Home Portage County 2021 Wild Hikes Challenge: Celebrating 30 years as Portage Park District

2021 Wild Hikes Challenge: Celebrating 30 years as Portage Park District


The Portage Park District is pleased to present the Wild Hikes Challenge, a program designed to encourage healthy recreation in our parks and trails while showcasing Portage County’s rich natural heritage that we are working to conserve. In 2021, we challenge you to complete either 30 hikes or 30 miles in our parks to celebrate our 30th anniversary as a park district. Not up for 30? Hikers may also turn in eight hikes as a completed challenge using the same form. Completed challenges earn a 2021 medallion, first-year hikers will also earn a hiking staff. Forms and submission information are available on-line at https://www.portagecounty-oh.gov/portage-county-park-district/things-do/pages/wild-hikes-challenge.

30 for 30 Wild Hikes Instructions: 

Trails and maps can be at the Portage Parks website, each park page has trail names, maps, and mileage totals. There are a total of 34.96 miles of trail within our park system. Hikers can complete the same hike multiple times if they choose, and hike any length they are comfortable with for each hike.

Suggested donations to help cover program costs are $5/medallion and $10/hiking staff. Our Foundation makes it possible to provide the hiking staffs and annual medallions. Hiking staffs are hand-hewn by Hiram Farm workers in Hiram Township and by Portage Park District volunteers.


Anton Albert Photography