Home Portage County Rotary Tour of Homes in Mantua

Rotary Tour of Homes in Mantua


Mantua – Although fall is in full swing, several area homeowners have decided to deck their halls a little early to help support a treasured community tradition and support a worthwhile organization. The Rotary Club of Mantua’s Tour of Homes will take place the second and third weekends in November. 

“This is our major fundraiser of the year,” shared Rotary member Steve Zabor. “The money we raise during the Christmas Walk helps support our programs at Crestwood Schools as well as our efforts in the local community,” he added. Recent Rotary-supported programs include the new bike racks installed in front of local businesses as well as newly-installed interpretive signs in the Headwaters Trail.

Each year, tours take place ay several area homes, which have been decorated in full holiday splendor a few weeks early in order to help get folks into the holiday spirit. This year, four local homes will be open for tours — the Blachaniec home, the Hurd home, the MacLearie home, and the Wagner home. Each home has been lovingly festooned with a holiday theme including a farmhouse Christmas, antiques & Christmas, a little country house with a white picket fence, and a wonderland of Christmas trees. 

In addition, the Shalersville Historical Society and Museum, located near State Route 44 and State Route 303, will be open to visitors. The Mantua Historical Society and Museum at State Route 82 and Mantua Center Road will also be open during tour hours with a variety of holiday crafts for sale.

Tickets are $20 per person; on sale at Restoration 44 starting November 1st. Tickets will also be available one-half hour before tours begin at Mantua Station Drug. Tours take place November 8 – 10 and November 15 through 17. Addresses are provided at the time of ticket purchase. Self-driven tours take place Fridays from 4 – 8 pm, Saturdays from 10 am until 4 pm, and Sundays from 12:30 until 4 pm. According to Zabor, tours take place every other year, and garner between 300 – 400 visitors over the two weekends, so get your tickets soon. 

The Rotary Club of Mantua has served the local community and around the world through Rotary International for 70 years. Meetings are held on the second, third, and fourth Tuesdays of the month at Jake’s Eats in Mantua. For more information, contact Zabor at (330) 569-4936.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography