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Heart Of Doll Country News


The September meeting of Heart of Doll Country was on September 6th, 2011. and all but one member were present.  After the reading of the minutes, and the treasurer’s report, the group discussed first the upcoming trip to the Kent Museum of Fashion to see the exhibit, “On the Homefront”, a Civil War display.  The date of October 8th was picked for this trip, with lunch at the Pufferbelly Restaurant to follow.

Next up was a discussion on the Christmas trees we decorate for the Geauga County Library.  We decided to do this at our next meeting, October 4th and members were asked to bring ornaments to help decorate the trees.  These are table top trees which are donated to the library, and distributed to patrons to decorate.  They are put on display at the various branches, and people bid on them to raise money for the library.

The next Luncheon was brought up, and we may not be able to hold it when we first discussed, due to doll people attending the UFDC convention those weekends.  Pat Dutchman will report back on this.

Our Christmas party will be held at the home of Carolyn Englert, on November 1rst.  It will be a potluck, and members are asked to bring an unwrapped, new toy to be given to charity.

At Share and Tell, member Sue Lehota talked about the travel dolls exchanged by her daughter and a lady in New Zealand on behalf of their respective children.  The dolls are sent with travel journals, and the two women exchange photos of where the dolls were taken and purchase accessories to be sent back.
Carolyn Englert gave a program on provenance in doll collecting, and shared a picture of her grandmother with the doll Carolyn inherited from her.  Provenance is the history of the doll, or any other collectible object, and adds to its value.
The next meeting will be held on October 4th, at the United Methodist Church in Garrettsville.  If you are interested in coming, or would like more information on the club, call Carolyn at 330-527-4888

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography