Home Schools Listen Up!

Listen Up!


Music Lovers, listen up!  James A. Garfield instrumentalists will be on display Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. for their season finale.  The marching band will still be featured at Memorial Day and graduation but elementary, intermediate and middle school performers exhibit their tunes and talents this day along with the high school artists that they hope to emulate.  

Big Day!  Big Crowd!  Big Sound!  Be there.

Listen up!  The Hiram Community Chorus–Men’s, Women’s and combined group–wil present its Spring Concert on Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. at the Hiram Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

These are performers from across the area who love to sing and love to sing together.  Solos and ensembles will be in evidence.  Two outstanding directors–Damaris Peters-Pike and Jose Gotera–bring their enthusiasm and encouragement to the presentation of memorable music.  The enjoyment radiates from both the audience and the singers.

Come hear.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography