Home Geauga County Auburn Fire Dept Clam Bake

Auburn Fire Dept Clam Bake


Auburn Fire Department is hosting their Annual Clam Bake. The Clam Bake is on September 10, 2022 at the fire station and serving will be from 6 to 8:30 pm. Not only will there be a dozen wonderful clams, half a barbeque chicken, delicious ear of corn, yummy yam, cooling coleslaw and fresh roll awaiting your arrival. There will also be hot dogs and chips for the important small people of the family. Oh my, almost forgot, there will be refreshing beverages for all ages. We will have extra clams for those clam lovers when a dozen is not enough.

We will have delightful entertainment for your listening pleasure. Please help us to confirm the correct number of bakes to create by ordering your tickets in advance by September 1. We only have presale tickets for the bakes. The bakes are $35 and extra clams $12. Please call or text 440-343-0054 for tickets or contact your favorite Auburn Fire person. We will also take email orders with confirmations at Auburnclambake@gmail.com. If unable to attend, we can do take out the same night. If you reserve tickets but are unable to attend, we will be requesting payment for these bakes.


Anton Albert Photography