Home Ask The Librarian “A friend of mine died several years ago…”

“A friend of mine died several years ago…”


“A friend of mine died several years ago and I was trying to find the death certificate. I don’t want to have to pay for a copy; is there any way you can help me find the information?” The Newton Falls Public Library staff began the online search.
The USGenWeb Project [www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ohtrumbu/info/vital.htm] had information about how to request documents from the Warren City Health Department and Ohio Department of Health. Both these agencies charge for copies of death certificates.
We were able to do a Records Search at the Trumbull County Clerk of Courts’ site [http://clerk.co.trumbull.oh.us]. With the friend’s name inserted into General Index Search Criteria form, we were able to bring up the Coroner’s Summary of the death. Though it included a cause of death, there was not much additional information.
Through State Library of Ohio and OhioWebLibrary.org, we are now able to offer our patrons Ancestry Library Edition [www.ancestrylibrary.com] on the library’s computers. Even though this death was fairly recent, the staff decided to try to see if there was any information available at this website. We typed in his name and birth year and were very surprised to find information from the Social Security Death Index. Also attached to the name was a record for Ohio Deaths, 1908-1932, 1938-1944, and 1958-2007. This seems to contain the information which would appear on a death certificate. The information was given to our patron at no charge.

For answers to your questions, visit the Newton Falls Public Library, 204 S. Canal Street, Newton Falls or phone 330-872-1282. For information about all the free library programs or hours, also visit our website at www.newtonfalls.org.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography