Home Garrettsville JA Garfield Board Adopts Re-opening Plan

JA Garfield Board Adopts Re-opening Plan


The JA Garfield Board of Education met on Monday evening to approve the reopening plan for the 2020-2021 school year.
Teams of staff members have worked together to create a reopening plan that will get students back in school with extensive safety measures in place. The reopening plan implements best practices which were recommended by experts including, but not limited to, the American Academy of Pediatrics, Ohio Department of Health and the Portage County Health District and the National Education Association.

Based on the conditions today, families will be given the option of having their students return to school for in person learning or to select on-line learning for the first semester of the school year. Parents need to make their selection before August 10th.

The health and safety of students, staff, and volunteers is paramount. All students and staff entering the buildings will have their temperature taken, and students riding the bus will be screened before boarding. Anyone with a temperature of 100?F or higher or exhibiting any covid symptoms will not be permitted to board the bus or enter the building.

When on campus, all students, staff and visitors will be required to wear masks at all times. Acceptable masks include disposable masks, cloth masks or gaiters. Bandanas will not be permitted. Face shields which wrap around the face and provide coverage below the chin may be an acceptable alternative.

Social distancing measures will be in place to assist in minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Entry and exit points will have doors propped open during arrival and dismissal to avoid any contact with door handles. Multiple points of entry have been designated to eliminate large crowds entering or exiting through a single set of doors. Adults will be assigned to all open doors as a safety precautions. Doors will be locked during all other times. One way traffic patterns have been created in hallways and stairwells. Maximum social distancing has been designated in each classroom, guaranteeing a minimum of three feet distance between students.

For those families selecting to utilize the online option, it is important to note that online learning this year will look extremely different than it did last year. This fall online learning will be curriculum recommended and selected by Garfield teachers. Technology will be provided to families by Garfield Schools and families can expect contact and support from a JAG teacher at least weekly.

To accommodate for the changes to this school year a new 2020-21 calendar has been adopted. The delayed start will allow staff the appropriate training needed to safely reopen schools and prepare for a successful online experience for those choosing that format.
A “Soft Open” is planned for the first two days for students in grades 1-12. On Tuesday, September 8th only students assigned to Group A will attend school. On Wednesday, September 9th only students assigned to Group B will attend school. Parents will be notified of which group their family has been placed in the coming weeks. These days will be used as an orientation and acclimation for students to be introduced to all new procedures. The revised school calendar will be available at jagschools.org.

In the event that the Ohio Public Health Advisory System designates Portage County as Level 2 or 3 Public Emergency (Orange or Red) and if Recommended by the Portage County Health Department a hybrid model will be implemented by the district. In a hybrid model, students attending in person classes will be divided into two groups, A and B. Students will attend school face to face every other day. On days when students are at home they are working independently on work assigned by their teacher. Students will be grouped with family members for convenience.

It is important to remember that information and guidance are fluid and will cause any plan to change frequently. The Garfield schools will communicate any updates to this plan through our mass notification systems, social media, and at jagschools.org. The complete plan is available online.

Ted Lysiak