Home Portage County Windham Township Approves Tentative 2021 Budget

Windham Township Approves Tentative 2021 Budget


Windham Twp. – The most recent Windham Township Trustees meeting was held outdoors with social distancing practices in play. The trustees first approved the tentative 2021 budget. A discussion was held on the particulars of the budget. The trustees did a 3% increase across the board, with the exception of healthcare. The trustees believe there will be a significant increase in healthcare costs next year, so they went with a 7% increase.

The board moved on to the usual housekeeping, approving both measures.

The township employees have been busy with mowing roadsides, keeping up with the cemetery and doing some road patching. They also power washed the town hall, which looks so nice. Their supervisor Brian Miller said the township repaired the compressor on the mower. He suggested they crack seal Frazier and Shanks-Down roads. After some discussion, they are going to get some pricing on the crack sealing and chip and seal for those two roads. That led to a discussion on whether to apply for Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) grant monies, formerly known as Issue 2 monies for roads. Brian Miller said, they will only cover paving and not chip and seal. He also said, their match is usually pretty high and so far, he has not had any success with OPWC, but he will give it a try. This grant would be for the 2021 year.

Miller said there were some tree issues on Colton Road that they needed to address. They will call Lawrence Eckman and see if he can get to it and give them a price on the job.

In cemetery news, the rules will be strictly enforced starting September 1, 2020. Anyone having questions about those rules, can see them on the web site at www.windhamtownship.org

Trustee Rich Gano did more work at the cemetery; he now needs a rototiller to break up the grounds and get it ready for seed. Gano said, he would also need to order more pins for the cemetery as well. More discussion was held on pulling water away from certain areas. He will get a price on getting that done.
In zoning, Joe Pinti sent in his report, as he had a previous engagement. Pinti reported that he wrote two permits and two mylars. He also said that he sent out violation notices.

Fire district, billing is very slow at coming in. Gano reported that the digital sign is not allowing them to program it and will need to be looked at. He suggested that the five entities that went in together to get the sign could split the cost of the repair five ways. Gano will check with the other parties on the issue.
The township and the village used to supply recycle bins for the residents jointly to use, however due to misuse, trustees have removed the recycle bins permanently. At this time, there is no recycling being offered.

The township will try to schedule a fall clean-up day, it all depends on availability of dumpsters.

Lastly, the trustees would like to wish Mrs. Kathryn Brobst a Happy 101st Birthday!

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography