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Community Calendar


Interested in Knitting?
Knitting, crochet and quilting — all are welcome at Hilltop Church, Room 4, Mondays, 1:30 pm — Feb 13, 27; March 13, 27; April 10, 24. For information call Roxanne 330-569-7613 or Jane Pilgrim 918-406-8315

JAG PTO Looking For New Or Gently Used Fishing Poles
Donate Today
JAG PTO is looking for donations of new and gently used fishing poles. We will be hosting events for our students and their families at no cost to them. Donations will enable those students who would otherwise be unable to attend. Donations can be dropped off at NAPA Auto Parts located at 8015 State St, Garrettsville, OH 44231. Thank you in advance for your support!

JAG Class of 2036 Kindergarten Registration
Call Today
James A. Garfield Kindergarten Class of 2036
It’s time to register for a Kindergarten Screening appointment if your child will be 5 years of age by August 1, 2023. To complete online documents, visit our website, www.jagschools.org, click on Menu, scroll down to the FinalForms link. Please call Kristine @ the Elementary office, 330-527-2184, for a screening appointment on Wednesday, March 29, Thursday, March 30 or Wednesday, April 12, 2023.

Overeaters Anonymous Meetings
Overeaters Anonymous (a community of people who support each other in order to recover from compulsive eating and food behaviors) meets in person every Monday, except legal holidays, at 10:00 AM in the parlor of the First Presbyterian Church of Warren, 256 Mahoning Av NW, Warren, OH 44483. Please enter through the “Fellowship Hall” entrance on driveway. We look forward to meeting you!

American Legion Breakfast
American Legion Post 674
breakfast every Monday from 7:30-10:30 at 9960 E. Center St. Windham. Full menu!! $8.00 per person this includes coffee and juice.

Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts
The Senior Center is open for breakfast Mondays from 7a-Noon. A full menu is offered from scrambled eggs to Belgian Waffles. Lunches are served T-TH from 11a-1p only $5-plate includes homemade soup or salad, entrée, dessert and beverage. Menu for the week is posted on the Facebook page, or just call 330-889-2733. NO RESERVATIONS REQUIRED!

Miracles Happen
1st & 3rd Mondays
Join us the 1st & 3rd Mondays each month at10am, for Book Review & Discussion: Examine the physical, emotional, & spiritual healing that is possible when you freely accept & embrace the reality of reincarnation. Miracles Happen: Authors – Brian L Weiss,MD, Amy E Weiss, LCSW. We share a stimulating hour exchanging impressions & opinions. Presented by Dr J Patella in cooperation with Garrettsville YMCA. Book, membership, & fee not required. Questions: call (330)469-2044.

Wing Night at the Eagles Club
Every Tuesday:wings with purchase of a beverage.Open to the public 5:00- 8:00. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville. Public Welcome!

Story Time in Mantua
Beginning February 14th, bring your preschool aged child to Story Time every Tuesday, 10:30 – 11:30am. No registration required. No costs. No long term commitment. Come any week and try it out at Mantua Center Christian Church, 4118 Rt. 82 in Mantua. Volunteers with teaching experience will provide activities, music and stories for all pre-schoolers accompanied by an adult. Call Pam with questions: 216-308-7930

Free Meal
1st Tuesday of Month
Free meal ! A free meal is served on the 1st Tuesday of the month at Covenant Bible Fellowship,8146 High street in Garrettsville. Come join us from 5:30-7pm, for food, fun and fellowship.

BINGO! At St. Ambrose Church
1st & 3rd Tuesday
Come to St. Ambrose for Bingo, the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Doors open at 5:45pm and Early Bird starts at 6:45. Players must be 18 or over. Reasonably priced concessions. St. Ambrose is located at 10692 Freedom St., Garrettsville. Check out our Facebook page for additional information.

Young At Heart Meetings
3rd Tues of Month
Young at Heart organization for 55 and older, meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Immaculate Conception Parish Hall. We gather for meals, meeting and fellowship. All denominations are welcome. To attend or for more information call Sandra at 330-322-0231.

Al Anon Meetings
Tues & Weds
What can you do when someone close to you drinks too much? Al Anon meets Tuesdays 7:30 – 8:30 pm at the Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne in Windham. Wednesdays 7-8 pm at Hilltop Christian Church, 4572 Prospect St. in Mantua

Time for Tots
2nd Weds of Month
Time for Tots held the 2nd Wednesday of each month (Sept 14, 2022 – May 10, 2023) from 10 – 11 a.m. at Maplewood Christian Church 7300 State Route 88 in Ravenna. Come experience a safe indoor environment where children ages 2 – 5 can play, craft, enjoy music and burn energy (adults stay for fun, siblings welcome). We will not meet if Ravenna Schools are closed. Call 330-297-6424 with questions.

Parkman 55+ Seniors
First Thursday of Month
Please join area seniors over 55 for a monthly gathering on the first Thursday at the Parkman Community Center at 11:30 am. With the exception of an occasional field trip, the gathering includes a pot luck lunch and socializing and various programs such as entertainment, informational lectures and Bingo. Also open to non-Geauga County residents. For questions or for monthly schedule, call (440) 632-5461. Attention: We will NOT be gathering for the month of February 2023. Meetings will resume March 2, 2023. All non-Geauga residents are welcome.

Free Community Meal
3rd Weds of Month
Christ Lutheran Church 10827 Main St, Mantua will be offering their Free Community Meal on on the third Wednesday of the month from 5-6:30 pm. Please come and enjoy a wonderful meal and a chance to visit with friends. For more info call the church at 330 274 2849.

Windham American Legion Fish Fry
American Legion fish fry will be held at 9960 E Center St, Windham every Friday 4-7 p.m. Choose fish, chicken or shrimp. Baked potato or fresh cut fries. Mac and cheese, cole slaw, green beans or apple sauce. Roll and butter Dine in or carry out. 330-326-3188

Eagles Club Fish Fry
Feb 10
Fish fry at the Eagles Club

  • Open to public 4:00- 7:30.
    Choice of fish, shrimp, chicken or a combo. The Eagles Club is located at 8149 Water Street, Garrettsville.

Free Kids Meal
Feb 12
On Sunday, February 12th at 11:00am during our Kid’s JAM service (ages K-7th)- The Fountain Church of God at 12888 Stare Route 88 Garrettsville, will be passing out coupons for FREE KIDS MEALS to be redeemed at Texas Roadhouse, the Niles, Ohio location. These coupons are FREE to every child that comes on the 12th at 11 am!
Other FUN PACKED things are scheduled for your child to enjoy during their very own secure check-in church service.
Questions: 330-219-0795

Drive Thru Roast Pork Dinner
Feb 18
First Congregational Church UCC in Rootstown is having a fund-raiser drive-thru dinner on Saturday, February 18, 2023 from 4 to 6 pm. Dinners are $13.00 and include roast pork, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut (cooked separately), gravy, salads, green beans, corn, roll and cake. Please enter from St Rt 44. The church is located at 4022 St Rt 44 in Rootstown Center.

Does Money Grow on YOUR Trees?
Feb 23
Join us at the Maplewood Career Center, 7075 St. Rt. 88, Ravenna, OH 44266 on
February 22, 6:00 pm to discuss some of the many factors that contribute to the economic value of woodlots. Learn about the benefits of participating in the CAUV tax reduction program along with federal financial assistance programs such as EQIP and CSP. Featured Speakers:
John Kehn, ODNR Division of Forestry; Sean Knepper, Trumbull SWCD Forestry Specialist; Kara MacDowell, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. This free, in-person program is limited and registration is required by calling 330-235-6811 or emailing Anthony at alerch@portageswcd.org.

Virtual Reverse Raffle
March 18
St. Ambrose Church’s Reverse Raffle Committee invites you to their St. Patrick’s Day Virtual Raffle on Saturday, March 18, 2023 6pm. Watch live on Facebook as numbers are pulled. Only 100 tickets will be sold and 1 time buy-backs available for an additional $20.00. Gift baskets given away for every 20th number pulled. Grand prize for the final number is $1000.00. A lottery tree prize will be given to the runner up (new this year).Winner need not be present. Tickets available to purchase after Mass at St Ambrose or by calling Marlene Szabaga 330-858-0458, Jackie Rinearson 216-375-0709 and Jen Barcikowski 440-635-6967. Cash, check, Zelle or Venmo accepted.

Beer & Hymns
March 19
Join the Chardon Polka Band at Celebration Lutheran Church, 10621 Auburn Rd., Chardon, Ohio for Beer & Hymns on March 19, 2023 from 3:00 -5:30 p.m. The event will benefit SubZeroMission.org. Food and soft drinks will be provided by Celebration Lutheran Church and attendees age 21 and older are encouraged to bring a beverage of their choice. Enjoy gospel hymns and other assorted music performed as only the Chardon Polka Band can. For additional information, contact Paul Gochnour at (440) 897-0121.


Anton Albert Photography