19 at 10:30am. Story time is an opportunity for both the parent and child to spend some one-on-one time enriching the child’s environment with stories, music, finger plays and movement. For more information, call the Windham Library at 330-326-3145.  The library, located at 9005 Wilverne Drive, is open Monday and Friday, 10:00 am-4:00 pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00 pm-6:30 pm; and closed on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. For additional information about library programs and services, please visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org.


Annual Turkey Raffle

Nov. 19

Windham Fire Department will be having its annual Turkey Raffle being held Nov.19 @ 7:00pm at our fire station, located @ 9601 E. Center St. Tickets are .50 each with 2 drawings per ticket. 1st spin of the wheel is for a turkey or a ham, 2nd spin of the wheel will be for a donated prize from the table. We will also be having a 50/50 drawing and refreshments and food will be served. Any question please call 330-326-2225 and leave a message.


12 Gauge Raffle

Nov. 20

Windham American Legion Post 674 S.A.L. Remington 870 Exp. Comb 12 gauge raffle. Ticket price $1 each or 6 for $5. Call (330) 326-3188 or (330) 998-1118. Drawing will be held Nov. 20 at 5pm. Winner need not be present. Be ready for that big buck!


Ravenna Midnight Madness

Nov. 23

Traditionally, many Ravenna merchants will be open very late on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Festivities, including Elves’ Workshop, will be open for children’s activities at the Chamber Office (135 E Main) from 6-8. Free horse and buggy rides from 7-9. Ice Carver on the courthouse lawn starting at 8. Carolers will be singing throughout the evening. Merchants will be having their own inside sales to help you with your Christmas shopping list.  For more info call Susie K’s Café & Tea Room (330) 296-3779 or House of Holiday Ornaments (330) 297-6684


Portage Christian Business Network

Nov. 28

On Nov.28, 12:30pm-1:30pm, the Portage Christian Business Network will meet at The Salvation Army in Ravenna, located at 268 W. Main St. The purpose of this group is to connect Christian business professionals to network, equip, and encourage one another in the faith. RSVP’S are not required but appreciated and participants are welcome to bring their lunch. We meet on the 4th Wednesday of every month except December. For more information, call or text Mike at (330)285-1937 or call the Salvation Army at (330)296-7371.


Geauga County Master Gardeners

Dec. 1

Join Master Gardener Phyllis Mihalik in this popular class from 9am-noon and create a beautiful table top Christmas tree made from nature’s bounty. You’ll learn how to use professional floral materials and prepare dried materials from the garden, and then make your own table top Christmas tree complete with decorations. Dried flowers, seeds, ribbons, ornaments, feathers, let your imagination blossom. You will be amazed at how beautiful your creation will be. Keep it for your home or give as a special gift to a friend. You can’t go wrong. So invite a friend and have a fun time with us. All materials and light refreshments provided. $35 fee. Class held at Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Bldg., 14269 Claridon-Troy Road, Burton, OH 44021 on the Burton Fairgrounds. Call 440-834-4656 with questions or to preregister. Make check payable to OSU Extension and mail to PO Box 387, Burton, OH 44021. www.geauga.osu.edu


Windham Athletic Boosters Fundraiser

Dec. 1

Casino Trip to Presque Isle in Erie, PA. Dec 1 bus leaves at 4 pm from Windham High School. We will be at the casino from 6-11pm. The bus will return around 1 am. $40 per person, each person receives $35 free game play upon registration at the casino. Additional prizes and 50/50 raffle on bus. Proceeds benefit the new baseball/ softball complex. Contact Dawn Kilgore (216) 406-0019 Denise Dean (330) 717-1029 Missy Pozsgai (330) 389-0659 or Diana Knight (330) 571-3532


Santa Letter Fundraiser

Deadline Dec. 14

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre is sponsoring their personal Santa Letter Fundraiser again this year. Order your letters early, to secure your letters. Each letter includes a personalized letter to the child and also an ornament for their tree. The cost is only $9.00 per letter. Cut off for letters is Dec. 14th; all request and monies must be received by midnight on Dec. 14 to be mailed on Dec. 19.No late request will be honored.All letters will be mailed during the week of December 17, 2012.Send a check made payable to Curtains up Theatre to: P.O. Box 541 Garrettsville, Ohio 44231. Include the child’s name, address, age and sex


People Tree Adopt a Family

Dec. 20

People Tree is getting ready for the 2012 Christmas Season. We will be doing the adopt a family again and each family will receive a food basker. For more information call Hallie (330) 527-4097 or Liz (330) 527-2408. Donations can be dropped off at the Library, Middlefield Bank, Huntington Bank, Art N Flowers and Rite Aid.  Each family will receive a turkey, dressing, potatoes. Cranberry sauce, gravy, rolls, noodles, sweet potatoes, green beans, toilet paper, laundry soap, bath soap, dish soap, shampoo and toothpaste. Distribution will be Dec. 20 and appointments are a must.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography