Home Burton Celebration for Rotary Club of Burton Middlefield

Celebration for Rotary Club of Burton Middlefield


Burton – Every year, Rotary clubs celebrate people, projects, successes and take time to appreciate the challenges. This year on July 7, the Rotary Club of Burton-Middlefield held their celebration at the Welshfield Inn in Troy. At this gathering, in addition to recognizing deserving recipients, the club also observed the annual change-over in leadership. Outgoing President Larry Fox passed the gavel to incoming President Beverly Goodrich. This past year, the BMR lost three special people and took time to honor their memory: Ben Terrill, Sheriff Dan McClelland, and Dottie Hofstetter. 

It really was a remarkable year for this Rotary Club! In spite of the impact of Covid and weekly meetings being allocated to only digital Zoom meetings, the group thrived. During the year of 2020-2021, under the headship of Larry Fox, the group rallied to achieve one of the highest-ever fundraising efforts, the Maple Splash Raffle, accumulating more than $100,000 in funds.

The most notable annual award is the Rotarian of the Year. It was, of course, Larry Fox who received this honor. He certainly exemplified this title as he led the charge for the Maple Splash Raffle.

During the celebration, 15 Paul Harris (Rotary Founder) Fellowships (PHF) were presented.

This is an award given to Rotarians and non-Rotarians for extensive work or efforts in community service work. The PHF usually comes with the donation of a $1000 to the Rotary Foundation and awards points for the local club allowing earning of matching grant projects which the club achieves on a yearly basis.

The “Service Above Self” award was earned by Jim Dvorak for his extensive work in setting up and generating sponsorships for the Geauga Jeep Invasion in October (funds were donated to Veterans) and the Jeep Night fundraiser at Madrick’s Tavern in Newbury. This event raised more than $10,000 for the Geauga Veteran’s Food Pantry. Jim initiated and made these events happen successfully with the help of his club members.  

Many others within the club received recognition as well. Two new members were inducted, Carole Drabek of Newbury and Matt Rambo of Novelty.

It has been a great year, and all are looking forward to the next.


Anton Albert Photography