Home Newton Falls Newton Falls American Legion Post 236 Officers 2021-2022

Newton Falls American Legion Post 236 Officers 2021-2022


Newton Falls – Darlene Freer, 2nd Vice Commander, American Legion 9th District issued the oath of office to the new officers of Newton Falls American Legion Post 236 at the posts monthly meeting held Monday, May 10, 2021.
Pictured above from from left to right are: Gary Ruel, 1yr. Trustee, Walt Snyder, 2nd Vice Commander, Darlene Freer, 2nd Vice Commander 9th American Legion District, Bud Becker, Historian, Bob Wujcik, Service Officer, Donna Ball, Finance Officer, Jim Yost, 1st Vice Commander, Joe Nicolino, 3yr Trustee, Darryl Brown, Sgt. at Arms, Russ Mason, Adjutant, Rick Nelson, Commander. Missing from photo: Bob Cameron, 2yr. Trustee and Steve Garcar, Chaplain.
