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We’re All Invited


Ravenna Summerfest Vendors & Crafters Needed
Register Today
The return of Ravenna Summerfest is June 16th from 10 am – 6 pm. We are currently looking for vendors & crafters to add to the days activities and car show. Please contact Barb at (330) 297-6684 or Susie at (330) 296-3779.

Harlem Ambassadors vs Windham’s Home Town Heros
On Sale Now
A fantastic internationally-acclaimed basketball team which regularly entertains the U.S. Military, will challenge Windham with a unique brand of Basketball, filled with antics, dazzling ball-handling tricks and hilarious comedy on Friday, April 20th @ 7pm at the WHS gymnasium. Pre-sale tickets which are priced $5 seniors, four years and under FREE & all others $7 are now on sale at Monica’s Café, Cortland Bank, the Renaissance Family Center of Windham and CAC of Portage County. For more Info- 330-326-3003 or 330-326-3380.

Hiram College Camps for Kids
This Summer
Don’t miss out on the fun and learning! Hiram College is once again offering wonderful camp opportunities for children of all ages and interests. Visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram for details or contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu.

JAG Scholarship
Apply Today
Chiropractic Center of Garrettsville is happy to announce that they will be offering a scholarship ro senior athletes at James A Garfield High School for the 5th year. The scholarship will be for $750. It may be used as the student needs. Applications are availible at the Chiropractic office or through the school counselor

Bingo at St. Michael Church
Every Thursday
Bingo every Thursday night in the parish hall at St. Michael Church,  9736 East Center Street, Windham.  Games start at 7:00 p.m.  Doors open at 5:30 p.m.

Bingo at St. Ambrose Church
Every Tuesday
Bingo every Tuesday night in the church hall at St. Ambrose Church, 10692 Freedom Street, Garrettsville. Games (early bird) start at 6:45 p.m. Doors open at 5:45 p.m.

“Annie Get Your Gun”
On Sale Now
Tickets for the J.A. Garfield High School Theatre Production of “Annie Get Your Gun”are available for $7 Adults, $5 SR Citizens & Students. Stop by the high school front office to purchase pre-sale tickets. The show will be April 12 – April 15.

Pancake Breakfasts
April  15
Atwood-Mauck American Legion Post #459. Pancake breakfast Sunday April 15 from 9-1:30 at 14052 Goodwin Avenue Burton, OH. All you can eat pancakes, sausage & potatoes, orange juice, coffee or tea. Adults, $8.00. Kids, $5.00.

April Evening Woodcock Watch
April 13
There will be a Woodcock Watch, Friday, April 13 – 7 to 9 p.m at The Rookery, 10110 Cedar Road, Munson Township

50’s Dance
April 13
Square dance & line dancing 50’s dance will be April 13 from 7-10 at North Bloomfield Town Hall. Admission ages 10 & up is $5, Under 10 will be $4. For more info call 44 685 4582 or 440 685 4301

All-U-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner
April 13
The next Kiwanis All-U-Can-Eat Spaghetti dinner will be  April 13 in the Hiram College Kennedy Center. Dinner is served 5-7pm. Adults are $6 and kids 8 and under eat FREE! Carry-out available. Our co-host is the Chi-Rho Youth Group from Hilltop, Hiram, & Mantua Center Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ). There will also be a Silent Auction!

Community Church Event
April 13 & 14
“Heaven or Hell, Your Choice” This production will be held at the Sanctuary of Praise Church of God, 12888 St. Rt. 88 in Garrettsville, nightly at 7pm. Actors will act out a series of scenes about living life, making choices, death and eventually finding themselves outside the “Pearly Gates”, asking the question, “Angel, is my name in the book?” Contact (330) 527 2942 with any questions

Sandwich Sale
April 13 & 14
The Windham Lions will hold their sandwich sale in the Sparkle Market parking lot in Windham, April 13th and 14th.menu consists of Italian sausage or steak sandwiches and soft drinks. Sandwiches are $ 4.00. They are hot, juicy and fresh off the grill. Hours are 9am to 7pm on Friday, 9am to 2pm on Saturday. All profits will be used for sight related causes and local community needs.

Free Movie & Popcorn
April 14
Free Indoor Movie and Popcorn! Come out for an evening of family fun and laughter!  Bring the family to watch Mr. Popper’s Penguins on April 14th at 7:30 pm R 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham, OH, Renaissance Family Center. Concessions will be available for purchase. Hope to see you there.

Roast Beef Dinner
April 14
Roast Beef Dinner. April 14 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Newton Falls United Methodist Church 336 Ridge Road Newton Falls, OH  44444 Adults $9, Children $4 and Children five and under meals are free. Carry Out Available.

Observing Night
April 14
Stephens Memorial Observatory of Hiram College will host a public observing night from 9 to 11 pm, weather permitting. The planet Mars will be bright and in a good position for viewing. Late-comers may enjoy a preview look at the return of Saturn to our pre-midnight sky. The Observatory is located on Wakefield Road (Rt. 82) less than a quarter of a mile west of Route 700 in Hiram.

Windham FD Scotch Doubles
April 14
Windham Fire Department will be holding a Scotch Doubles fundraiser on Saturday April 14 at 9pm. $40 per couple, includes 3 games of bowling, shoe rental, pizza,  unlimited draft beer, Chinese auction, 50/50 as well  DJ- “Captain Lenny.” Proceeds to benefit the Windham Fire Department. For info or reservations call Trisha at (330) 205-6700

Amateur Comedy Night
April 14
The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will host their third Amateur Comedy Night, at Slim n Jumbo’s on April 14th at 7pm. Amateur comedians from all across Northeast Ohio will gather for the prize money, being awarded to the funniest comedians of the evening. Tickets for this event are $5.00 in advance or $10.00 at the door. Tickets may be ordered online at garrettsvillecurtainsuptheatre.com. For more information contact Jackie at 216-375-0709

Hunter Education Course
April 14 & 21
Hunter education class will be held on Saturdays, April 14 and 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m held at Big Creek Park, Meyer Center, 9160 Robinson Road, Chardon Township

Football & Cheerleading Sign Ups
April 14 & 21
The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be holding football and cheerleading sign ups on April 14 at the Newton Falls community center and on April 21 at the stone pavilion at the Newton falls park. These sign ups will be held from 12:00- 2:00 p.m. and are for children ages 5 through 12. The registration fee is $55.00 and $25.00 volunteer fee per child. Please bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate for the league. For further information please contact Andy McElrath @ 330-565-0950

Reed Memorial Library
April 15
Join us at Reed Memorial Library on  April 15th at 2:00 p.m. for a program by local authors Wayne and Hazel Sheppard.  Wayne, a former high school art teacher, has written the book “Burden on Privilege: The Secret Life of Geoffrey Collins” and Hazel is a Children’s book author of the “Inchy Books” and “Big Red’s Greatest Find”.  This program is free and open to the public.  For more information, please call 330-296-2827 ext. 200.

Mantua Historical Society Meeting
April 15
The next Mantua Historical Society meeting will be April 15 at
7 pm. Bruce Dzeda, whose new book “Railroad Town: Kent and the Erie  Railroad”, will present an illustrated talk. His book will also be for sale & signing. The event is free and open to the public. The historical society is located in the Mantua Township Hall located on corner of Route 82 & Mantua Center Road.

Amvets Post 112 Breakfast
April 15
Come help and support the AMVETS annual Christmas package for overseas troops on April 15 from 9-12 at AMVETS post 112. 37 W. Broad St, Newton Falls. Menu includes eggs, bacon, home fries, pancakes, French toast, biscuits and gravy, toast & fruit cup. Adults $6. Children 4-9 $4. Under 4 eat free.

Bird Watching Walk
April 15 & 29
April 15 at Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve, April 22 at Frohring Meadows, April 29 at The Rookery, May 6 at Eldon Russell Park, May 13 at Big Creek Park and May 20 at Swine Creek Reservation. All are Sundays from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.

Bird Walk
April 15, 22, 29; May 6, 13, 20
Experienced and beginning birders are invited for these walks as we set out early Sunday mornings to learn and record the sights and sounds indicating the return of our feathered friends from distant lands. Bird walks begin at 7:30am and usually end about 9:00am. Bring your binoculars and meet at the JH Barrow Field Station on Wheeler Rd. (between SR 305 and SR 82) near Garrettsville. It is a great way to learn birding from experts. No registration is necessary. For questions, call 330.569.6003.

Republican Women’s Club Meeting
April 16
Portage county Republican Women’s Club will be having their monthly meeting on April 16 at 6:30 pm. Heinen’s supermarket in Aurora. Cost is $16 per person. Dinner Is your choice of chicken romano or orange roughy with spring vegetables & sides of grilled asparagus, jarlesberry & twice baked potatoes. If interested call Jeneen at 330 687 4067 by April 13.

April 17
Please feel free to join us in dinner and fellowship on April 17 from 5:30 – 7 p.m. at Convent Bible Church (8146 High Street, Garrettsville). Meal includes grilled cheese sandwiches, broccoli and cauliflower, deviled eggs, and ending with angel food cake and drink. If you have any questions, please feel free to call 330.527.4205. There are no income restrictions.

Relay For Life DQ Night
April 17
Come on out and support the Garfield Elementary Relay for Life Team on April 17 from 4-8pm! Have some ice cream, buy a cake, or have dinner!  You can do it all at your G’ville DQ. Profits from 4-8 will benefit our Relay for Life team.

Roast Beef Dinner
April 17
The Garrettsville United Methodist Church, located at 8223 Park Ave. will be hosting a roast beef dinner on Tuesday, April 17 from 4:30 to 7 pm. The cost is $8.50 for adults, $4.50 for children under 12 and free for preschool children. The menu includes roast beef, mashed potatoes, green beans, salad, rolls, dessert and beverages. Take-out orders are available.

Grief Gathering
April 18
St. Ambrose Church will offer a Grief Gathering to the community on Wednesday evenings from 7-9pm in the church hall from April 18th to May 23rd.  This six-week session offers information and support for grieving individuals.  Please call (330) 527-4105 for more information.

Arthritis Foundation
April 18
The Arthritis Foundation, Great Lakes Region, Northeastern Ohio and University Hospital Geauga Medical Center are sponsoring a free community education program on Wednesday, April 18 from 9:15 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. in the Conference & Event Center at Northeast Ohio Medical University, 4209 St. Rt. 44, Rootstown.

Church Rummage Sale
April 19 & 20
Braceville United Methodist Church, 589 Park Rd. Braceville, will be having their annual rummage sale April 19 from 9am-5 pm. April 20 will be dollar day from 9-12.

Conquer Kids Cancer
April 20
St. Baldrick’s foundation will he holding a special event on April 20 at Slim & Jumbos. Members of the Hiram fire department and the community will shave their heads in solidarity with kids with cancer and raise money for life-saving children’s cancer research.

Spring Cleanup
April 20, 21 & 22
Windham Village and Windham Township spring cleanup will be April 20, 21,& 22 from 7am- 5pm behind Windham Village Park. Items accepted  are: appliances, batteries, furniture and up to 4 tires per household.Will not accept paint, shingles, building debris or garbage.

Rummage Sale
April 20, 21 & 22
There will be a rummage sale held at the Portage County Randolph Fairgrounds on: April 20 & April 21  9am-3pm, & April 22 10am-1pm.  ALL of the proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative to
fund research for sarcoma cancer. This sale is being held in memory of those who have lost their battle with sarcoma cancer, and in honor of the survivors

Earth Day Clean Up
April 21
Come and celebrate Earth Day at West Branch State Park. Volunteers are needed to clean shoreline and roadside litter. Arrive at 9am at the park’s west boat ramp located on Rock Spring road. Dress for the weather and bring work gloves. Cleanup will conclude at 12, follow by a hot dog cookout and potluck lunch. Bring a dish to pass. Call 330 296 3239 for more info.

Growing Garlic in Geauga Clay
April 21
On April 21 from 10 am  – Noon Master Gardener Galen Black will present a class on growing garlic in Geauga County.  He will discuss and illustrate the use of raised beds and soil amendments.   Included in the class will also be information on leeks, onions and scallions.  $15 fee. Light refreshments included.  Call 440-834-4656 to register.  Class held at Patterson Bldg. on the Burton Fairgrounds.  Visit the MGV site for details and updates.  www.geauga.osu.edu

Spaghetti Dinner
April 21
The Ravenna Freewill Baptist Church, located at 1000 Park Ave. Ravenna, will be holding a spaghetti dinner, on April 21 from 2:30-5:30pm. Everyone is invited, make plans to come fellowship with us and there will be an open sing at 6pm following dinner. Adults $7, kids ages 5-10 $4, 4 and under eat free

Youth Ministry Spaghetti Dinner
April 21
St. Ambrose Youth Ministry is hosting a spaghetti dinner on April 21, from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the church hall. The menu includes pasta, meatballs, salad, bread & butter, a beverage and homemade dessert. Prices are: adults $6.50 and children $4.00. Carry-out is available for an additional 50 cents.

Pancake Breakfast
April 21
A pancake breakfast sponsored by Garrettsville Boy Scout Troop 62 will be held April 21 from 8 am to 1 pm at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church. 8223 Park Ave. Garrettsville.  Children 10 and under -$3 and persons age 11 and up- $5. Pay at entry-no presale tickets. Includes: Choice of freshly made fluffy Buttermilk or Blueberry Pancakes, choice of syrups, pork sausage and your choice of coffee or juice.

Spring Tea
April 21
The Fellowship Committee of Burton Congregational Church hosts its annual Spring Tea on April 21 at 2 p.m. in the church’s Social Hall.  This year’s theme is “Ocean Life” the swim, scuba and snorkel center in Willoughby.  They will present a program on scuba diving adventures. luncheon will feature tomato soup with oyster crackers, chicken/broccoli alfredo shell pasta, and garlic bread.  Dessert will be Lime Sea Foam!  Coffee, Tea and Punch are included.  Tickets are $8. For tickets, or, if you would like to host a table, please call Kathy Uncapher at 440-834-1172.

Knee Deep in Bluebells
April 22
One of the most unbelievable and spectacular sights in all of Ohio is the riot of wildflowers at the 250 acre Poland Municipal Forest southeast of Youngstown.  Here, in a setting among some of the largest trees in the state, thousands upon thousands of wild bluebells and other spring wildflowers bloom. The forest floor is literally awash with a carpet of bluebells, dabs of red and white trilliums and a haze of marsh marigolds; the artistry of nature in all its glory. The hike begins at 3:00pm. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (hiking fee: $3 for members, $6 for non-members). To register, call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Directions provided upon registration

Annual Library Meeting
April 22
The public is cordially invited to the Annual Meeting and Recognition of the Friends of the Burton Public Library.  The meeting will be held at the library on April 22 at 2:00 p.m.  Entertainment will feature Rick Hyde, Hiram College Theater Professor, who will present “For Once, Then Something…. The Poetry of Robert Frost.”  Refreshments will be served.  Everyone is welcome and no reservations are required.  For more information, call the Burton Public Library at 440-834-4466.

Riverview Morning Ladies Organizational Meeting
April 24
Riverview Tuesday Morning Ladies Fun League is having its organizational meeting in April 24 at 9 am at the Riverview clubhouse. There will be golf at 10am if weather permits. Coffee will be served. New members are welcome. Call Cheryl Hudson at 330 872 0566 if any questions. Golfing will begin on Tuesday, May 1 at 9:02am

Community Dinner
April 24
Windham American Legion , 9960 Center St. From 5-6 pm. While supplies last. No take outs. Everyone welcome!

ODNR Free Workshops
April 24 & 25. May 5
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Watercraft is offering free workshops to anyone interested in learning how to become a Monitor for Ohio’s Stream Quality Monitoring (SQM) Program. April 24 from 5-7pm Grand River- Helen Hazen Wyman Park Route 86, Painesville. April 26 from 5-7pm Mantua Village Park- Mantua Ohio. May 3 from 5-7pm Chagrin River, Old River Farm Picnic Area. For more information or to register for a workshop, please contact Bill Jagers at (330) 527 2961

Friends of the Newton Falls Public Library Membership Tea
April 25
“Friends of the Newton Falls Public Library Membership Tea will be held on  April 25, at 6 p.m. at St. Michael’s Social Hall, Ridge Road, Newton Falls. Fashion show by Nona’s Family Closet Consignment Shop of Liberty.  All of the items shown will be available for purchase. A small chinese auction will be held as usual, and Lori Rankin from the Flower Shoppe is providing a beautiful centerpiece which will be the door prize.  Donation will be the cost of 2012 Membership ($25 Patron; $15 Family; $8 Individual; $5 Senior and Student).”

Spring Rummage Sale
April 27
The Altar & Rosary Society of St. Ambrose Church, located at 10692 Freedom St, in Garrettsville, is hosting their annual Spring Rummage Sale on  April 27 from 9am to 5pm and  April 28 from 9am to 1pm. Saturday is bag day. The rummage sale will take place in the church hall

April 28 & 29
The Gemboree will be held April 28 from 10-6 and April 29 from 10-5 at Emidio and Sons Expo Center, 48 E. Bath Road, Cuyahoga Falls. Admission $5 adult, $4 seniors & students, $1 ages 7-14; free for scouts in uniform & children under 6.

Grand River Wildlife Area-Sampler
April 28
This 7,000+ acre complex of wetlands and swamp forest surrounds the meandering upper Grand River.  Numerous beaver swamps, marshlands, ponds and lakes are the home of river otters, sandhill cranes, bears, and great variety of other wildlife species. The program begins at 2:00pm and we will visit the complex of wetlands of a former fish hatchery and several other wildlife observations areas. Bring binoculars for wildlife viewing opportunities. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (hiking fee: $5 for members, $8 for non-members). To register, call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Directions provided upon registration.

Sirloin Steak Dinner
April 28
Support Kiwanis of Newton Falls and enjoy a delicious 14 ounce Sirloin steak dinner with all the trimmings. April 28, 4pm to 7pm Newton Falls Community center, 52 East Quarry Street. Cost $15

Mosquito Creek Wildlife Area-Sampler
April 28
This 9,000 acre wildlife refuge is the home of numerous bald eagles, sandhill cranes, ospreys, river otters, black bears, rare rattlesnakes and a host of other wildlife species. Join us from 9:00am-Noon as we will amble the back roads, view hidden ponds, and visit the best wildlife viewing areas of this sprawling complex. Bring binoculars for the best opportunities for eagle viewing. Sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station (hiking fee: $5 for members, $8 for non-members). To register, call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu. Directions provided upon registration.

Rummage Sale
April 28
Rummage sale April 28,from 9-4 pm at the VFW Post 1055. 6000 New Milford Rd. Ravenna. Want to rent a vendors table? $15 for info call 330 931 8910

Double Whammy: 16,000 acres of Wild Landscape
April 28
Join us from 9:00am-Noon to sample the 9,000 acre Mosquito Creek Wildlife Area. We will amble the back roads, view hidden ponds, and visit the best wildlife viewing areas of this sprawling complex. Bring binoculars for the best opportunities for eagle viewing. The Grand River Wildlife Area will be our destination in the afternoon (2:00-5:00pm). This 7,000+ acre complex of wetlands and swamp forest surrounds the meandering upper Grand River. We will visit the complex of wetlands of a former fish hatchery and several other wildlife observations areas. These hikes are sponsored by the Friends of the Hiram College Field Station. Join us for either or both hikes (fee: $5 for members, $8 for non-members for each hike). To register, call 330.569.6003 or emailsorrickmw@hiram.edu. Directions provided upon registration.

Taste of the Western Reserve
April 29
Sunday, April 29 at Signature Solon from 4pm-7pm annual food tasting and grazing festival of local eateries. Presented by the Rotary Club of Aurora

Little Tigers Golf Fund Raiser
June 2
The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be hosting their annual Golf outing fund raiser on June 2, 2012 at the Olde Dutch Mill golf course. The four man scramble will be an 8:00 a.m. shot-gun with registration starting at 7:00 a.m.. The registration fee will be $65.00 per golfer and will include lunch, dinner, golf with cart, and beverages. Prizes will be awarded for all holes. Come join us for a fun day and support the Newton Falls youth football and cheer leading program. For information please contact Ron Wilcox @ 330-235-3046 or Heather Lyndsey from the Olde Dutch at 330-654-4100.

Ravenna Summerfest
June 16
Save this date!!  Summerfest in Ravenna is coming.  Details to follow…

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography