Home Ravenna Date Night At The Library

Date Night At The Library


Ravenna – Date night at the library? Really? Sounds rather boring! Well, maybe not. If your library has been transformed into a miniature golf course and serves delicious appetizers and wine, sounds like a fun date! Saturday, November 20, Reed Memorial Library did just that. It was Date Night, Ladies’ Night Out, Bro Night, call it what you will-it was a fun night.

Diana Kentner, Reed Memorial Library Foundation member, organized the night as a fund raiser for the Foundation. It must have been exhausting, but well worth it. Brothers Rick and Russ Bolton loaded their van, and Russ brought the golf course from the east coast.

Upon entry, each guest chooses a putter, then it’s off to a good time. The ‘holes’ have bumpers set up through out the stacks, each one having a separate theme and shape. The holes were sponsored by 38 area merchants. Eagle Sponsors were Myers Appliance Service and Hometown Bank of Ravenna. Through the stacks they went, behind the media, even up the stairs. One hole had a rocket theme, another had cars, a third had bowling pins. Hole 18, sponsored by Myers Appliance, was a guaranteed Hole-in-One.
Eighty-five pleased patrons wandered amongst the stacks, puttering happily. Golf wasn’t the only entertainment available. Jazz By Design, a three-person combo, provided the backdrop, playing from the Mezzanine. Ron Hill drew caricatures of willing guests. Eisele provided delicious appetizers. West Main Winery provided the libations. There was even a basket auction, with many winners. Russ Flarida, Trish Eisele, Patricia Bertsch, Rebecca Miller, Pam Crisp, Julie Walz, Jordan Myers, Josh Myers, Mary Jo Hanna and Donna Wise each went home with a beautiful basket of goodies!

Russ Bolton, Cofounder of Library Mini-Golf, had some idle time while waiting for players to reach him at Hole 19. He explained how the business started, and grew. His hometown, Dartmouth, Massachusetts, experienced great flooding during Hurricane Katrina. The library was devastated. He and his brother, Rick, wanted to help raise money to refurbish the library. Brother Rick enjoys playing golf, so the idea took root. They built the holes and made their first course. Soon, other libraries were wanting to hire them. Brother Rick then suggested that they could make a business out of it, so they built more holes, and now this is their calling. They experienced constant growth since then, although 2020 set them back a bit. Russ used that time to build more holes, thus making multiple golf courses available. There are some libraries for which this is the sole fundraiser. Judging by tonight’s turn out, it’s the only fundraiser they need. The brothers won’t book fundraisers near each other, out of respect for the organizations’ sponsor and guest pool. Being in business with your sibling can be challenging at times, but quite rewarding!

Changing the library into a golf course must have taken much planning and work. Why tear it down after just one night? Fortunately, it stayed up for Family Day on Sunday. This ran from 1:30 to 4:30 on November 21, allowing fifty-three family golfers to happily putt a dreary Sunday away!

This reporter took advantage of it, and brought her granddaughters in for some special “Gramma Time.” We were the first golfers on the course. Little One, of course, had to go first. As we followed the meandering course, we came upon some goody baskets with small prizes for the golfers. A tablet of paper, pens, little things that meant a lot. Books were placed so as to grab the attention of the children. Library attendants were nearby to help when needed. It was an odd feeling-giggling and laughing (out loud!) in a library without being shushed! Sometimes, our putts looked good, sometimes they went out of the bounds and into the stacks-leading us to more written treasures. Hmm, was there an ulterior motive here? Not only raising money for the Library Foundation, but perhaps renewing youngsters’ interest in reading?

All too soon, we came to the last hole, Hole 18, a guaranteed hole-in-one. Amazingly, my talented pre-teen granddaughter missed it! With a twinkle in his eye, Russ Bolton returned the ball for another try. You could tell he really enjoys his job! So, pre-teen makes the Hole-in-0ne, (Hole-in-Two?) Grandma and Little One makes it in one shot, (we all collect a small prize) and we proceed to Hole 19, the bonus. For those who get a Hole-in-One here, there was a stuffed animal to take home with you. We came home with an Ocelot and a Penguin.

After expenses for the weekend were tallied, the event raised $9,000 for the Foundation Endowment. This is used to fund capital projects at Reed Memorial Library. The library staff and the Foundation appreciate everyone in the community that either supported or participated in the events. Speaking for the community, we appreciate the fun weekend and the chance to help our Jewel of a library!

Ethel Wupperman