Home Portage County Portage Treasurer Announces Coronavirus Response Plan

Portage Treasurer Announces Coronavirus Response Plan


Ravenna – Portage County Treasurer Brad Cromes announced changes Tuesday to his office’s operations in response to the coronavirus outbreak.

Effective March 17th through at least March 27th, the Treasurer’s Office will not accept in-person tax payments, and will limit pay-ins for other County offices. “Health experts tell us that social distancing is the best way to slow the progress of this disease,” Cromes said. “We are asking residents to carefully consider whether or not they need to come in – and to take advantage of online and phone tools where possible.”

Additional changes the office is implementing include a temporary stay in foreclosure actions on occupied structures, and a pause in the setup of new delinquent payment plans. The Treasurer’s Office is limiting staffing during this period, and will encourage employees to work from home where possible. “It’s important for us to model good behavior and to put the safety of those we serve first,” Cromes said. “We believe these policy changes will allow us to do that, while continuing critical business operations.”

While these changes are initially set to expire on March 27th, Cromes suggested that they could extend through the duration of the national crisis. “We are in uncharted territory here, but we are prepared to weather this outbreak,” Cromes said. “We’ll be looking to state and local health officials for guidance, and will follow their advice.” 

For additional information about these operational changes, and for updates as they happen, residents should follow the Treasurer’s Facebook Page, www.facebook.com/PortageTreasurer, and website, www.co.portage.oh.us/treasurer-brad-cromes-cgfm.


Anton Albert Photography