Home Garrettsville J.A. Garfield Historical Society News

J.A. Garfield Historical Society News


The James A. Garfield Historical Society Summer Picnic will be held on August 19, 2121 at 6:00 p.m. in the Freedom Township pavilion in potluck style (If your luck holds, you’ll have some left in the pot to take home. Don’t count on it. The selections are good and the attendees are “good eaters”.)

The most recent meeting–and upcoming ones–are all about planning for the Historical Garrettsville Tour on October 2, 2121.Those wishing to participate and contribute should contact any member or attend one of the regular meetings on the third Monday of the month in the historic Mott Building on Main St., Garrettsville, 7:00 p.m.

The JAGHS was open on Thursday, July 22, for the Garrettsville Business Showcase, with several visitors. It was a good evening, with the Business Showcase and the Garrettsville Farmers’ Market both open in delightful weather.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography