Home Freedom Freedom Historical Society News & Notes

Freedom Historical Society News & Notes


If you’re looking to buy local this holiday season, you can show off your Freedom pride with items from the Freedom Historical Society. We have shirts and a book that make great gifts for the holiday season.

 Sweatshirts are available for a donation of $20 and and T shirts for a donation of $12-$15. The T shirts come in a crew neck design for men and women or a V neck design for women. The sweatshirts and T shirts have “There’s No Place Like Freedom Twp” written on the back and they come in your choice of an one-room schoolhouse design or Freedom School design on the front. The designs are available in either a black or a white transfer. All shirts are available in a wide variety of colors. To order by phone, contact Judy Thornton at (330) 527-7669 or request an order form via e-mail at agarrettsun@yahoo.com

FTHS is selling copies of Deral White’s book on Freedom history. The book is a treasure trove of our township’s history with historic photos and drawings, information about historic buildings like the First Congregational Church of Freedom, pioneer tales, and vintage ads from The Cheese Nook, Paul’s Do-It Centers, and other businesses. The cost is $5 per book. Call Mrs. Thornton to order.

All proceeds will benefit our one-room schoolhouse renovation.

You can also order shirts and books at our annual holiday gathering at 7 p.m. Tuesday Dec. 10 at the Freedom Community Center, 8940 S.R. 700. We will be conducting society business and stuffing envelopes for our annual membership mailing drive. Everyone is invited to bring their favorite holiday treat to share. Cake, ice cream, and a punch bowl will be provided. A big thank you to FTHS members Barbara and Dan Grafton for supplying the cake and ice cream.


Anton Albert Photography