Home Portage County Windham Township Trustee News

Windham Township Trustee News


Windham Twp. – Windham Township Trustees met for their regularly scheduled meeting recently. The regular fiscal officer was ill, but Casey Timmons-Blewitt stepped in a month early to her position and took over the fiscal officer’s duties.

 The trustees set the meeting day and time for 2020. They are going to meet at 6pm on the first Thursday of the month. They also set their pay and temporary appropriations for next year. The temporary appropriations are $757,000 for 2020.

 The road crew has been ditching on Wadsworth Road and cleaning up from storms. They have had one storm where they had to plow. Brian Miller reported that one truck was out for repairs/routine maintenance. The smaller one is in use and so far, having one truck available has been enough.

 In cemetery news, Rich Gano stated that he has contacted someone about drainage issues at cemetery, but he will not get to solve the issue until spring. Gano stated that they have had quite a few burials this month (November), but, all in all things there were good.

 In zoning, Joe Pinti reported that no, new permits were written for November. He turned in paper work for a variance on Stanley Road. Reported that he sent out a letter to a resident on Bryant Road about bringing his property up to code. Pinti is working with another resident on filing for a variance. Pinti also suggested that the township might want to come up with a new policy on how inspectors notify residents about violations. Currently, they knock on the door and do a face to face first. He is thinking that they might want to do letter first or phone calls. Times have changed and they don’t want inspectors to have to deal with dogs and or angry residents with access to weapons. No decision was made and the suggestion was taken under advisement.

 The township needs a zoning secretary to cover zoning meetings, file papers, do mailings and such. Gano recommended Marianne Shaffer who does it for Freedom and was willing to do Windham’s too. The trustees hired Shaffer at $20/ hour as an independent contractor. Her job is part-time and she will be used on an as needed basis.

Danny Burns reported that the electrical work being done will have to be completed in the spring.  He also noted that the generator did kick on during the power outage earlier in the month, keeping things nice and toasty at the town hall.

 In new business, Gano asked if the township would sponsor a train for the parade of lights for $500 dollars. They all voted yes, to do so. The trustees also voted to give employees a $50 gift card for Christmas.

 There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography