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Hiram Village News


Hiram – As spring storm season begins, Hiram Village Administrator James McGee recently announced that Hiram Village has implemented an enhanced 911 and emergency notification system for residents. This new service provides targeted community and weather-related alerts to Village households, enabling faster assistance in an emergency. For more information and to register for the free Smart911 & Rave Alert system, visit hiramvillage.org and the click on the “Residents” tab at the top of the web page. 

In similar news, Assistant Village Administrator Steve Schuller noted that an application to the Ohio Water Development Authority (OWDA) was finalized for the water tower project. If approved, the Village can receive a loan of approximately $400,000 at an interest rate of 1.2%. This loan would be used to close the funding gap between the estimated project cost of $880,000 and the actual project bid received of $1.1 million. Schuller noted that the Village will be notified in July if the application was successful.

On Friday, May 6th, the annual Hiram Village Clean Up will take place from 7 am through noon. To participate, unwanted items should be set at the curb by 7 am that day; materials set out after the Kimble truck passes will be left at the curb. Large appliances with doors removed will be collected, as will wooden furniture and chairs. Upholstered couches and need to be wrapped in plastic or they will be left at the curb.  Glass portions or windows need to be removed or taped for the safety or the workers and to minimize the chance for glass to spill out of the truck onto the roadway. Please note that hazardous waste, chemicals, fuel, paint, batteries, tires, car parts, lawn mowers, metal, tree branches over 4’ in length, or railroad ties will not be accepted. Containers over 33 gallons or containers that weigh over 50 pounds will not be emptied.

In other news, Council approved a motion directing Village Solicitor Tom Reitz to prepare legislation for a .25% income tax increase. In addition, the proposed legislation will include a 50% reduction of the tax credit. Per Reitz, Council must meet a filing deadline of August 8th in order for the initiative to come before voters on the November 8th ballot. If approved, the change would take effect on January 1, 2023.

The Hiram Village Police Department will hold the annual car show on Saturday, June 11th. This event will include vintage cars, as well as craft and vendor booths; funds raised that day support the annual Shop With a Cop program.

Lastly, Portage County is developing its first vision and comprehensive plans to identify an overall goal and direction for the county. The plans will create a prioritized list of goals and objectives for the county over the next 29 years. The following topics will be addressed: housing, land resources, infrastructure, economic development, zoning and land use, agriculture, and community services. To that end, the Planning Commission has developed an online survey to gather feedback from County residents, property and business owners. To add your input, take the Portage County Comprehensive Plan Survey at  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2H7XT8T.

The next regular Council meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 10th at 7 pm in Hiram Village Hall.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography