Home Hiram Hiram Township Trustee News

Hiram Township Trustee News


Hiram Twp. – At a recent meeting, Fiscal Officer Diane Rodhe reported that she had met with Ohio Health Benefits to finalize the change from Anthem to United Health Care, which became effective on March 1st of this year. Next, the Hiram Fire Association notified township trustees that the HFA will be pleased to accept the 2020 NOPEC Event Sponsorship Grant of $1,000. The funds will be used for fire safety/education purposes.
In old business, it was reported that Hal Stamm was working to get building plans approved by the county. He requested a letter from the Hiram Fire Department verifying the height of the planned garage doors on the township’s new structure. In Resolution 2020-18, Trustee Jack Groselle moved to approve $1,900bfor Hal Stamm to ensure the HVAC drawings for the new building have an engineering stamp.

In other legislation, Trustee Groselle moved (Resolution 2020-19) to approve a policy stating per the Ohio Revised Code Section 121.22, Hiram Township Open Meeting schedules will be posted on the Hiram Website. It was further specified that notices of special meetings will be published in The Weekly Villager or the Record Courier; in the event of an emergency with no opportunity to publish in advance, a notice will be posted on the door of the Township Hall with the date, time, location, and purpose of the meeting.

Moving ahead, resident Linda Fitt from Village Gate requested that a ‘No Engine Brake’ sign be installed near the approach of intersection of State Route 82 and State Route 700. In Resolution 2020-20, Trustee Groselle moved to approve the resident request and submit our resolution, minutes, and a map of the approach to to the attention of Michael Cravera at dot.ohio.gov for consideration.

In his report, Zoning Inspector Rich Gano reported the purchase of two permits — one for a new home on Mumford Road and another for a new fence on State Route 305. Gano noted that Mr. Byler on Wheeler Rd is still waiting for notification on a hearing date from the court.

In his Road Report, Road Supervisor Tom Matota noted that Portage County Solid Waste will not accept used tires this year. He noted that consequntly, we will not allow tires to be dropped off at the township garage either.

In legislation, trustees approved Resolution 2020-21 authorizing Matota to submit a bid for 400 tons of road salt through the Ohio Department Of Transportation.

The next regularly scheduled Trustee meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 19th at 7 pm in the Township Hall.

Currently, the trustee meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in the Township Hall at 7 pm. Since it is customary to have less than ten people in attendance and social distancing can be managed, public meetings comply with the governor’s current guidelines. In the event that a larger group would like to attend, a change in venue may be required. If this happens, a notice will appear in The Weekly Villager or it will be posted at the Township Hall. The trustees will continue to monitor state mandates and use this website to notify Hiram residents of changes

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography