Home Portage County Ditching and Roadside Mowing are Keeping Township Workers Busy

Ditching and Roadside Mowing are Keeping Township Workers Busy


Windham Twp. – The Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently.

The meeting was called to order and the floor was opened up to guests. One guest asked, about water run-off on Bryant Road, mainly ditch drainage and the storm water fees Portage County charges as required by law. Trustee Brian Miller explained that the township receives nothing from those fees and he was told they are used for educational purposes. He said he’d take another look at the water run-off issue on the road.

In roads, Miller reported that they have been doing various ditching projects on Bryant, Wadsworth, Colton and Horn Roads. They also have done roadside mowing and lots of cemetery work as weather allows. They have a lot of patching to do and are working on getting that going soon. Miller said one of the workers was nearly hit last week and asked about more flashing warning signs or something to protect the workers. Trustees agreed that they could do that. Rich Gano will look and see what options are available and purchase more warning signs. 

 In cemetery news, Gano reported that all the footers have been poured and he has been doing on some leveling work at the cemetery. Gano said he worked on the drainage and marked off a few graves. He suggested that they hire someone to lay some tile and do some drainage work to alleviate the standing water at the one section. There was a dip on the center road in the cemetery that will need to be fixed as well. Mr. Gano will get estimates on paving the south driveway of the cemetery, as it has deteriorated. A discussion was held about the deterioration of the pillar tops that line the cemetery driveways. Gano will see what can be done. The trustees are hoping the top concrete can be removed and a new top put on all of them.

In zoning, Joe Pinti reported  that he had written two mylars and one permit for the month of May. Pinti said  the prosecutor has sent out zoning violation notices. He also reported that the house next to the trailer park has been torn down and as soon as the property is seeded, he will sign off on it. The zoning variance hearing for Stanley Road had been on hold because of the pandemic and will be scheduled for a public hearing; notices will go out prior to the hearing.

The fire district report was given by Rich Gano. He reported, that shifts are being filled. The board approved a chassis swap on the one ambulance. Estimated date for the chassis swap is November. Gano thinks it might be earlier, as they already have the box and don’t have to wait for it to be made. Gano is looking for grants and hopes to find one to help with the cost of a power cot.

In new business, trustee Danny Burns brought up quality internet services, or lack thereof. Miller said they have tried to get a good company for years but so far, they just aren’t interested. He suggested, that everyone keep complaining to the PUCO.  Maybe if enough complaints are filed it would force the local company to upgrade their system which would improve services.

Lastly, a guest arrived needing the trustees to approve a lot split. Two neighbors wanting to  purchase and split the lot between them to keep someone from building on it.  After looking at it, all he needed was the zoning inspector to sign off on it, so a mylar can be created. Pinti said it was all in order and signed off on it.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography