Home Ravenna Portage Senior Center News

Portage Senior Center News


The Portage County Senior Center is holding registration for all Portage Seniors aged 60 and up who wish to join friends on December 8th, for their annual Holiday celebration. They are also holding an official “Ribbon-Cutting” ceremony to celebrate their new slate-topped pool table. The day’s events start early, with bingo to begin at 10 a.m., also a few special guests and surprises! A delicious lunch of Ham, Rigatoni, salad and desserts will be served at 12. The Billiard Table Ribbon-Cutting ceremony will follow when seniors will enjoy games on their new pool table for the rest of the afternoon. Because seating is limited, they ask that only those who are interested in the whole day’s events register. There’s a lot being planned, and they anticipate a waiting list, so don’t delay! The only cost is $2 for bingo. Lunch is being provided courtesy of Woodlands, Inn at the Pines, and Patriot Healthcare.

The Portage County Senior Center is once again participating in the Acme “Community Cash Back” program. Since there is no extra funding for most everything they do, these programs really help them continue to provide education and other fun events free of charge to Portage County Seniors. Please tell all your family & friends to save all Acme receipts dated through December 25th 2021 and return to: Portage County Senior Center, 705 Oakwood St. (suite 221) Ravenna, OH 44266. No amount is too small as it all adds up! For further information, they can be reached at 330-297-3456.

The Portage County Senior Center is located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna. Please call 330-297-3456 for more info.


Anton Albert Photography