Home Other Areas Trustees Approve Plan For US Liquids Site Clean-up

Trustees Approve Plan For US Liquids Site Clean-up


Nelson Twp. – On Wednesday, June 6th the Nelson Township trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting with all trustees and the fiscal officer in attendance. Prior to the business portion of the meeting, chairman Turos recognized that evening’s guests, including Richard Bonner, Ohio EPA’s Bill Zawiski, Bill Steiner of Portage County Solid Waste District and Health Commissioner DuWayne Porter. 

Mr. Bonner spoke to the 30 plus member audience and trustees regarding his efforts to clean up the old US Liquids property located on SR 88.  Working in conditions which are disgusting at best, the clean-up efforts have included the fumigation of rats, removal of old, rotten food products and wet cardboard from one of the larger buildings on the property.

[pulledquote]Working in conditions which are disgusting at best, the clean-up efforts have included the fumigation of rats, removal of old, rotten food products and wet cardboard from one of the larger buildings on the property. [/pulledquote]The liquids — which contain mostly rain water now  – will be disposed of by using a process know as “knifing” once crops in the surrounding fields have been harvested.  This process will ensure that the liquid is not topically spread (as had been done by Fuerst last year) but will be injected into the soil. Working with the Ohio EPA, who have been testing the liquids in the holding tanks, Zawiski of the EPA stated that the knifing process will be done at rates determined by the EPA engineers and will be based on the level of application the soil can accept.

Bill Steiner, of the Solid Waste District, stated that after meeting with the Nelson Township Trustees at the (US Liquids) site and seeing the health hazard, he was able to obtain an Illegal Site Abatement Grant, which will aid in the clean up expenses by waiving the tipping fees charged at the landfills. Steiner stated “this is a prime example of governments working together, from the state level down to the township trustees.”

Health Commissioner Porter was on hand to distribute rat poison to the residents in attendance that live in the vicinity of the site.  Porter explained where to set the bait traps and what to look for on their property.  Residents were able to obtain up to three boxes of poison.  The remaining boxes were left with the trustees and are available to neighbors of the former U.S. Liquids plant. Please contact a Nelson Trustee for your d-Con rat poison as well as information on the control of these rats.

Trustees approved Bonner’s plan and thanked him for his efforts in cleaning up the mess that former owner Mark Fuerst left the township with.  Bonner is in the process of purchasing the 40 acres and buildings at this location, he currently farms 250 acres in the area.

In the business portion of the meeting, minutes were approved from the previous meeting, warrants were presented for payment and the road and zoning reports were given.

Trustee Leonard reported that two new trees had been planted at Pixley Park.  He also stated that he had received several compliments on how nice the cemeteries looked for Memorial Day.

Resident Mike Elias questioned the trustees regarding the testing of mosquitoes for West Nile Virus at several township locations that would include the former US Liquids site and the Nelson Ledges Road Course.  Trustee Matota did not feel that this testing was necessary, however after some discussion it was decided that Leonard would contact the health department for more information on the testing.

The trustees went into executive session to discuss personnel issues at 8:25 pm

To keep up-to-date on township happenings, meeting minutes are available on-line at www.nelsontownshipohio.org.  The trustees meet on the first and third Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in the community house.  Meetings are open to the public – come see your elected officials at work.

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Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography