Home Newton Falls Newton Township Spring Clean-up

Newton Township Spring Clean-up


Newton Township will hold its annual Spring Clean-Up, E-Waste & Scrap Tire Collection on Saturday and Sunday, May 14 & 15, 2022 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Township Administration Building, 4410 Newton Falls-Bailey Rd., Newton Falls, OH, This is a service for residents of unincorporated Newton Township; ID required for proof of residency.

There will be a limit of  8 clean off-rim passenger tires and /or one pick-up truck load of scrap/junk accepted per household. After-hour drop-offs are prohibited.

NEW THIS YEAR –  The Township will accept limited electronic waste and appliances. You must bring help if needed to unload your vehicle.

NO  oversized tires or tires with rims, food or yard waste, or household hazardous waste (chemicals, paints, solvents, antifreeze, oil,etc.) will be accepted. This is also not a disposal site for business use.

Special thanks to Geauga-Trumbull Solid Waste Management District for funding our 2022 collection. For details on items accepted please see www.newtontwptc.org.
