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We’re All Invited


Christmas Raffle Tickets On Sale Now
The JAG All Sports Boosters are hosting their 2nd annual Christmas
Raffle. This year there will be 3 prize categories: 1st Apple iPad 2,
2nd Apple iPod touch, and 3rd $100 cash. The drawing will be held
on Dec. 16, 2011 at 1/2time of boys varsity BB game. Tickets can
be purchased at the program booth during the remaining varsity
home FB games. The All Sports Boosters meet on the 2nd Monday of every month in the High School Commons at 7 pm. All are welcome. Visit us at jagsportsboosters.webs.com.

Crafters Wanted
Call Today
Renaissance Family Center is looking for crafters for their annual craft show Nov. 11th and 12th, 2011. Call (330)326-3003.

Business Showcase Registration
Through Oct 1
The Garrettsville Chamber of Commerce will host their 10th Bi-Annual Business Showcase on October 20, 2011 at James A. Garfield High School and they are currently looking for vendors for the event. The deadline for registration is October 1, 2011. Reservation forms can be obtained by contacting Michelle at the The Weekly Villager (330) 527-5761. Cost for the event for Chamber members is $75, non-members is $120. Registration fee includes an 8 foot table, 2 chairs, bottled water and your business ad in our showcase booklet. Once again table sharing will not be permitted and table covers are not provided. Set-up will begin at 3pm and electrical check will be done at 4:30. Doors will open to the public at 5pm.

Awana Club
Beginning Sept 21
Calling all kids – toddlers through 6th grade! The Awana Club at Crossroads Community Church, 9018 SR 44 in Shalersville would like you to join us on Wednesdays beginning Sept 21st from 6-7:30 pm for fun, games and God’s word. For more information call Youth Pastor Dave at 330 296-6729.

State Rep. Clyde To Hold Office Hours
Sept 23
State Representative Kathleen Clyde (D-Kent) will hold district office hours Sept. 23, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Reed Memorial Library, 167 E. Main St., Ravenna, OH 44266. This event is open to all people in the 68th House District and provides a forum for residents to meet one-on-one with Rep. Clyde about concerns or ideas they may have regarding state government.

NF United Methodist Spaghetti Dinner
Sept 24
A spagehetti dinner will be held on Saturday, September 24, 2011at the Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Road, Newton Falls, OH 44444. Spaghetti dinner will be served from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Cost: Free Will Donation

Hiram Farm Fall Fesitval
Sept 24
Visit us on the farm on Sept 24th from 10 am – 3 pm when the Hiram Farm plays host to a Fall Festival. Enjoy activities, food and produce sales at the Hiram Farm, 11485 Garfield Road (SR 700) in Hiram. For more information call 330-569-3441.

Burton Public Library Book Sale
Sept 24
The Friends of the Burton Public Library will hold a book sale in the library basement from 9 am until 4 pm on Saturday, September 24. There are items for everyone: books, magazines, vintage materials, maps, records, cds, tapes, vidoes, puzzles and more. Please enter the sale through the white doors located at the back of the building.

Ledgewood Church “Chance” Auction
Sept 24
Ledgewood Christian Church in Novelty will hold its annual “Chance” auction on Sept 24 for the benefit of its Homeless Ministry and the Cleveland Christian Home. Doors will open at 6 pm. Drawing of tickets will begin at 7 pm. All are invited. No admission cost. Bidding tickets cost $8 for one sheet of 25; two for $15. Ledgewood Church is located on SR 87 1?2 mile west of SR 306.

Scotch Doubles to Benefit G-W Soccer
Sept 24
G-W Soccer League will hold their annual Scotch Doubles at Sky Lanes September 24, 2011. Registration is at 8:30 pm, and bowling will start at 9:00 pm. Cost is $40 per couple, this includes pizza, pop and beer. Lane requests are first come. Tickets can be purchased at the consession stand during our regularly scheduled soccer games or by contacting Bob at matrixprints@yahoo.com. In addition, we need Chinese auction prizes donated, so please help us out with this. We will accept gift baskets, gift certificates, etc. This event is always well attended and is first come first serve. So please schedule early and bring any and all friends, even those not associated with the GW Soccer League. Auction prizes can be delivered to the soccer fields on Wednesday or Saturday or email Bob at matrixprints@yahoo.com for pick up.

Benefit Skate For Keith Dean
Sept 24
Keith Dean was a long time resident of the Garrettsville community who was diagnosed with an incurable cancer this summer. Unfortunately, this unexpected & very rapidly-spreading form of cancer has left the family with no time to plan for the financial burden of funeral expenses. Mr. Dean was known by many for his big heart and love of children. He spent his life time caring for his children and many others. So what better way to celebrate his life than with the laughter of children!..Let’s help a family in need AND have some family fun on September 24 from 6:30 – 8:30 p,m. at the Roller Hutt in Garrettsville! If you cannot attend, but would like to make a donation, checks can be made out to Green’s Family Funeral Home.

Rummage / Garage / Bake Sale
Sept 24
VFW Post 1055 in Ravenna, Ohio invites you to attend their rummage/garage/bake sale on Saturday, Sept 24th from 9 am – 4 pm. VFW Pavillion located at 6000 New Milford Road. A light lunch will be available to purchase. If you would like to set up a vendor table, an 8’ table rents for $10. No food items or weapons please. Call 330-690-7322 for additional information.

Eagles Steak Fry
Sept 24
The Garretsville Eagles will be holding their monthly steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Saturday Sept. 24th from 4-8 pm. Meals include choice of baked potato or french fries, green beans, salad and roll. dinners are $12.00 for steak and $8.00 for chicken. Open to the public.

Hiram Farm Pie Baking Contest
Sept 24
Get out your rolling pins and Mam’s best crust recipe. Whip up your best pie and enter it into our First Annual Pie Baking Contest. Independent judges will determine a winner at 1 pm during the Fall Festival on Sept 24th. Drop off your pie for judging between 9:30 -10 am at the Hiram Farm House. For more info contact Debra at 330 977-4014 or Jessica at 330 527-4240.

Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner
Sept 24
There will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville United Methodist Church off of SR 82 in Braceville. The dinner begins at 4 pm and goes until 6:30 pm. Dinner includes mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, cole slaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch. The cost is $9 for adults and $3.50 for children. Phone number for carry outs is 330 898-5607.

Family Fall Festival
Sept 24 & 25
FAMILY FALL FESTIVAL including PIONEER VILLAGE & BARK BOO-NANZA will be presented by Aurora Parks & Recreation, Freedom Greyhound Rescue & Aurora One Fund. Free Admission! SunnyLake Park, 885 E. Mennonite Rd., Aurora 44202. Fun for the entire family! Saturday, September 24th – 11am to 6pm & Sunday, September 25th – 12 noon to 6pm. Fees required for some activities. Concessions available. For more information, contact Colleen/Aurora Parks & Recreation at 330-562-4333 or visit www.freedomgreyhoundrescue.org

Singing Weavers To Perform In Freedom Twp.
Sept 25
The Singing Weavers will be ministering at the First Congregational Church of Freedom on Sunday, Sept 25 at 10:30 am. A covered dish dinner will follow. Pastor Melick invites the public to come and join in an uplifting and joyful service with the Weavers and plan to stay for a delicious dinner afterwards. The church is located at SR 88 and SR 303 in Freedom Twp.

4C’s Anniversary
Sept 25
SAVE THIS DATE! 4 C’s will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary on Sunday, September 25th from 1 – 3 p.m. at the Hilltop Fellowship Hall. Church members and the community are invited to celebrate as well. 4 C’s wants to thank all of you who have been supporting the cupboard and helping to continue the work of feeding those in need.

Newton Falls Voter Registration Drive
Sept 27
Democracy only works when you vote! Stop by on Tuesday, September 27th from 6am –7pm at the Newton Falls Community Center Room 1, 52 E. Quarry St., Newton Falls 44444
Applications for an Absentee Voter Ballot will be available on site. Ballots will be mailed to you from the Board of Elections in time for the November Elections.

Writings from the Heretics: Anabaptist Literature –Its Origins and Significance Today
Sept 27, Nov 1, and Dec 6
Discover the history of the Anabapists through their books at “Writing from the Heretics” on Sept 27, November 1, and December 6 at 7:00 pm at the Middlefield Library. This three-part program by John Gingerich will discuss forbidden Anabaptist Bibles & Testaments; Anabaptist Hymnals and Prayer Books; Martyrologies, Histories and Confessions of Faith. Books significant to Amish – Mennonite – Anabaptist history, dating back to the 1500’s, will also be on display. Also bring in your own pre -1900 German Bibles, hymnals, prayer books, and other old German documents for a Show-and-Tell after the programs. Please call the Middlefield Library at 440.632.1961 to register. The Middlefield Library is located at 16167 E. High Street, Middlefield, Ohio 44062.

Free Community Dinner
Sept 27
The Windham American Legion will be hosting a free community dinner on Sept 27th from 5-6 pm. No take outs. Everyone welcome. 9960 Center St., Windham.

Guitar Lessons
Register By Sept 28
Ravenna Parks and Recreation is offering Guitar Lessons for children 8 yrs to adult. Students must provide their own guitar and must also purchase the Melbay Book 1 prior to the start of class (can be purchased at Woodsy’s in Kent). Classes held at Brown Middle School Band Room on Tuesdays beginning October 4 to Nov. 22. Fee for Ravenna city taxpayers is $40 and fee for all others is $45. Ages 8-12 will meet from 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. and ages 13 through adults from 7:20 to 8:20 p.m. Registration deadline is Sept. 28. Min 4 – max 8 per class. To register contact Ravenna Recreation Department, 530 N. Freedom St. or call 330-296-2864 weekdays 8 a.m. to 12 noon or 1 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Auburn Garden Club Meeting
Sept 28
Auburn Garden Club will have its monthly meeting on Wednesday September 28, 2011 at the Auburn Town Hall. Meeting start time is 7pm. Please bring a plant, bulb or seeds to exchange along with your zinnia photos, Special Guest Judges from Hemlock Landscapes. Prizes awarded for photo contest. Public welcome. For more information, call club president, Susan at 330-883-2833 or email auburngardenclub@gmail.com

Red Cross Blood Drive
Sept 28
The Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 336 Ridge Rd., Newton Falls, will be hosting their montly blood drive from noon to 6PM on September 28. It will be in the fellowship hall and all are welcome.

21st Annual Auction
Sept 29
The Portage County Republican Party will be holding their 21st Annual Auction on Thursday, September 29, 2011 at The Rusty Nail, 7291 State Route 43 in Kent. Cocktail Hour and Silent Auction begin at 5:30 p.m.; Dinner at 7:00 p.m. with verbal auction to follow. Cost of dinner is $35. Contact Jeneen (330) 687-4067

History in the “re-Making”
Sept 29
Brooks House Assisted Living Community is hosting historical impersonator, Sandy Zikursh, at 7:00 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 29, 2011, and the community is invited!

Retirement Planning
Sept 29
Wally Waldbauer has arranged for the Geauga County Retired Teachers Association to host “Beyond The Classroom”, an STRS workshop for those who will be ready for retirement in about 10 years. The workshop will be held at Newbury School Auditorium on Sept. 29, 2011 from 4:30 – 7:00. Pizza and salad will be served at 4:00, prior to the workshop, for a cost of $5.00. Current teaching staff will receive additional information about this important and informative event.

Huntsburg Congregational Turkey Dinner
Oct 1
Come to the Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival on Saturday, October 1, and stay for the Turkey Dinner at the Huntsburg Congregational Church. Turkey dinner with all the fixings served from 4 – 6:30. Adults $10, Srs. $9, Children 5-10 $6, preschoolers free. Carry out call 440-636-5504.

The Big Breakfast
Oct 1
Come join us for the Big Breakfast on Oct. 1st from 8 – 11 am. Buffet Style $6; All-You-Can-Eat $7. American Legion Post 674, 9960 E. Center St., Windham.

Dance The Night Away
Oct 1
You’re invited by RFC to dance the night away on Oct. 1st from 7-10 pm. Admission is $7.50 per person. This is an adult only dance with music from the 50’s – today. RFC is located at 9005 Wilverne Dr. in Windham.

Swiss Steak Dinner
Oct 1
Come to the Swiss Steak Dinner & bake sale, Oct.1st from 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m., at the historic Brick Chapel in Windham. The Chapel is located at 9003 N. Main St. in Windham. The dinner includes Swiss steak, real mashed potatoes, green beans, Harvard beets, salad, roll, choice of dessert and beverage and is served on real plates and table service. A donation of $9.00 per adult and $4.00 per child (age 6-12) is requested. Carry outs will be available, so stop by on your way home from work and pick up dinner for the family. The dinner is served by members of the 200-year-old Congregational Church (UCC), of Windham. Proceeds from the dinner will go towards repairs needed for our historical church. Carry-outs may be ordered by calling 330-326-3926 on the day of the dinner. Bake goods, cook books, and ornaments will be available for sale in the front room as well as crafts donated by the late Genevera “Skip” Thompson.

Disciples of Christ Craft Show
Oct 1
The First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Ravenna, OH will host its first-ever craft show on Saturday, October 1, 2011, from 9 am to 3 pm at 120 South Prospect St. in Ravenna. There will be a concession stand available serving sloppy joes, hot dogs, coney dogs, chili, bags of chips, cupcakes, coffee and sodas. There will be a raffle with prizes donated by the vendors valued at $10 each. Tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5. There will also be a bake sale. For more information please call Linda Lauck at (330) 325-9004.

Senior Citizens’ Luncheon
Oct 1
First Baptist Church, 2640 South Canal Street, Newton Falls will be hosting a Senior Citizens’ Luncheon on Saturday, October 1. “Cousin Minnie Pearl” will be the featured program guest which begins at 11:30 AM and the luncheon will follow at noon. The event is open to any area senior citizen. For additional information please contact the church office at (330) 872-7055.

Harvest Moon Pig Roast & Chinese Auction
Oct 1
The annual Harvest Moon Pig Roast and Chinese auction will be held on Sat. Oct. 1, 2011. As always, this is a potluck dinner and fundraiser for Pixley Park. The event will be held a the Nelson Community House from 2-5 pm. Please bring a covered dish to share for admittance. This year’s Chinese Auction will again offer a wide assortment of prizes, something for everyone.

Parents Without Partners Dinner
Oct 1
On Oct 1 the Portage County Chapter #600 of International Parents Without Partners will have a dinner from 6:30 -7:30 pm at the Kent VFW #3703 post home, 500 VFW Parkway in Kent. Cost is $8 per person. For info and reservations please call Mary (330-571-3801) or Warrine (330-699-2361) by Sept 27. After dinner, the PWP chapter will have its monthly dance from 7:30 – 11 pm. The dance is open to the public and cost is $6 for members $8 for non-members

42nd Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival
Oct 1 & 2
The 42nd Annual Huntsburg Pumpkin Festival will be held on October 1 & 2 from 10am to 6pm at the intersection of State Rt. 528 & US 322. All contests, entertainment, parking, attractions and shuttle services are FREE! See complete event schedule on Geauga County Tourism Website: www.tourgeauga.com

Mantua-Shalersville Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Steak Fry
Oct 3
You Are Invited to the…. Mantua-Shalersville Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Steak Fry on Monday, October 3rd, 6-9pm at Jake’s, 4680 E. Prospect St., Mantua. Cost: Members – $20 individuals, $35 for a couple; Non-Members – $25 individuals, $45 for a couple. Dinner includes steak, baked potato, salad, roll, beverage, dessert and 1 drink ticket (there will be $1 drafts and $2.50 drink specials). Entertainment will be provided by Scott Dickerson. Come enjoy a great dinner, live entertainment and networking!
Please RSVP by Monday, September 26th!

Quarter Auction
Oct 4
The Bridge to a Cure Relay for Life Team will be holding a Quarter Auction on Tuesday October 4, 2011. Doors open at 4:00 and the auction begins at 6:00 p.m. Presale tickets are selling quickly so don’t miss out on this fun event. Tickets are $10 and are available at these Newton Falls Locations: Healthy Treasures West Broad Street; All State Insurance Milton Boulevard; RC Sports Lounge South Canal; Ella Johnson’s Office North Canal; Home Oil North Canal
or call Lisa at 330-979-3065 or Vickie at 330-872-8353

Chalker High Breakfast
Oct 6
The women of the Chalker High School Alumnae are having a semi-annual breakfast on Oct 6 at 9 a.m. at the Wayside Restaurant. It is a time to renew old friendships.

Free Tree Stand Safety Course
Oct 6
Tree stand safety is oftentimes an overlooked but very important aspect of hunting. Tree stand accidents are the leading cause of injuries to hunters. Join Division of Wildlife staff in a free workshop to learn more about proper safety measures when using tree stands while hunting. The workshop is scheduled for Thursday, October 6th from 6:30pm-8:30pm at Division of Wildlife District Three headquarters, 912 Portage Lakes Drive, Akron. Topics that will be covered include using and selecting fall restraint systems and tree stands as well as safe climbing techniques. Hands-on opportunities will be available. Registration is free but required as seating is limited. Call Ken Fry, Division of Wildlife, at (330) 245-3030.

Yoga Classes
Oct 6 –Nov 10
Yoga classes offered by Ravenna Recreation are held Thursdays 6:15 to 7:15 p.m. at Tower Lodge in City Park from October 6 to Nov 10 . Fee for city taxpayers is $32.00 and non-city taxpayer fee is $37.00, drop-in fee $8.00. Students are encouraged to work at their own pace; bring a mat and wear loose fitting clothing.
Achieve strength, stamina and flexibility while feeling rejuvenated, relaxed and at peace by the conclusion of each class. Every 6 weeks a new session will begin. To register contact Ravenna Recreation (330) 296-2864 at 530 N. Freedom Street weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon or 1:00 to 4:15 p.m.

Hiram RCCA Fall Rummage Sale
Oct 6 – 8
The Hiram RCCA Fall Rummage Sale will be held on October 6 & 7 from 9am-4pm and October 8 from 9 am – Noon. Donations being accepted! Call Judy 330-569-7204 or Joan 330-569-4292.

Baked Chicken Dinner & Chinese Auction
Oct 7
Garrettsville Eagles #2705, 8149 Water Street will be having their yearly Baked Chicken Dinner and Chinese Auction to benefit the scholarship fund on Friday, October 7, 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Cost is $8,00 adults $4.00 children Open to public Call 330-527-2330 for more information

Semi-Annual Pythian Sister Rummage/Bake Sale
Oct 7 & 8
Used clothing, books and household items will be available at the Pythian Sister Rummage sale located at 123 College Street in West Farmington. Sale will be held on Oct 7th from 9 am – 5 pm and Oct 8th from 9 am to Noon. Oct 8th is bargain day — $2 per bag. Lunch will be available.

Burton Congregational Church Bazaar
Oct 8
The Burton Congregational Church Bazaar (Red Church on the Square) will be held at 14558 W. Park Street, Burton, OH on Saturday, Oct 8 from 10 am – 6 pm. Crafts, Trash & Treasures, Plants and Bake Sale. Delicious Lunch served all day. For more info call 440-834-4495

Herbs For Everyday Living
Oct 8
Immerse yourself in all things herbal on Saturday, October 8th, 2011 at the Western Reserve Herb Society?s 66th Annual Herb Fair. This one day event held at the Cleveland Botanical Garden (the “Garden”), 11030 East Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. features unique and exquisitely handcrafted culinary and
decorative herbal products. Parking at the Garden will be free with a $20 Herb Fair purchase.

1st Annual Ron Dyett Memorial Golf Outing
Oct 8
The 1st Annual Ron Dyett Memorial golf outing will be held at Sugarbush Golf Club in Garrettsville on Oct. 8th at 10 am. The cost of the event is $90 for 18 holes, cart, T-shirt, refreshments and dinner. Space is limited to 132 golfers. The cost for dinner alone is $30. Hole sponsorship opportunities are available. Checks may be mailed to Matthew Dyett, 5679 Vassar Ave. Austintown, OH 44515. All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. Questions please call 330.984.2359 or email mdyett@mail.com.

Family Book Swap
Oct 8 – 15
Ravenna Parks and Recreation is holding a Family Book Swap. Recycle your books at the first book swap event. Drop off lightly used books at the RAC, 530 North Freedom St. during regular hours beginning Saturday, October 8 through Friday, October 14 and receive a ticket with the number of books dropped off. On Saturday, October 15 between 9 a.m. and 12 noon you may exchange your ticket for the same number of new books to enjoy. NO MAGAZINES, PLEASE. Admission to the Family Swap is open to ticket holders only. This is a great way to get rid of your used books in exchange for some new used books without it costing you anything. For more information, contact Ravenna Recreation Department at (330) 296-2864.

Antique Roadshow-Style Event
Oct 9
An Antique Roadshow Style event sponsored by the Portage County Historical Society will be held from 1-4 pm on Sunday, Oct 9th at the Portage County Historical Society, 6549 N. Chestnut St., Ravenna. Darryl McGuire Auctioneers and Appraisers will provide appraisals. The cost is $5 per item or three for $10. All proceeds will benefit the Historical Society’s projects. Prior to the start of the program individuals may sign in and receive a number indicating the order of the appraisal. Plenty of seating will be available. For more information, call Jackie Jones at 330 297-7658.

Senior Bingo
Oct 10
Senior Bingo will be held a the Newton Falls Community Center on Oct 10 from 5-7 pm. Free to all seniors. There will also be a 50/50 raffle and prizes.

“Meet the Candidates”
Oct 12
On October 12, the residents of Nelson Township will have the opportunity to meet the candidates running for trustee and fiscal officer. The meeting will be held at the Nelson Community House on the square @ 7:00 PM. Bring your questions & comments to the meeting or send them in advance in writing to P.O. Box 377 Garrettsville, Ohio 44231-0377 or e-mail to mmmge@aol.com. Remember for community information go to www.nelsontownshipohio.org.

Portage County Gardeners’ Autumn Boutique
Oct 13 – 15
BROWSE OUR UNIQUE SHOPS: Christmas, Fall & Gifts for Gardeners, Mums, Herbs, Baked Goods, Mink Shed Treasures and much more. Also, Gift Basket Raffle and Silent Auction. Tickets available at the door. Join us for this special event! Patrons’ Night will be held on Oct 13 from 5-8 pm $5 admission – complimentary refreshments. Oct 14 & 15 9 am – 2 pm $1 admission with lunch available. Portage County Gardeners’ Center, 5154 S. Prospect St. (Rte. 44) Ravenna
Garfield Band Alumni
Oct 14
The Garfield Marching Pride is looking for previous members to participate in our Alumni Band! The Alumni Band will take the field along with the High School and Middle School bands at Homecoming on Friday, October 14th. The Alumni will march in gold alumni band t-shirt (same as last year) and blue jeans. If you are interested in participating, please send the following information – Name (include maiden name), graduation year, instrument (please indicate if you need to borrow a school instrument), T-shirt size and mailing address — along with $10 to cover the cost of the T-shirt by October 3rd to Garfield Band Boosters/Alumni Band, 10233 State Route 88, Garrettsville, OH 44231. Sheet music and further information will be mailed to you. If you have any questions, please contact Shelly Everett at 330-527-2065 or 330-608-0955.

Nutcracker Sweets Art and Craft Show
Oct 14 & 15
The Church in Aurora, 146 S. Chillicothe Rd, Aurora will be hosting the Nutcracker Sweets Art and Craft Show on Friday, October 14th from 10am-8pm and Saturday, October 15th from 10am-4pm. $5.00 admission, under 12 free
No strollers or wheelchairs.

Flamingo Flocking
Oct 15
The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre is holding their annual Flamingo Flocking Fundraiser on Saturday, October 15th. If the flamingos should land in your yard, a donation of $10.00 is being asked to have the flock fly away, and for $15.00 you can tell the flock of flamingos whose yard to fly to next. You can call 216-375-0709 to pre pay your flocking, or purchase flocking insurance to guantee the flock will not land in your yard. You may also pre-pay a flocking by sending your $15.00 check payable to Curtains up Theatre at P.O. Box 541, Garrettsville, Ohio 44231. Please make a note of the address and name of the yard being flocked. If you are sending in a check for flocking insurance send $15.00 to the same as above, but please note it is for flocking insurance. Please keep all yards in the Garrettsville area, the flamingos only have a short amount of time.

Ohio Outlaws 12U Fast Pitch Fundraiser
Oct 15
Sky Lanes Bowling is proud to be the home of Scotch doubles fundraiser to benefit OHIO OUTLAWS 12U Saturday, Oct 15th @ 7 pm.
$40 per couple includes 3 games, shoes, pizza and draft beer. the team is working to raise funds to purchase new supplies and equipment. We have 4 local girls on the team that is based out of the G-PLEX in Garrettsville. Please help our girls succeed. Contact Dee Synnestvedt (330-527-0223) Tim Perkins or Scott Lippert.

“Constructing Clara”
Oct 20
Join the Hiram Historical Society for its next program, “Constructing Clara,” Thursday, October 20 at 7:30 p.m. Is it possible to create an image of a Portage County woman who left no writings in her own hand? Dr. Arlene Hilfer will speak on the image of Clara Strong Rudolph (1842-1911) that emerges from letters written to her and by materials written about her. The meeting will take place in the Historical Society’s Century House, across from the Hiram Fire Station. All are welcome to attend.

Altar & Rosary Society Rummage Sale
Oct 21 & 22
The Altar & Rosary Society of St. Ambrose Church, located at 10692 Freedom St in Garrettsville, is hosting their annual Fall Rummage Sale on Oct 21st from 9 am – 5 pm and Oct 22nd from 9 am to 1 pm. Oct 21st is bag day. The rummage sale will take place in the church hall.

Amish Dinner At RFC
Oct 22
You’re invited by RFC to an Amish Dinner and Chinese Auction on Oct. 22nd. Tickets are $15 for adults; $5 kids 4-12; under 4 free. Call 330-326-3003 for tickets or more information. RFC is located at 9005 Wilverne Dr. in Windham.

Scotch Doubles To Benefit Sandor Rick Szachury
Oct 22
There will be a scotch doubles benefit on Oct 22 at Sky Lanes Bowling for Sandor Rick Szachury who was killed in a cement mixer accident. The event will cost $20 per person and include 3 games of bowling, shoe rental, pizza and beverages. We will also have a 50/50 raffle and a Chinese auction. Please come and help us support this cause. From more info or advanced tickets please call Mabel Horsfall (330) 274-0409 / (330) 285-8641 or Jamie Mullins (330) 571-4515.

Parents Without Partners Dance
Oct 22
On Oct 22 the Portage County Chapter #600 of International Parents Without Partners will have a dance from 7:30 – 11 pm. The dance is open to the public and cost is $6 for members $8 for non-members. All attendees are encouraged to wear a costume. There will be prizes given for the prettiest, ugliest and most original costume.

2011 High School Rock Off
Oct 23
The Newton Falls Community Center will play host to the 2011 High School Rock Off competition. Featuring student high school bands competing from Trumbull, Mahoning, and surrounding high schools the competition will be held on October 23rd . 1st prize: $400; 2nd Prize: $100.00. 1st place winners each week will move on to the finals. For Bookings Contact: Rick Dezsi (330) 219-4246.

Chili Cook-Off
Oct 23
Have a great chili recipe? Want to have bragging rights? Come join our chili cook-off on October 23, 2011 at Shalersville Town Hall from 12 noon to 5 pm. Open to the public. Your chili entry gets you in for free. Reservations in by October 16. Call Andy Fortuna at 330 – 931-8689 Admission is $6.00 or $5 plus a canned good for 4C’s. Children under 6 eat for free! Hot dogs available for kids. Judging at 3 pm. Trophies or Ribbons will be awarded for: best flavor chili; hottest chili; best white chili and People’s Choice. There will also be a 50/50 raffle (need not be present to win) All proceeds for the event will stay in the community. Sponsored by Crestwood Action Coalition Team.

911…Never Forget
Through Oct 31
A collaborative mosaic tribute from Community Artworks is on display at the Trumbull Art Gallery. Thirty-two area artists have eached contributed a painting, all of which are combined in one cohesive mural as a tribute for the 10th anniversary of the 911 attacks. This is done in the same manner as the Mona Lisa was done last year. Available for viewing Tuesday – Saturday from noon to 4 pm. Admission is free, and posters of the mosaic are available for purchase.

Curtains of Theatre’s Comedy Night
Nov 19
Once again The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will be hosting their second
Comedy Night on Saturday, November 19th at 7:00 pm. Guest will be entertained with a variety of Amateur Comedians. Watch for more details to come.
Mark your calendars now.

First Snow Christmas Rock Concert
Nov 26
The Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr, Windham is selling tickets for their upcoming concert. Tickets are $10 each and available at the Family Center office or from any Windham Band member.

Holiday Social
Dec 3
The Garrettsville will host their annual Holiday Social and talent contest on Saturday December 3rd from 12-4pm. The cost for a vendor spot is $15.00. You must bring your own table and chairs. Crafters/artist and also talent contestant’s applications are being accepted now. For an application please contact Jackie at rinearson05@frontier.com or Sherri at sherricollins@neo.rr.com

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography