Welcome to 2020! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday filled with family, friends, love and laughter. Entering into the new year, I wanted to take a moment to thank you, our readers, for making the choice to pick up The Villager each week, reading our articles on-line and sharing them on social media.

For over twelve years, I have had the privilege and responsibility of assembling a weekly account of our area’s local news and presenting it to you, free of charge thanks to the tremendous support of our advertisers!

Warren Buffett said in a 2017 interview, “If you want to know what’s going on in your town—whether the news is about the mayor or taxes or high school football—there is no substitute for a local newspaper that is doing its job.”

The Weekly Villager takes our role in the community seriously. As you can imagine, local news is fundamentally different from national news because it is about community spirit — plain and simple. Readers want to know what is going on where they live. Whether that news is about a new business opening, local government meetings, or our friends and neighbors; local media is an immortal form of media and for this reason continues to outlive many of the daily papers that spit out AP Wire stories — many written in an office thousands of miles away.

As we continue to adjust to the age of social media and instant information, our family-owned and operated publication will continue to focus on the local news and hometown issues that you have come to depend on – all written by local community residents!

So as you settle into 2020 and enjoy this, our first edition of the year, I ask that you take notice of the advertisers who support The Villager and make it a point to patronize their businesses ~ you may be surprised at what you find!

Michelle Zivoder

Michelle wears multiple hats as the co-owner of The Weekly Villager, Rt 14 Embroidery & More, and Villager Business Solutions. Beyond her entrepreneurial ventures, she actively contributes to community development as the secretary of the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce and a dedicated board member of the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard.

Michelle Zivoder
Michelle wears multiple hats as the co-owner of The Weekly Villager, Rt 14 Embroidery & More, and Villager Business Solutions. Beyond her entrepreneurial ventures, she actively contributes to community development as the secretary of the Garrettsville Area Chamber of Commerce and a dedicated board member of the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard.