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Windham Township News


Windham Twp. – Windham Township’s year is off to a good start.  The road crew is doing a fantastic job keeping the roads cleaned. The crew will install a culvert on Horn Road as soon as they can. The road supervisor, Brian Miller said they are keeping a close eye on the grit salt mixture to see that it lasts.

The cemetery has been quiet as there have only been a few burials this month. Several people who bought cemetery plots had turned them back in and the sexton has resold them. Speaking of the sexton, the trustees voted to raise her salary from $320/month to $375. Two trustees voted yes, one abstained due to conflict of interest.

Mr. Bill Isler from Islerscaping presented his annual contract for maintaining the township greens and trees. After a few questions, the trustees thanked him for his years of service and dedication to the township, then approved the landscaping contract. 

In zoning, Joe Pinti reported that zero permits were written for the month of January. He said, a property on Bryant Road has been notified of violations of zoning code and what they need to do about issue. If they choose to not respond to it and correct the issues, he will have no choice but to turn it over to the prosecutor for further action. 

A resident asked about a culvert placement for new construction and Pinti advised him on the issue. Another issue rose on a simultaneous construction project of a house and accessory building on the same property. They were afraid if the accessory building was completed first, the family might try to reside in it while they finished the construction of the house. A letter was sent to owners on the issue. The owner stated he had no plans to do that. Pinti reported, that he would be using some of regional planning allotted hours. He also reported that a property owner who has a business at his house wants to expand it by adding on to the current building. There are issues there and he will need help from regional planning to define the zoning for the area. Its currently listed as light manufacturing.

Fire district is still waiting on the return of their ambulance. Once it is received, it will need to have the communication system installed. Rich Gano stated they will have the communications system professionally installed.

Gano contacted EPA on how things were moving with the Alloy property. He was told, it was close to being transferred to township. He also, said there is no water available on the property and never will be, due to the high lead content on the land. The septic might not be usable either. The township has options but will wait until the property is in their hands before deciding how to proceed.

The township approved $858,840.21 appropriations for 2021. They also approved the January minutes and expenditures. The trustees voted to give their employees a $500 per year increase allowance for health insurance for 2021.They also voted to follow the county’s protocol on sick days and sick hour carry overs. Gano is working on the web site and its coming along. The trustees approved the $3730 NOPEC Grant they received. A computer for the sexton would be helpful, so they approved up to $500 for a laptop for the sexton. They will store all information they have on the computers on a thumb drive in the secure area in the town hall.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography