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We’re All Invited


Breakfasts at Post 674
American Legion Post 674 will be having breakfast every Monday from 7 am to 11 am
price is $6.00 .  Eggs, biscuits and gravy ,french toast, omlets, pancakes, bacon, sausage. and toast  9960 E Center  St (SR 303) Windham ,Oh

Musicians Wanted
Sunday Mornings
The First Church of God in Windham would like to add a musician or musicians to their worship program, particularly in the areas of piano, organ, or guitar.  If you are interested you can call 330-326-2293 or 330-671-1426.  Or you can visit the church at 9016 N. Main St.  Worship begins at 11 am on Sunday mornings.

Co-Ed Adult Volleyball
Do you want free exercise and fun? Co-ed adult volleyball Sundays from 6:00-9:00pm at the Garrettsville Middle School Gym. Questions? (330) 527-5195

Ravenna Freewill Baptist Church
Visit Now
Looking for a church to worship and praise God? Come and meet everyone at the Ravenna Freewill Baptist Church, 1000 Park Ave. Ravenna. Sunday school 10 am, Morning worship 11 am, and evening worship 6:30 pm.

God Provides Free Meal
Sept 28
The Nelson UMC will be hosting a free meal on Sept 28 at the church. The church is located on Nelson Circle, 9367 St Rt 305 in Garrettsville. Come join the ladies for a hearty meal and great fellowship from 4-6pm.

New & Old Treasures Sale
Sept 29
On Sept. 29 a New and Old Treasurers Sale will be held in the Shalersville Town Hall from 9:00 to 4:00.  Tables for sellers will be available free but a 10% gratuity will be required on sales amount for the day.  Set-up time starts at 8:00am.  A concession stand will be provided for those who want eat and shop..  Come to look, shop or sell and help the Historical Society on our new projects. (Rebuilding the Chapel behind the Museum).   All are welcome. Just contact Kristen at 330-990-6591 to reserve a table or two, or with questions about this event.

Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner
Sept 29
The Braceville UMC (off St. Rt. 82 in the center of Braceville), will hold a stuffed pork chop dinner on Sept 29. The dinner begins at 4:00 and will be served until 6:30 unless food runs out. The dinner includes mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, coleslaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch. The cost is $9 for adults and $3.50 for children. Takeouts are available.

Boy Scout Popcorn
Sept 29 & Oct. 6
Its popcorn time again!  Boy Scout Troop 65, chartered by The Nelson United Methodist Church, will be having two popcorn Show and Take days to showcase the exciting new flavors like jalapeno-cheddar, white chocolate cranberry and more in addition to the regular line up of flavors.  The first one will be held at Haylett’s BP in Mantua on Sept. 29th from 9-2.  The second one will be on Oct. 6th at the Garrettsville IGA from 9-2.  If you can’t make it out on those days, please contact our Popcorn Kernel, Dawn Gula, at 330-274-8419 for info on how to get your own order of delicious Boy Scout Popcorn.

NGCC Spaghetti Dinner
Sept 29
Please join the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard for an All- You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner and Chinese Auction on Saturday, September 29th.  Dinner will be served from 4:00-7:00pm at the Nelson Community House.  The menu includes spaghetti, meatballs, salad, homemade rolls, dessert and beverage.  The admission price includes 1 free ticket for the Chinese Auction.  The cost is $7.00 for adults, $4.00 for children 3-12 years old and children under 3 years old eat free.  All proceeds to benefit the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard to further our mission to “Shut The Door On Hunger” in our community.

Community Rummage Sale
Sept 29
A Community Rummage Sale will be held on Sept 29 at the Mantua Civic Center. Household goods, Avon, Refreshments, Crafts for sale. Outdoor spots still available $10. (330) 348-9687

Steak Fry and Grilled Chicken Dinner
Sept 29
Garrettsville Eagles will be holding their monthly steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Sept 29 from 4:00 to 7:30 pm. Dinners include choice of potato(baked or french fries), green beans, salad and roll. Carry-outs available. Open to the public.

Community Picnic at Burton Congregational Church
Sept 29
The Deacons of Burton Congregational Church, UCC invite the community to meet new pastor Jay Carroll and his wife Cora on, September 29 from 1 – 3 p.m. in the Social Hall of the Church.  A picnic lunch will be available with a “Goodwill Offering.”  Please join us and spend some time getting to know our newest community members. Rev. Carroll will be installed as pastor on, September 30 with a special service at 2:30 p.m.   All are welcome to attend.  A dessert reception will follow.   Burton Congregational Church is located at 14558 West Park Street in Burton Village.  Call the church office for more information:  440-834-4495.

Craft Show
Sept 29
The First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Ravenna is hosting their annual craft show on Saturday, September 29, from 9 am to 3 pm at 420 S. Prospect St in Ravenna.    There will be a variety of vendors attending with soaps, jewelry, quilts, Avon, Tupperware, gift boxes, and many other types of crafts, all at reasonable prices.   There will be a bake sale and a lunch counter that will offer delicious food items for lunch and snacking.     A raffle will be held with gifts donated by all the vendors at 2:45 pm.  The tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5.

VFW Huge Rummage Sale
Sept. 29
9:00 am – 4:00 pm VFW Post 1055, Ravenna; 6000 New Milford Road.  Household Items, Hunting/Fishing/Camping Gear, Tools/Cake Decorating Supplies–You name it, We’ll have it! Lunch and homemade baked goods available. Want to rent a table? Hurry, they go fast! Call (330) 931-8910

Chicken Roast
Sept 29
Windham American Legion Post 674 S.A.L. Chicken Roasts will be Sept 8 & 29 from 3-8 pm. $8 per chicken. Side dishes are available from the Lady’s Auxiliary.

Nature Break: Women’s Retreat
Sept. 29
A Women’s Retreat will be held on Sept 29 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Bass Lake Preserve Lodge, 11445 Lakeview Drive, Munson Township
During the retreat, find sessions in canoeing on Bass Lake, yoga in a natural setting, geocaching and art with recycled materials. Bring a matt for yoga, too. Registration and a fee of $6 are required at http://geaugaparkdistrict.org or 440-286-9516 for this program, which is suitable for adult women and partially wheelchair accessible, as some activities may be off trail. Lunch will be provided by Zeppe’s Tavern & Pizzeria.

Harvest Moon Hike
Sept 29
Enjoy a twilight hike (6:00-8:00pm)at the Hiram College Field Station (Wheeler Rd, Garrettsville) to watch the Sun set in the west and the Harvest Moon rise in the east. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Field Station. For information, phone 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu.

Center Valley Park: Twinsburg’s Hidden Emerald Core
Sept 30 (11:00am-1:00pm)
This surprising hidden in-town preserve has a series trails exploring a seldom seen section of the Tinkers Creek riparian corridor. Join naturalist Bob Faber and investigate a variety of landforms surrounding the meandering Tinkers Creek, which are responsible for a rich collection of plant communities and wildlife habitat. Hiking fee: $8 ($5 for members of Friends of the Field Station). Phone 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu to register. Directions sent upon registration.

Burton Art Show
Entry Date: Oct. 1
The Friends of the Burton Public Library are looking for entries for the 2012 Burton Art Show to be held October 9-14 at the Burton Public Library, Burton, Ohio. Entry Date Oct. 1, 6-8p.m.at the Burton Public Library. FEES:  $5.00 (nonrefundable) per item entered; maximum of 3 items per artist  Artists (16 yrs. & older) that live, work, or attend school in Geauga or Lake counties are invited to submit their work.  Entry forms are available at all public libraries in Geauga and Lake Counties and also online at www.burton.lib.oh.us.  For more information call Kathy Schaefer at 440-834-4466.

Chinese Auction
Oct. 3
Chinese Auction at St. Michael’s Church, Ridge Road, Newton Falls.  October 3.  Doors open at 5:00 p.m.  Bids at 7:00.Donation: $6 per player.  Extra cards available.50/50 and other raffles. Cake and punch or coffee free with ticket.  Other refreshments available. For information call Sue 330 872-1712.

Free Class for Concerned Citizens
Oct 2
As oil and gas companies rush to get landowners to turn over their mineral rights for drilling, property owners may discover that oil and gas companies may have already subleased their land. Subleasing is a common practice—the problem is that some property owners don’t realize they are vulnerable, since leases are long-term and multigenerational. Current homeowner may not realize that the mineral rights were never his. Attend a free class on Tuesday, October 2, at 7:30 P.M. at the King of Glory Church at 1667 State Route 303 in Streetsboro to learn how to research your own mineral rights.  Registration is preferred, but walk-ins can be accommodated too. Call Mary at (330)472-8086 to register, or for more information.

Pilates Class
Oct 3-31
Ravenna Recreation offers Pilates on Sundays and Wednesdays.  Classes will be held from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. from October 3 – 31  at Tower Lodge in John Tontimonia City Park. This four week program will strengthen your abdominal muscles, increase your flexibility and improve your overall muscle tone and posture. Pre-registration required by calling Ravenna Recreation (330) 296-2864 or stop in at 530 North Freedom Street, weekdays 8 a.m. to 12 noon or 1p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Soup and Sandwich Day
Oct. 4
First Christian Church Christian Women’s Fellowship Soup & Sandwich Day. October 4 from   12-5 p.m. at Fellowship Hall. First Christian Church Newton Falls. Take outs available.  (330) 872 1328
Quilting for the Homeless
Oct 4
The first Thursday of each month, quilting for the homeless will begin again on Oct. 4 from 12-4om at the Windham Church of Christ Fellowship Hall (9837 Wolf Road, Windham) Materials will be provided and anyone is invited to attend. 27 quilts were given to homeless veterans last winter. All volunteers are welcome and appreciated. Contact Carolyn Miller (330) 326-3340

Exploration in Science
Oct. 4
Pathways to Prosperity Career Exploration in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) October 4th  at 6:30 – Iva Walker Auditorium. Mary C. Verstraete, Ph.D. Department of Biomedical Engineering The University of Akron. ALL PARENTS AND STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND

American Legion Auxiliary Meeting
Oct 4
Portage County Council of the American Legion Auxiliary will meet on Thursday, Oct. 4 at  the Windham Auxiliary Unit 674. The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m., and members from Portage County are encouraged to attend. Groups include: Mantua Unit 193, Ravenna Unit 331, Kent Unit 496, Streetsboro Unit 685, Deerfield Unit 713, Aurora Unit 803, and Windham Unit 674.

JAGHS Conferences
Oct 4 & 9
Parent Teacher Conferences October 4th and October 9th from 4:00-7:30 on Thursday, 4:00-7:00 on Tuesday. Please call the High School Office for an appointment 330.527.4341

Rummage & Bake Sale
Oct 5
Semi-Annual Pythian Sister Rumamge and bake sale will be Oct 5 from 9am-5pm and Oct 6 from 9am-noon. 123 College St. West Farmington. Used clothing, books, and household items. Saturday is $2 bag day. Lunch will be served Friday.

Guest Speaker at KSU Geauga
Oct. 5
October 5 @ 8:00am  GEL at Kent State Geauga: Gary Salhany from Sigmint Company will talk about working with interns, Denise Tomazic will introduce the Third Frontier- a government sponsored internship program, and GGP will talk about the success of the first year of their internship program

Soup Supper
Oct 5
The American Legion Mantua Post 193 will hold a Soup Supper at the Village Park Lodge in Mantua Village on October 5 at 6 pm. A variety of homemade soups, salads and desserts will be available for purchase. Cost is $7 for adults and $3 for children, proceeds benefit the Legion and Auxiliary. This event is open to the public.

Harvest Home Dinner
Oct. 6
The Southington UMC, Routes 305 & 534 in Southington will be having their Harvest Home Dinner on Oct. 6 from 3:30-6:00 pm. The menu includes ham, turkey, stuffing, real mashed potatoes, squash, green beans, applesauce, and homemade desserts. Adults $8, children’s age 4-10 $4 and children 3 & under free. Carry outs available.  (330) 898-2156

Senior Citizens’ Luncheon
Oct 6
First Baptist Church, 2640 South Canal Street, Newton Falls will be hosting a Senior Citizens’ Luncheon on October 6  The program will begin at 11:30 AM with the luncheon to follow at noon.  The event is open to any area senior citizen.  For additional information please contact the church office at (330) 872-7055.

Swiss Steak Dinner & Monthly Dance
Oct. 6
Portage County Chapter #600 of International Parents Without Partners will have a Swiss steak dinner from 6:30-7:30 at the Ritchie Memorial Shelter House, 109 W. Ave, Tallmadge. Cost is $8.50 per person. For more info call Mary (330) 571-3801 or Warrine (330) 699-2361

Benefit Scotch Doubles
Oct. 6
“Help Maddie” Scotch Doubles Benefit will be held on October 6th starting at 9:00 p.m. at SkyLane Bowling in Garrettsville.  Fun will include: (3) games of bowling, shoe rental, pizza, pop or coffee, Chinese Auction and 50/50 Raffle. Cost is $20.00 per person. Maddie Pugh is a (4) year old who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.  The proceeds from the benefit will help the family with expenses.

Harvest Moon Pig Roast and Chinese Auction
Oct .6
Event will be held at the Nelson Community Center on Oct 6, from 2-6 pm. Admission is a family-sized covered dish or donation of $7 per person. Contact Terry Allen (330) 527-4645 or go to pixleypark.org for more info.

Troop 112 Yard Sale
Oct 6
1st annual Boy Scout Troop 112 Yard SALE! October 6th 9-5 at 56 Orchard Rd. Newton Falls, OH. You can also visit us at the Newton Falls Chili Cook off on the same day!

Master Gardeners Volunteers
Oct. 6
9 a.m. – 11 a.m. this is the time to buy and plant bulbs.  Master Gardener Casey Judd will discuss bulbs that bloom in each season. Light refreshments and handouts included in $15 fee.  Call 440-834-4656 to register. Class will be held at the  Patterson Center on the Burton Fairgrounds, 14269 Claridon-Troy Road, Burton, OH 44021.

Tickled Pink Shopping Extravaganza
Oct. 6
Fall is in the air and that means that the holiday season can’t be far behind!  Get a jump on your holiday gift shopping at the Friends of WomenSafe Tickled Pink Shopping Extravaganza.  For the low admission price of $1.00 (children under 12 free) on October 6, 2012. You’ll have the chance to win great items at the Chinese Auction or cash from the 50/50 Raffle!  Shopping hours are from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Kent State University Geauga Campus, 14111 Claridon-Troy Road in Burton.  Proceeds from this event go to support the important work of WomenSafe.

Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival
Oct. 6 & 7
We would like to invite you to attend our country festival. We are located in Huntsburg, Ohio in Geauga County at the intersections of State Routes 322 & 528. We are celebrating our 43rd year.There is no entrance fee and all of our contests, entertainment and attractions are free.  We offer free parking and a free shuttle service from the parking areas to the Festival grounds 10:00 am till 6:00 pm

Oktoberfest/Polka Mass
Oct. 7
Mass will be held at noon. Dinner, dance and family fun will be at 1:30pm. Dinner reservations required. Tickets on sale thru 9/30 after mass. Dinner dance $10, takeout dinners $8, kids meal $5. For reservations call DeAnna (440) 758-2028 or Karen (440) 233-4700. St. Edward Church-Parkman. No reservations needed for Mass

PCDL Library Closed
Oct 8
Portage County District Library Closed Columbus Day. All branches and offices of Portage County District Library will be closed Monday, October 8, in observance of Columbus Day.  They will resume regular operating hours on Tuesday, October 9.  Visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org for additional information on library programs and services. Find us on Facebook.

Helping our Child Choose a College
Oct. 9
Helping your Son/Daughter Choose a College October 9th, 6:00 Iva Walker Auditorium. Guest Speakers Include: Stephanie Lukezie, Hiram College, Kristin Foy, The University of Akron, Holly Craider, Cuyahoga Community College, Chris Conney, Kent State University, Trumbull

Crescendo Club Meeting
Oct 9
“Crescendo Club — The next meeting of the Crescendo Club will be Tuesday, October 9th at 6:00 pm in the Band Room.  We are currently selling Marching Tiger car decals (which can be personalized) and Marching Tiger sweatshirts made by Positive Images of Newton Falls.   Last day to order is October 5th — ask any band member or call Laura at 872-1647 or Kim at 984-9061 for more information.”

2012 Burton Art Show
Oct 9-14
Burton Public Library  (Second Floor) 14588 W. Park Burton, OH 44021. The Burton Art Show, sponsored by The Friends of the Burton Public Library, features the work of artists from Geauga and Lake Counties. The show is open to the public during the following dates and times: Oct.9-11  from 10am – 8pm,  Oct. 12-13 from 10am – 4pm, Oct. 14 from 1pm – 4:30pm

American Legion Meeting
Oct 10
The American Legion Auxiliary Post 193 In Mantua will hold its regular meeting on October 10 at 1 pm. The Legion will meet on October 11 at 7:30 pm. Dues for both groups are due now.

Swim With The Water Dogs
Register by Oct. 12
Class Times are: 2 – 3 pm, 3 – 4 pm, 4 – 5 pm, 5 – 6 pm. Sunday Afternoons. All Levels, All Hours. Lesson are 45 minutes with 15 minutes of Free time at the end. Oct. 14, 21, & 28. Nov. 4 and 11. $50.00 per Child for all 5 lessons. 4 years and older. Sign-ups: Oct. 7th, from 2:30-4:30pm at the Hiram College Pool. Register online! Deadline to register October 12. http://www.hiram.edu/athletics/menssports/swim/lessons.html. Questions Call Jack Groselle at 330-569-5343

Quarter Auction
Oct. 12
Bridge to a Cure quarter auction fund raiser for Relay for Life will be held at Roby Lee’s on October 12, 2012.  Doors open for shopping at 4:00 p.m.  A light meal is included in the $15 ticket price.  Auction begins at 6:00 p.m.  New Vendors…new games…bring your friends and family for a girls night out. Call for tickets…Vickie 330-872-8353…Janette 330-307-1850 or Ella 330-872-4440

Homecoming Concert
Oct. 13
The Gospel Echoes Quartet invites you to join them for their 3rd Annual Homecoming Concert at The First Baptist Church in Aurora, 79 East Mennonite Road in Aurora on Oct. 13th at 6pm.  The Singing Weavers will be our special musical guests. Tickets are $10 in advance and $13 day of concert.  Food and beverages will be available.  Please call 330.562.9489 for more information.

Vendors Needed
Oct 13
The annual Fall Bazaar will be held at Burton Congregational Church from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Oct  13.  Craft vendors are welcome to reserve a table.  The cost is $20.  To reserve a table, call Kathy Uncapher at 440-834-1172.  The church is also accepting rummage sale items (no clothing), which may be dropped off at the church from 9 until noon on Mondays through Thursdays or on Sunday mornings.   Donations of crafts of any kind may also be dropped off at the church at these times.  Donations of baked goods may be brought to the church on Oct 12 or 13.   The Burton Congregational Church is located at 14558 W. Park Street in Burton Village.
Orthopedic Day
Oct. 13
The eighth annual Orthopedics Day, sponsored by University Hospitals Geauga Medical Center, will be held Oct. 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 700 Beta Banquet & Conference Center. Information about the prevention and treatment of back and joint pain, along with general orthopedic care, will be available during interactive education sessions.   Orthopedics Day is free and open to the public and reservations are required by Oct. 6. For reservations or more information call 440-285-7757 or visit www.UHGeauga.org.

Pet Pantry Auction
Oct. 13
The People Care Pet Pantry will be holding an auction on October 13. The auction will be a fund raiser for the pet pantry.  We are looking for new and used items to sell at the auction. If anyone has something they would like to donate, please contact Rene at peoplecarepetpantry@yahoo.com or 330-389-5116 or check out the Facebook page.

Troop 62 Pumpkin Sale
Oct 13
WAIT UNTIL OCTOBER 13TH TO BY YOUR HOME GROWN PUMPKINS. BSA TROOP 62 SCOUTS have worked hard this summer to grow a beautiful crop of pumpkins. They will be selling them October 13th 9:00 am-6:00pm. Stop by the former car dealership just South of St. Rt. 82 and St. Rt. 88 and purchase your home grown Fall decorations; pumpkins, Indian corn, corn stalks, bows and something new this year, Baked Goods. All proceeds benefit the scouts of Troop 62 or Garrettsville.

64th Annual Apple Butter Festival
Oct. 13 & 14
The 64th Annual Apple Butter Festival comes to Century Village Museum Oct. 13 and 14. This year, for the first time, fans of this Geauga County tradition will be able to compete for the titles of festival King and Queen. The 2012 Apple Butter Festival is sponsored in part by Geauga Bow. Hours for the festival are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is $7 for adults, $4 children 6-12. Festival organizers are still looking for volunteer stirrers. Anyone interested in helping should contact the Geauga County Historical Society office at 440-834-1492.

Brooks House Hosting Financial Presentation
Oct 16
The Pines at Brooks House Assisted Living will  host a financial presentation entitled “Rising Above the Herd” on Tuesday, Oct 16,  from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm.   Rick Frato, a financial advisor with Edward Jones Financial Group, will show investors how to stay focused on their long-term objectives during times of market volatility.  This event is free and open to the public.  A complimentary luncheon will be served.  Come join us with your investment questions.  Please RSVP by calling (440)286-5136 by Oct 11th to confirm your attendance.
The Pines at Brooks House is located at 18144 Claridon-Troy Rd. (SR 700), Hiram, OH, in Troy Township, about 5 miles north of Hiram OR about 1 mile south of SR 422.

Ladies Night Out
Oct. 18
Begin a fun evening out with the girls at Portage County Gardeners’ 50th annual Holiday Craft and Gift Show, Oct. 18, 4 – 8 PM. Shop for beautifully handcrafted items, take home a sweet treat from our bake sale, 20 door prize drawings, free basket raffle, hardy mums, bulbs, silent auction and much more. Light refreshments are served throughout the evening. $5.00 at the door. The Craft Show continues, Oct. 19 & 20, 9 AM – 3 PM, $1.00 admission. For more information about this event, call 330-673-0577 or 330-348-6089.

All-U-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner
Oct 19
The next Western Reserve Kiwanis All-U-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner will be Friday, Oct. 19th from 5-7pm in the Hiram College Kennedy Center.  Spaghetti with choice of meat or marinara sauce, salad, garlic bread, beverage, and ice cream, all for $ 6.00 for adults and children 8 and under FREE!  Carry-out available.  There will be a silent auction, as well as a 50/50 raffle.
Our co-host is Friends of the Garrettsville Library.

Annual Baked Chicken Dinner
Oct. 19
Garrettsville Eagles #2705,  on 8149 Water Street Annual Baked Chicken Dinner and  Chinese Auction to benefit the scholarship fund, October 19 at  4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Adults: $9.00, Children: $4.00. Open to public.

Fall Rummage Sale
Oct. 19 & 20
The Alter & Rosary Society of St. Ambrose Church, 10692 Freedom St in Garrettsville, is hosting their annual fall rummage sale and bake sale on Oct. 19 from 9am-5pm and Oct 20 from 9am-1pm. Saturday is bag day.

3rd Annual Craft Show
Oct 20
Palmyra Fire Station 3956 St Rt. 225, Diamond, OH 44412 from 10 am– 4 pm.  We’ll have several Chinese Auction baskets compliments of area businesses. We are currently looking for crafters and patrons. If you’d like to display your crafts please go to: www.palmyratownship.com to fill out the registration form, call 330 654-5447 or 330 557-6173 to have one mailed to you, e-mail palmyrafirefliesauxiliary@yahoo.com to have one e-mailed to you or stop by the station Monday – Friday 6 AM – 6 PM.

All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner
Oct. 21
Knights Of Columbus Council  #3350. 100 Superior St. Newton Falls 12:00pm-3:00pm at Saint Mary & Joseph’s Social Hall: 120 Maple Drive. Newton Falls. Dinner Includes: Spaghetti & meatballs, Salad, Italian bread, coffee or punch, and Dessert. Carry out available. Adults:$7.00, Children: $3.00 (6-11),  Children: FREE(5& under)

Gospel Music Concert
Oct 21
Gospel Music Concert–Windham UMC & Nelson UMC. Pastor Dave Ducommon is a member of the Indiana Gospel Music Association and has been the state’s Vice President since 2003.  He has received numerous awards and will be sharing his music and faith on Oct 21st at 10am during the Windham UMC worship.  He will then provide a concert that evening at 6pm in Nelson Twp. at the Nelson UMC.  Pastor Dae is excited about coming and sharing his music, meeting old friends and making new ones.

Evening of Polka
Oct 25
Everyone loves polka!  So come enjoy an evening of polka music at The Pines at Brooks House Assisted Living on, October 25th from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.   Jake Kouwe from The Chardon Polka Band will get toes tapping with his trademark high energy music.  We’ll be enjoying the sounds AND tastes of Oktoberfest with refreshments  including beer (root beer, that is), pretzels and mustard sauce, etc.   Hoping to see you  there! The Pines at Brooks House is located at 18122 Claridon-Troy Rd. (SR 700), Hiram, OH, in Troy Township, about 5 miles north of Hiram OR about 1 mile south of SR 422.   Questions?  Call (440)834-0260, ext. 8, or e-mail your questions to “brookshouseassistedliving@gmail.com”.

Murder Mystery Night
Nov 3
Doors Open at 6:00PM.Featuring the Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre Mystery Group. $35.00 Per Ticket. Limited Number of Tickets Available…Pre-Sale Only! Mystery, Dinner, Raffles & Cash Bar “My Big Fat Geek Wedding” Mysstteerry Murrdeerr Niigghhtt. For Tickets Call Donna Bicker at 216-210-1677 or Norm Fashing at 330-527-8093. Mantua Knights of Columbus Hall • 11845 St. Rt. 44, Mantua. Benefit for Children’s Glioma Cancer Foundation.In Memory of Melana Matson, Her Hope Shines On.

Murder Mystery Dinner “Marriage Can Be Murder”
Nov. 10
Geauga Lyric Theater Guild is proud to announce their 3rd annual Murder Mystery Dinner fundraiser “Marriage Can Be Murder” on November 10. To order tickets, email your name and contact info to geaugamurdermystery@gmail.com or call 440-285-7701. Tickets are $45 each/$80 a couple/$400 for a table sponsor that includes 8 event tickets, 8 drink coupons, 16 raffle tickets, an ad in the program, and exclusive participation in the garter/bouquet toss to win a prize! This event is for those 21 years and older please. Deadline to order a ticket is Nov 2nd.

12 Gauge Raffle
Nov. 20
Windham American Legion Post 674 S.A.L. Remington 870 Exp. Comb 12 gauge raffle. Ticket price $1 each or 6 for $5. Call (330) 326-3188 or (330) 998-1118. Drawing will be held Nov. 20 at 5pm. Winner need not be present. Be ready for that big buck!

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography