Home We're All Invited Community Events – Week of May 1st, 2021

Community Events – Week of May 1st, 2021


Maplewood 2021-22 Preschool Registration
Call Today
Maplewood Preschool is now registering for the the 2021-2022 school year. Please call 330-296-2892, extension 551515 to get more information or to request a registration packet.

Used, mismatched and broken toys/figurines wanted for High School Art Project
Cleaning out your toys or getting ready to sell them at the garage sale this spring? Please consider donating them to the James A. Garfield HS Art department. We are looking for small action figures, toy cars and trucks, little animals, etc to create miniature scenes with. Toys can be dropped off at the HS during school hours (7:45-2:45) M-F. Please contact Libby Frato-Sweeney at Lfratosweeney@jagschools.org with questions. Thank you!

Groceries for Those In Need
Call Today!
The Renaissance Family Center of Windham is in partnership with LoveLight, Inc. to provide free groceries to families with children ages one to eighteen. The only requirement is to call RFC at 330-326-3003, give us your name, the number of children in your household and their ages, and a contact phone number. We provide food for seven meals and seven snacks for each child with a suggested menu for the week. You must call the center no later than Thursday at noon each week to register. We will have your groceries ready for you to pick up between 5:30 and 6:30 each Thursday.

Ravenna Summer Camp
Register Today!
Looking for some amazing adventures for your K-7th graders this summer? Look no further! Ravenna Parks and Rec has a long history of offering summer camps that included STEMM, Field Trips, free lunches and more! There are two 5 week sessions which break down to $100 a week/ $20 per day. Also included for the first twenty 2nd-3rd graders (fall of 2021) is a free four week safety around water program! To learn more or to register visit us at www.ravennaparksandrec.com

Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts
Senior Center will be open for breakfast Monday mornings 7am to Noon. We will be COVID compliant, so PLEASE call 330-889-2733, as reservations are highly recommended. Temperatures will be taken at the door and anyone reading a temp of 100 deg will be turned away. Call with questions/concerned 330-889-2733.

Drum Movement Class
The Portage County Senior Center has begun a new “Drum” movement class to foster simple movements and stretches, all the while having lots of fun to music. Senior friends currently join together on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 for a simple 25 minute session that can be done sitting or standing. As attendance increases, a potential Monday or other days will be added. For more information on this or other programming, they can be reached at 330-297-3456. They are located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna and are open to all Portage County seniors aged 60 and up.

Bike Blessing
May 1
Celebrate International female ride day with a bike blessing presented by Dragonflyers RC on May 1st at 11am at Yester-tech, 34460 Lakeshore Blvd. Eastlake. Join the fun.
Nelson Twp Clean Up
May 1 & 2
Spring clean up for Nelson Twp residents will be held from 9 am – 4 pm on May 1&2 at the Nelson Community Center. ID will be checked – this is for township residents only. Because of new county level regulations tires WILL NOT be accepted.

SUPER JOY: Learning To Celebrate Everyday Life
May 3
At 10:00AM Monday, May 3rd Join the monthly Book Review & Discussion at the Garrettsville YMCA, 8233 Park Avenue. The book’s Author, Psychiatrist Paul Pearsall, PhD emphasizes the rewards of “Joyology”. Each chapter is followed with a short quiz intended to help recognize individual needs. A stimulating hour is shared exchanging impressions & opinions. Presented by Dr J Patella in cooperation with Garrettsville YMCA.Community members welcome: No fee. Membership & book not required. Questions: YMCA (330)469-2044. Updates in The Weekly Villager.

Monthly Book Group
May 18
The Portage County Senior Center will resume their monthly book group on Tuesday, May 18th at 10 a.m. This month they will discuss the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” and will distribute “The Five People you meet in Heaven” to read for June. For more information on this or other programming, they can be reached at 330-297-3456. The senior center serves all Portage County seniors aged 60 and up and is located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna.

Rummage & Bake Sale
May 21 & 22
Nelson United Methodist Church Rummage & Bake Sale will be held on May 21, 9a-5p and May 22, 9a-Noon
St. Rt. 305 on Nelson Circle.

Animal Out 1st Annual 5k/22k Virtual run or walk
May 31-July 4
Get the Animal Out 1st Annual 5k/22k Virtual run or walk will be held May 31st – July 4th 2021. Registration is open at concretefootprints.org/animal-out! All proceeds go towards gifting a canine companion to a veteran and we encourage you to participate with your dog! Register for $40 – includes t-shirt, finisher medal, runner’s bib and pet bandana. You can run or walk anywhere, do the 3.1 miles or step it up and complete all 13.67 miles to remember the 22-a-day Veterans. Remember you have 34 days, at your own pace!

Hiram’s 4th of July Festivities
July 2
The Hiram Firefighters Association will be hosting Hiram’s annual 4th of July festivities on Friday, July 2nd. There will be a Bike Rodeo, Parade, and Fireworks. Times and location will be posted on a later date.The association is looking for donations to fund this event. Please contact the Firefighters association for more information. Hiramchief2@gmail.com or 330-569-9826


Anton Albert Photography