Home Burton Win Win Win at Burton’s Century Village!

Win Win Win at Burton’s Century Village!


Burton – On July 3, the grounds at Century Village will be packed with winners. The Burton Middlefield Rotary, sponsor of the Maple Splash Raffle, will hold the final set of drawings for this fabulous fundraiser.

The entire afternoon will be filled with excitement and activities. BMR is sharing this grand finale by offering opportunity to other area non-profits and inviting them to set up as vendors as well, at NO FEE!

This event will be admission free to all, but everyone should feel free to donate canned goods for our local Veterans Food Pantry.
Attendees will enjoy live entertainment, a beer and wine tent, fabulous fair-type foods as well as multiple opportunities to win prizes and money!

The Maple Splash Raffle drawing for the 2020 Ford F150 donated by Preston Superstore in Burton will take place at 8 p.m. Other drawings will take place throughout the afternoon.

If you represent a non-profit in the area and would like to participate in this great event to benefit your charity, contact Larry Fox at 440-478-0866 or larry@kbrsolutionsinc.com.

Other Maple Splash Raffle fabulous prizes are a Diamond Pendant donated by Steven DiFranco Jeweler’s, $1500 Cash, a Chain Saw Package donated by First Quality Power Place, another $1500 Cash, a Big Screen TV donated by RadioActive Electronics, another $1000 cash prize and a Toro Snow Blower donated by Alvord’s Yard & Garden Equipment.

Purchase your winning tickets online at maplesplashraffle.com or get your tickets at The Burton Log Cabin, Preston Superstore, DS Cakes, White House Chocolates, B&M Tool Sales, The Barn, Alvord’s Yard & Garden Equipment, First Quality Power Place, Shetler’s Business Solutions, Sport’s Rack, Heritage Meats, Geauga Door Sales and Re/max Rising.

Thank you sponsors of The Maple Splash Raffle: The Preston Superstore, Geauga Financial Advisors, Arm’s Trucking, Steven Difranco Jewelers, McCaskey Landscaping & Design, Dumpster Bandit, LLC., Beaches & Dreams Travel Co., RadioActive Electronics, First Quality Power Place, Alvord’s Yard and Garden Equipment, B & J Environmental Inc., KBR Solutions Inc. Kleve & Associates Insurance Agency, Inc., Geauga Mechanical, Taylor Plumbing Contractors Inc., Kinetico Water systems Inc., Geauga Door, O’Reilly Equipment and Designs by Dianna, LTD.

All funds raised from this event and drawings are donated to causes of need throughout Geauga County.
Don’t miss out!


Anton Albert Photography