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We’re All Invited


American Legion Fish Fry


The Windham American Legion will be hosting a fish fry every Friday from 5 – 8  pm. Cost is $8.50.


Fellowship & Music


Beginning on February 29, 2012, Wednesday night, at 7:00 p.m. and each Wednesday night  after  February 29 there will be fellowship and music at the Newton Falls United Methodist Church located at 336 Ridge Road, in Newton Falls.  This program will supply soup and drinks but most of all there will be worship, fellowship, and music.  The music will be provided the United Methodist Church Praise Band. Come and bring your friends.


Crafters & Vendors Wanted

Spring Ahead Bazaar is sponsored by Claridon Ambassador Girl Scout Troop 1324 and looking for Crafters and Vendors. Tables are $20.00 each. It will be held on Sat. April 14 from 9a.m.-3p.m. at the Claridon Town Hall at 13830 Mayfield Rd., Claridon at the corner of Claridon Troy Rd. and Rt. 322. Call Dolly at 440-635-1173 for reservations or more information.


Hiram Community Trust Grants

Apply By April 20

The Hiram Community Trust was created by Reign Hadsell with the goal of providing funds for projects that make the Hiram Community a distinctive and special place to live. It was Reign’s wish that these funds be used to promote a spirit of cooperation among Hiram Village and Township, Hiram College, James A. Garfield Schools and Crestwood Schools. Funding for projects ranging from several hundred dollars to $25,000 is available. Grants applications are due April 20, 2012 with funds available for projects beginning or after July 1, 2012. For grant guidelines, an application or questions, contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu.


Register now for the Class of 2025!

The J. A. Garfield School District is now accepting kindergarten registration information for your child who will turn age 5 before Sept 30, 2012. Registration will take place on Wednesday, March 14, Thursday March 15 and Friday March 16, 2012 at the elementary school.  Please call the Elementary School office at 330-527-2184 to schedule an appointment for your child as soon as possible.


Crestwood Kindergarten Registration


Information packets and registration paperwork are now available for parents to pick up at the Crestwood Primary school. The official registration will take place on Feb 23 and March 1 during the times of 9:30 am – 11:30 am; 1 – 2:30 pm and 5-7 pm.  All registration will take place at the Crestwood Primary building. Children must be five years old on or before Aug. 1, 2012 to be eligible to attend kindergarten during the 2012-13 school year.


Hiram Rapids Historical Building Fundraiser

Donations now accepted

The Hiram Rapids Church and Cemetery Association (R.C.C.A.) is accepting donations for our spring rummage sale. All proceeds are used to maintain this historical building. Please call if you have some things you would like to donate. 330-569-7204 330-569-7453


Mantua K of C Lenten Dinners

Fridays through March 30

Beginning Feb 24th, Mantua Knights of Columbus are hosting Lenten Dinners each Friday night through March 30th featuring a variety of delicious Peirogi’s from the Famous West Side Market “Peirogi Palace”.  Additional dinner options include Fish, Shrimp or Mac-N-Cheese and include side dishes, bread, homemade dessert and beverage (beverage not included with carry-out).  Other side dishes are also available.  Dine-In service is available 5–8 PM or Carry-Out by calling (330) 274-2576.  The Mantua K of C Party Center is located at 11845 St. Rt. 44 just north of St. Rt. 82


Outdoor Spring Soccer Sign-ups

It’s that time of the year again!  Spring Soccer!  If you are a currently a  7th or 8th grader (boys and girls) in the James A Garfield School District we are looking for a minimum of 14 players for the team. Please let me know by March 1st. For more details, please call Kim Curry at 330.527.2186

Practices beginning the first part of April.


Lenten Fish Dinners

Beginning Feb 24

St. John Byzantine Catholic Parish, 36125 Aurora Road (corner of Liberty and Aurora roads) will serve fish dinners during Lent on Fridays, Feb. 24, March 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30. The dinner includes 2 pieces of breaded flounder, potato and pierogi (all oven-baked), bread or rolls, butter, beverage and dessert. Cost is $10 per dinner. Serving time is 4:30-6:30 p.m. Pierogi dinners also available. Takeouts available. For more information call 440-248-4530.


RFC Free Dinner

Feb 24

Free Monthly dinner is kicked up a notch with a free drawing each month for two very nice prizes.  Everyone gets a number when they arrive and the winner is drawn. Free Dinner, everyone invited, Feb. 24th from 5:00 till 6:30 pm at the Renaissance Family Center. Come early, drawing by 6:00.


God Provides A Lunch

Feb 24

God Provides Lunch at the Bristolville UMC located at Rt. 45 & 88 in Bristolville.

Come and Join us for a lunch of Soup & Sandwich on Feb. 24th  from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.


God Provides A Free Meal

Feb 24

The February God Provides A Free Meal will be on Feb 24 from 4-6 pm at the Nelson United Methodist Church located on Nelson Circle (9367 SR 305). The February cuisine is chili, salad and cake. Everyone is welcome.


Eagles Steak Fry & Chicken Dinner

Feb 25

The Garrettsville Eagles will be holding their monthly steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Saturday Feb 25th from 4:30 to 7:30. Dinners include choice of baked potato or french fries, vegetable, salad and roll. Steak dinners are $12.00 and chicken $8.00. Open to the public.


All-You-Can-Eat Pancake Breakfast

Feb 25

The First Christian Church, 17 North Center St,Newton Falls is hosting an all-you-can-eat pancakes (in house) breakfast, served with sides of sausage (links or patties), eggs, orange juice, syrup, coffee  OR Sausage gravy with biscuits served with eggs, orange juice, coffee on Feb 25 from 8 am – Noon. Adults $5.75; 5-12 yrs. $2.75; under 5 free. Tickets to be purchased at the door.  Take outs are available, call 330-872-1328 to place an order.


Girl Scout Cookie Sale

Feb 25

Brownie Troop 442 from Crestwood Intermediate School will be selling Girl Scout Cookies at Mantua Hardware from 9 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 25th.  Cookies are $3.50 per box (cash only) and they will be selling all varieties (Samoas, Tagalongs, Do-Si-Dos, Thin Mints, Thank You Berry Munch, Trefoils,  Dulce De Leche and the new lemon crispy cookie, Savannah Smiles).  Stop by for a sweet treat!


Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner

Feb 25

On Feb 25 there will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville United Methodist Church off SR 82 in the center of Braceville. The dinner is from 4- 6:30 pm and includes mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, cole slaw, apple sauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch. The cost is $9 for adults and $3.50 for children. Phone number for take-outs is 330 898-5607.


Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers Gardening 101

Feb 25

Master Gardener Joe Banzer demonstrates a plan for a successful garden using a new presentation and lots of “how to” pictures. Topics include soil improvement, raised beds, soil testing, fertilizers, plant selection and other aspects of starting or improving a home garden.  Fee of $15.  Light refreshments. Call 440-834-4656 to register.    Class held  Feb. 25, 9:30 a.m. – Noon at  Patterson Bldg.(on the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road.  Mail check payable to OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio 44021.


Garfield Hotstove Baseball Sign Ups

Feb 25, 29 & March 3

Hotstove baseball sign-ups will be held on Sat. Feb 25th and March 3rd from 9 am – Noon at the Village Hall; Wed. Feb 29 from 6-8 pm at Garfield Elementary School. Cost will be as follows: 5-6 years old $50; 7-8 years old $60 and 9-14 years old $75.  If anyone has any questions, please call Phil Britton at (330) 527-2209.


Girls Youth Softball Sign Ups

Feb 25, 29 & March 3

Garfield Youth Softball  sign-ups will be held on Sat. Feb 25th and March 3rd from 9 am – Noon at the Village Hall; Wed. Feb 29 from 6-8 pm at Garfield Elementary School.


Storytime & Book Signing

Feb 25

Mialie T. Szymanski, author and illustrator of the children’s picture book Doodle Dog Enjoys the Day will be visiting The Learned Owl Book Shop in Hudson  on Feb 25th at 1pm. Come for a Doodle Dog storytime, kid-friendly activity, and opportunity to have your own copy signed by the author. Copies of the book will be available for purchase or bring your favorite edition of “Puppy Tails” to have it autographed. It’s going to be a “paws”itively grrreat day! For more information, call The Learned Owl at 330-653-2252 or visit www.learnedowl.com.


Benefit In Memory of Sue Warren

Feb 25

A benefit in loving memory of Brian Lancaster’s life-long companion, Sue Warren, will be held on Feb 25th at 4 pm at the Silver Crik Saloon in Garrettsville. $10 per person. 3 bands, 50/50 raffle and door prizes.


1st Annual Fred Haney Winter Softball Tournament

Feb 25

The 1st Annual Fred Haney Winter Softball Tournament will be held on Feb 25 at the Time Out Sports Bar in Freedom Twp.  Tournament begins at 8 am.  Contact Raymond Oliver at 330 524-2746 or Time Out Sports Bar at 330 527-9080 to register your team. Cost is $100/team.  Registration ends on Feb 20th.


Community Music Night

Feb 26

The Newton Falls Ministerial Association will be sponsoring a “Community Music Night” on Sunday, February 26.  The service will be held at the Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road,  Newton Falls and will begin at 6:00 PM and will feature musical selections from various church choirs from within the Newton Falls community.  All are welcome to attend this service of “worship through music.”


Chili Cook-Off

Feb 26

Calling all cooks! Think you make the best chili in town? Here’s your chance to prove it! Garrettsville United Methodist Church is sponsoring a chili cook-off on Feb 26 at 1 p.m. to benefit the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard. Admission to the event is $5 per person, children under 10 are free.  Contact the church office at 330-527-2055 for registration forms or further information.


Windham American Legion Raffle

Drawing Feb 26

The Windham American Legion Post #674, SAL is raffling off a 37-inch flat screen TV. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20. Purchase at Post 674 or from any SAL member. Drawing will be February 26th.


Newton Falls Public Library Trustees Meeting

Feb 29

The Newton Falls Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, February 8, 2012 has been rescheduled for Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at 204 S. Canal Street, Newton Falls, OH 44444.


Burton Public Library Book Sales

Sundays in March 

The Friends of the Burton Public Library will hold used-book sales at the library on each Sunday in March from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  There are items for everyone:  books, magazines, vintage materials, maps, vinyl LPs, CDs, tapes, movies and puzzles.   Sunday, March 25, will be “bag day.”   Please enter the sales through the white door located at the back of the building.


Scout Troop 112 Fundraiser Night

March 1

Boy Scout Troop 112 Will be holding a Fundraiser Night at CiCi’s Pizza located in front of  the Home Depot in Niles on Thursday, March 1st, 2012 from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm!  It’s easy; just purchase your buffet, put your receipt in the box and enjoy your meal!!  More info? Call 330-507-3886, or email troop112@yahoo.com.


World Day of Prayer

March 2

World Day of Prayer 2012 will be observed on March 2.  A community service, led by the churches of Braceville, Lordstown and Newton Falls, will be held on Friday, March 2 at 11:00 AM at the First Baptist Church, 2640 South Canal Street, Newton Falls  The theme of this year’s event is “Let Justice Prevail.”    Those attending are invited to bring a covered dish to the luncheon which will follow the service.


G-Men Donkey Basketball Game

March 3 

James A. Garfield All Sports Boosters presents the G-Men Softball’s 4th Annual Donkey Basketball Game on March 3rd  from 7-9 pm in the high school gym.

Cost is  $6 in advance; $8 at the door. For more information contact Coach Downing @ 330-527-4341


The Art and Science of Pruning!

March 3

Master Gardeners  Jim Zeitz and Deb Palmisano will demonstrate proper pruning techniques to achieve desired growth and maximum plant performance.  This class will ease your fear of pruning by helping you understand the when, how, where and why associated with pruning all your landscape plants and trees.  Light refreshments and handouts will be provided.  Class to be held Saturday, March 3, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.  Registration fee $15.   Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (on the Burton Fairgrounds).  Call 440-834-4656 to register.  Mail check payable to OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio 44021. View a list of upcoming Master Gardener Volunteer sponsored classes:  geauga.osu.edu/


Windham Drama Club Scotch Doubles

March 3

Let the Good Times Roll! WHS Drama Club will be holding a Scotch Doubles at Sky Lanes on March 3rd from 9 – 11:30 pm. Cost is $40 per couple  Price includes: 3 games, food and drink. Basket Raffles and 50/50 will also be held. All are welcome to participate even if you don’t bowl – Come a few minutes early to get your tickets!!  Questions – contact Heather Fall at 330 720-3726


Texas Hold’em Poker Fundraiser

March 3

There will be a Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament fundraiser to benefit the Ravenna Buckeye Garage Door Ghosts baseball team on March 3.  Tournament will be held at the Ravenna Italian American club. Doors open at 5 pm, tournament begins at 6 pm.  Seating limited to the first 100 registered players.  Contact Bill Bregant at 330 389-1084 for more info or to register.

Pancake Breakfast

March 4, 11, 18 & 25

American Legion Post 459, 14052 Goodwin Ave, Burton, is hosting all-you-can-eat pancake breakfasts on Sundays in March from 9 am – 1:30 pm. Adults $8; Children $5. Breakfast includes all-you-can-eat pancakes, maple syrup, scrambled eggs, sausage & potatoes, orange juice, coffee or tea.


Pancakes & Sausage Breakfasts

March 4, 11, 18 & 25

The Parkman Chamber of Commerce will be sponsoring pancake & sausage breakfasts at the Parkman Community House,

State Route 422 in Parkman on March 4, 11, 18 and 25 from 9 am to 2 pm.  Enjoy pure Geauga Maple Syrup. Adults: $7.50; Children (6-12): $3.00; Children 5 & under: Free


Card Party

March 4

St. William Women’s Guild Annual Card Party will be held at 5431 Mahoning Ave. NW Champion, OH on March 4 at 1 p.m.  Doors open at 12:30 p.m. – Donation $7.  Theme:  “Life is like a Game of Cards”. Featuring our famous “Grand Salad Bar”, 50/50 Raffle,  cash and craft raffle. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Bella Women’s Center.


All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner

March 4

Knights Of Columbus Council #3350, is hosting an all-you-can-eat spaghetti dinner on March 4th from Noon – 3 pm at Saint Mary & Joseph’s Social Hall 120 Maple Drive. Newton Falls. Dinner includes spaghetti & meatballs, salad, Italian bread, coffee or punch, and dessert. Carry out available. Adults:$7.00; Children: $3.00 (6-11);Children: FREE(5& under).


Pancake Breakfast Storytime at the Garrettsville Library

March 5 or 6 

Children are invited to join us at the Garrettsville Library on either March 5 at 11:00 am or March 6 at 11:30 am for a special pancake breakfast storytime. Enjoy stories about maple syrup sugaring and pancakes. Registration is required for these programs. Register online at www.portagelibrary.org (select “Library Programs”) or call 330-527-4378 for more information.


Election Day Soup Sale

March 6

The Windham Lions Club is busy planning a bean soup sale for Election Day March 6, 2012. Voters or hungry bean soup lovers can stop by the Windham Methodist church from 11 AM till 6 PM on March 6th for all-you-care-to-eat soup, cornbread, dessert and beverage. Prices are $6 for adults and $4 for children under 12. There will also be carry-out available in quart containers with 2 cornbreads and 2 desserts for $12.


Windham Free Community Dinner

March 8

A free  community dinner  will be served March 8th  at the Brick Chapel, 9003 N. Main St. Windham.  Why cook when we will do it for you?  The dinner will be served  from 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., while supply lasts.   All are welcome, bring your friends.  Come enjoy the food & the fellowship!  The dinner is provided by the Congregational UCC of Windham.  They are providing free dinners on the second Thursday of each month.  There is a ramp access at the front of the building.  No carry-outs.  For more information call 330-326-3133.


Swim with the Hiram College Water Dogs

Register by March 9

The last set of swimming lessons before summer will be held on March 11,18,25,April 1 and 22. Times:2 – 3 pm, 3 – 4 pm, 4 – 5 pm, 5 – 6 pm  ** All Levels, All Hours

** Lesson are 45 minutes with 15 minutes of Free time at the end. Cost:  $50 per child for all 5 lessons. Ages  4 years and older  Sign-ups: Sunday February 26th, from 2:30-4:30pm at the Hiram College pool or  register online! Deadline to register March 9th       http://www.hiram.edu/athletics/menssports/swim/lessons.html  ** Questions Call Jack Groselle at 330-569-5343


Recycled Feed Bag Tote Program at the Library

 March 10

Join us at the Garrettsville Library on March 10 from 2:30 pm until 4:30 pm for a recycled feed bag tote program. Using feed bags, learn how to turn them into attractive tote bags. They’re great for carrying groceries and other items. If possible, please bring a portable sewing machine. Supplies such as thread will be provided. Visit www.portagelibrary.org (select “Library Programs”) to register for this program. Call 330-527-4378 for additional information. Space limited to 25 seats, so register early!


Craft Bazaar

March 10

The ladies auxiliary will be hosting a craft bazaar on March 10 from 9-3 pm at the VFW Post 1055, 6000 New Milford Rd, Ravenna. Come join us for crafts, baked goods and many interesting items.  Lunch will be available. If you are interested in renting a table call Pat at 330 297-0232.


Senior Bingo

March 12

Senior bingo will be held on March 12 from 5-7 pm at the Newton Falls Community Center. Free to all seniors. There is a 50/50 raffle and prizes.  Come out and have some fun.


Pricetown Home Cooked Supper

March 14

The next home cooked supper at Pricetown Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd., Newton Falls, will feature meatloaf, potatoes, vegetable, salad, roll, homemade desserts and a beverage. The meal will be on  March 14 from 5 to 6:30 P.M.  Cost $7.00 for adults,  $3.00 for children,  6 to 12 years,  and free for children 5 years and younger.

Carryouts will be available.


Cheerleading Tryout Prep Camp

March 16 & 17

Ravenna Parks and Recreation is offering a weekend Cheerleading Tryout Prep Camp for grades 1 thru 5.  This workshop is for the beginner or the advanced student wishing to sharpen skills. It will get you  ready and confident about the upcoming Cheerleading season so you can ace your tryouts.  Camp will be held at Tower Lodge in John Tontimonia City Park on Friday, March 16 and Saturday, March 17  (participants attend both days).  Camp includes a t-shirt and pizza party.  Session on Friday will meet from 5 to 7 p.m . and Saturday session from 12 noon to 3 p.m.  Fee for Ravenna city taxpayers is $35.00; all others $40.00. There is a $10 late fee after deadline date.  Registration takes place through March 2 or the first 30 to register.  Stop in at Ravenna Recreation Department, 530 N. Freedom St., weekdays 8 to 12 and 1 to 4:15 p.m.     For more information call 330-296-2864.


Card Making Party

March 17

There will be a card making party on March 17 from 1-4 pm at the North Bloomfield Town Hall, located at SR 45 & 87 junction.  Participants will make 15 card! All supplies included in the cost of $14 as well refreshments.  Reservation deadline is March 10. Call Kathy at 440-685-4425 or Liz at 440-685-4582.


Organic Vegetable Gardening

March 17

Learn from a Certified Organic Grower.  Jake Trethewey of Maplestar Farm in Geauga County has been  growing organic produce on his family’s farm since 2004.  Jake will address topics of soil fertility; organic soil amendments; pest, weed and disease control; irrigation options; and how to prepare your garden for the next season each fall.  Fee of $15. Light refreshments.  Call 440-834-4656 to register.  Class held at Patterson Bldg. (on the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road on March 17 from 9-11 am  Mail check payable to OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio 44021.  View a list of Master Gardener classes:  www.geauga.osu.edu



Singing Weavers to Minister

March 18

The Singing Weavers will be ministering at the First Congregational Church of Freedom on March 18 at 10:30 am  A covered dish dinner will follow. The church is located at SR 88 & SR 303 in Freedom Township.


Newton Falls Public Library Trustees Meeting

March 21

The Newton Falls Public Library Board of Trustees Regular Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 14, 2012 has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 6:00 p.m. at 204 S. Canal Street, Newton Falls, OH 44444.


Oink & Squeal Party

March 24

The Burton American Legion Ladies Auxilliary Post 459 will be hosting an Oink & Squeal Party, raffle and Chinese auction at the Burton American Legion Hall, 14052 Goodwin St in Burton on March 24. Doors open at 5 pm; raffle at 7 pm. Chinese auction tickets are 10 for $1; Raffle tickets are $2 each.  For tickets contact any American Legion Ladies Auxiliary member.


Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers

What’s New in Annuals & Perennials

March 24

Dennis James of DJ’s Greenhouse will introduce us to the many new exciting plants, annuals and perennials, available to the home gardener this year!  Mr. James grows a large selection of perennials himself, some of which he will bring with him for purchase.   Fee of $15.  Light refreshments. Call 440-834-4656 to register. Class held at Patterson Bldg. (on the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road on Sat.,  Mar. 24,  from 9 – 10:30 A.M


Oink & Squeal Party

March 24

The Burton American Legion Ladies Auxiliary Post 459 are pleased to present an Oink & Squeal Party on March 24. The raffle and Chinese auction will be held at the Burton American Legion Hall, 14052 Goodwin St. Burton. Doors open at 5 pm, raffle at 7 pm.  Raffle tickets are $2 each; Chinese auction tickets 10 for $1.


Souped up Jazz

March 24

JA Garfield Band’s “Souped up Jazz” will be on March 24th, 2012.  The jazz bands and the show choir will be performing.  We hope you will be able to join us for this fantastic fundraiser.


Ravenna Garden Club Sale

March 24

The Ravenna Garden Club will be holding a crafts and collectable sale from 9 am – 3 pm on  March 24, 2012 at the Portage County Garden Center, 5154 South Prospect St, Ravenna. Free  admission.  Lunch available. Door Prize and Raffle. Contact:  Pat Thomas at  330-297-0232  or  Laura Yaunt at  330-850-5007 for more information and to reserve a  table space for $20.00


Blue Grass Mass

March 30

The Chamber Singers (formerly Hiram College Choir) will be performing a “Blue Grass Mass,”  complete with a Bluegrass band, on Friday,  March 30th, 2011, at Hiram Christian Church at 7:30 pm.  All voices are still welcome to audition, but we are very much in need of altos and tenors!   Rehearsals are Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:15 – 5:30 in Frohring Recital Hall. Faculty, staff, and community members are also welcome.


Kindergarten Parent Information Night

April 12

There will be a kindergarten parent information night for Crestwood parents on April 12 at 6 pm. in the Crestwood Primary school cafeteria. NO child care services will be available at this time. If you have questions, please call 330 357-8202.


Ravenna Summerfest

June 16

Save this date!!  Summerfest in Ravenna is coming.  Details to follow…


Staff Reporter