Home Garrettsville People Tree Holiday Program 2020.

People Tree Holiday Program 2020.


We know it seems early, but if you or your family need help this season, it is time let us know!

People Tree provides Christmas gifts for children 14 years old and younger, not being served by another group, who live in the JAG School system and the Windham School system. We also provide Holiday food for anyone who would like to sign up.

A participation form needs to be filled out and returned to us by November 18th, 2020 for your child and family to be served. Please message us at garrettsvillepeopletree@gmail.com to receive an emailed form or for one to be mailed to you. Families receiving gifts for children will also receive holiday food. Families with no children can sign up for food only. Like our Facebook page so you can continue to receive updates as we go along.

Staff Reporter