Home Schools JAG Drama Club Performs Fall Play

JAG Drama Club Performs Fall Play


Garrettsville – This past weekend, the James A. Garfield High School Drama Club put on their performances of “Where There’s a Will, There’s a Murder”. This one act play served as the group’s production for the season, and they had been working on it since early September. Three showings were put on over the course of the weekend, and each night was a success. Although the cast was not as extensive as past years, the acting was high quality, so it made for a pleasurable viewing experience. The play was a murder mystery, set in a house on a mysterious island during a thunderstorm. There were many twists and turns throughout the night, and it left the audience on the edge of their seats, while making the ending even more unexpected. Seniors Emma Bass, Ashley Corning, Ben Garlich, MaryBeth Kindlesparker, and Austin Smith performed their final career shows for the drama club, and many of them were 8th graders when director Jackie Lovelace restarted the drama club after several years of dormancy. Congrats to the cast and crew on a successful weekend and hours of dedication. Next up in the theater world is the annual spring musical in 2023.

Upcoming activities at JAG include Deck the Halls on Saturday, December 10th, along with the winter band concerts on Sunday, December 11th. Deck the Halls will take place at JAG High School, and will include a variety of holiday-themed events, such as gift wrapping from the National Honor Society, games, and a performance from Santa’s favorite jazz band. The winter band concerts will take place in the Iva Walker Auditorium at JAG High School, with the high school band starting at 2 pm. They will play a variety of holiday classics; the middle school and elementary school bands will follow. Both of these events are free of charge for everyone.

Cameron Edwards

Anton Albert Photography