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Gas & Wine


I  recently read a column about how the price of gas is increasing the cost of the wine bottle. I understand that it will cost more to ship but unfortunately the wine industry is seeing an increase in equipment and an increase in shipping. I am not alone when I say this isn’t fair but I know for the next couple of months or so I am going to have to deal with it.

When gas prices hit an all time high in the summer of 2008, not only did we see an increase in equipment prices but we unfortunately saw a decrease in visitors to the winery. So, I’m sure many of you have been hearing rumblings that gas may hit $5 / gallon by this summer. If history repeats itself, I know that at $5 / gallon, everyone will be making additional adjustments to travel plans and their lifestyle. While the winery continues to strive to be an affordable and accessible location, we also know that we need to do our part to help everyone out.

So for a limited time, Candlelight Winery is offering one (1) flatbread and a small cheese plate featuring Adam’s Reserve Cheese for the price of gas! Simply bring in your receipt dated for the same day and the flatbread and cheese plate are yours for the same price. So if you are out and about and find gas for $3.73, make it a point to come out to the winery that day and dinner will cost you $3.73!

This offer is valid Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 3-9pm and Saturdays from 1-6pm. We cannot honor gas prices offered by gas club memberships (i.e., FuelPerks) and only 2 gas receipts per party. Where else can you go for a relaxing night out and enjoy some great food for the same price as a gallon of gas? We hope to see you at Candlelight Winery soon!

Amanda is the Co-Owner of Candlelight Winery located at 11325 Center Street, Garrettsville. For more information on some of these events or wine lists from the winery, please visit www.candlelightwinery.com or call 330.527.4118.

Staff Reporter