Home Portage County Christian Womens Fellowship Celebrates 190 Years

Christian Womens Fellowship Celebrates 190 Years


The Christian Womens Fellowship of the First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of Ravenna, met on January 22, 2020 to begin the observance of the 190th Anniversary of the church which was formed in 1830.

A presentation of the history of the women’s work which began in 1854 was given by Dorothy Jones, Vonna Klamut and Mary Lou Vair.

The program began with a tribute to Margaret Brigham, a longtime member and supporter of the church, whose legacy has been responsible for the funding of many projects of the church, most recently the purchase of chairs for the new location of the church at 6251 Gladys Street in Ravenna.

Vonna reviewed the history of the many activities and fundraisers of the organization, including dinners, bazaars, rummage sales and merchandise sales which supported many mission projects – local, national and international.

Over the years, members participated in district, national and international conferences and retreats and details of the Quadrennial Assemblies of the CWF held at Purdue University were shared by Mary Lou Vair, who with other women of the church, were spiritually enriched by the presentations of the conference leaders.

While the membership of the CWF has dwindled over the years, the spirit of giving remains high and plans for the future are alive and well.


Anton Albert Photography