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Mantua Village News


Mantua – At their last Council meeting, which was live-streamed due to Covid-19, Village Council voted unanimously to cancel the Soap Box Derby, Art on the Hill, and the Headwaters Adventure Race special events. The Village Park lodge, pavilion, and playgrounds will remain closed until Governor DeWine mandates they may be safely opened to the public.

Next, Council discussed a water meter installation project. According to Village Administrator John Trew, use of the water meters, which are made in the USA, will provide more accurate readings and will save the Service Department roughly three days of labor spent in gathering manual meter readings during each billing cycle. In other news, Trew reported that in spite of closures due to the pandemic, the Service Department is working on a full list of projects. He noted the team had completed repairs to the Glenwood catch  basin, as well as cleaning, painting, and organizing the Village’s Service Garage. In related news, Village Engineer Rich Iafelice from CT Consultants noted that while State funding for the Reservoir project has been place on hold, plans are ‘shovel-ready” for when funds are released.

Lastly, the Village is seeking to fill positions including two Wastewater Treatment Plant operators and a Water/Wastewater mechanic. For detailed job descriptions, visit mantuavillage.com; contact Mayor Linda Clark at (330) 274-8776 with any questions. Those interested may submit a letter of interest, qualifications along with an employment application available on the Village website to Mayor Clark, 4650 High Street, PO Box 775, Mantua OH 44255 or via email to mantuamayor@sbcglobal.net. 

In addition, the Village is also seeking a few village residents to fill open seats on committees. There is one open seat on the Cemetery Committee, one open seat on the Records Retention Committee, and three open seats on the Historic Landmark Committee. It’s noted that applicants for the Historic Landmark Committee need not be residents of the Village. Potential members should have knowledge of and interest in architectural and historic preservation and design, as well as a desire to work for the aesthetic improvement of the Village. It’s noted that at least two members of the Commission shall have a background in the fields of archaeology, architecture, architectural history, history, planning or a related discipline to the extent they are available in the community and willing to serve; and at least one member shall be a Village property owner. Questions or letters of interest should be directed to Mayor Clark. Lastly, the Village of Mantua Police Department is seeking part-time dispatchers. Visit mantuavillage.com for details. 

Mantua Village Council will be holding a Public Hearing prior to the June Council meeting. The hearing will cover the 2021 Tax Budget, and will be held on June 16th at 6:15 pm. The regular monthly Council meeting will immediately follow. Please visit mantuavillage.com for details on how to view a live-stream video of the proceedings.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography